Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - Archive

About the author:

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, has held numerous university appointments. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Dr. Roberts can be reached at http://paulcraigroberts.org
“Trojan Horse” in Russia’s Central Bank: Will Putin Wake Up to the Threat of Russia’s Atlanticist Integrationists? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 24, 2022
Washington Is Driving the World to Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 23, 2022
“Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief a “Hostile Foreign Agent” Deliberately Sabotaging the Russian Economy?” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Mike Whitney, March 16, 2022
Ukraine: A Wider War Is in Prospect? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 03, 2022
The European Commission President Announces that the EU Is Joining the War Against Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 01, 2022
Baiting the Bear Is Becoming a Dangerous Game By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 21, 2022
NATO No Longer a Defensive Alliance Is a Tool of Aggression By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 21, 2022
Negotiations Have Got Russia Nowhere By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 18, 2022
Dangerous Crossroads: Washington Has Prepared an “Invasion Narrative”. “Biden Keeps Fanning the Flames of War” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 18, 2022
What to Do About Inflation By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 17, 2022
By All Measures, the US Has the World’s Most Incompetent Government and the Worst Media By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 16, 2022
Washington Has Been Predicting a Russian Invasion of Ukraine for Eight Years. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 15, 2022
Someone Needs to Tell the Kremlin that the “Ukraine Crisis” Is Over By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 11, 2022
Tyranny Ahead By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 09, 2022
How the Elite Gets Rid of Populists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2022
Freedom Convoy 2020: The Elite Gathers Its Forces for a Counterattack on the Truckers By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2022
Ukraine: It’s Over, Putin Has Won? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 03, 2022
Japanese Clinical Trial Concludes Ivermectin Is “Safe and Effective” Treatment of COVID By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 01, 2022
The Ruling Elites and the Governments They Control Have Shown Conclusively that They Are Against Us, the People By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 01, 2022
What Is Going On with COVID in Israel? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 01, 2022
We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny but the War on Freedom Is Not Over By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 28, 2022
Washington’s Rejection of Russia’s Security Proposal Is a Bad Decision By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 27, 2022
President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 26, 2022
The Insanity of the West Accelerates By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 24, 2022
The COVID Deception Is a Power Grab By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23, 2022
Countdown to Apocalypse: A Dark Future for Ukraine? By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, Dmitriy Kovalevich, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23, 2022
Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in Its Omnipotence? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 18, 2022
“No Dialogue Has Begun. Washington Could Not Care Less About Russia’s Security Concern.” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, January 18, 2022
U.S. Supreme Court Delivers Schizophrenic Ruling regarding Biden’s Vaccine Mandate By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 14, 2022
Insanity Rules in Washington. Victoria Nuland’s “Friendly Press Conference” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 14, 2022
By Refusing Security to Russia, Washington Has Opened the Door to War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 13, 2022
Russia Outflanked. The Crisis in Kazakhstan. The Destabilization of the Russian Federation? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 07, 2022
Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine. “All Vaccinations Must be Stopped” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05, 2022
New York Democrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s COVID Concentration Camps to the State of New York By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 27, 2021
Will Russia Learn In Time Before War Is Upon Us? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 23, 2021
The Omicron Delusion: Fauci and Biden Are Pathological Liars By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 23, 2021
The Kremlin’s Credibility Is At Stake By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 21, 2021
America’s Foreign Policy Dilemma. A Dangerous Situation. The Risk of World War III is Real By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 20, 2021
There Comes a Time When There Is No Alternative to Fighting for Your Life and Liberty By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 14, 2021
U.S. Charges against Assange. I Don’t Want to Hear Any More About the “Free World.” There Is None: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 13, 2021
More Evidence that the COVID Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 03, 2021
The Fake “COVID Pandemic” Was Orchestrated in Order to Impose Tyranny By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 23, 2021
If the COVID Vaccine Protects, How Are the Unvaccinated a Threat? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 19, 2021
Today Russia Is “More Free” Than the “Free World” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 17, 2021
Vaccinated People Are Dying of All Causes 6-1 Over Unvaccinated By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11, 2021
Excess Deaths from the “Vaccine” Point to a Depopulation Agenda By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2021
The Kids Are Dropping from the Murder Vaccine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2021
An Orchestrated Fake “COVID Pandemic” Was Used to Destroy Health, Civil Liberty and the Doctor-Patient Relationship By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 02, 2021
“The Killing of Gaddafi 10 Years Ago Has Resulted in the Death of the Nation of Libya and the Destruction of Its People” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 20, 2021
The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 19, 2021
The People Are Unaware of the War Being Conducted Against Them By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 12, 2021
The Vaccine Mandate Is a Hoax By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 11, 2021
Why Are Americans Being Coerced to Submit to Injection with a Dangerous Substance that Is Known Not to Protect Against COVID but to Cause Death and Serious Health Injuries? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 29, 2021
Scandinavian Governments Announce “COVID Is Over,” Israel Announces the Vaccine Doesn’t Protect By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 28, 2021
How Can You be Content with a Counterfactual Explanation of an Orchestrated “Pandemic”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 23, 2021
More Evidence that They Know the COVID Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 22, 2021
Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 20, 2021
Fake US Covid-19 Statistics: CDC Counts Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated Deaths By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 16, 2021
Murderous Medical Tyranny Rules America. “How to Inflate Covid Deaths so as to Scare People” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 14, 2021
The COVID Lie Grows Like Pinocchio’s Nose. Whistleblower Nurse Destroys “Delta” Narrative By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2021