Middle East Eye - Archive

Senators Urge US to Halt UN Probe into Alleged War Crimes During Gaza Bombing By Middle East Eye, March 30, 2022
Anti-apartheid Icon Archbishop Desmond Tutu Dies. Here Is What He Said About Israel-Palestine By Middle East Eye, December 27, 2021
Iran: UK Officials ‘Discussing’ How to Repay £400m Debt By Middle East Eye, December 13, 2021
UK Government Seeking New Powers to Remove Citizenship Without Notice By Middle East Eye, November 18, 2021
COP26 Summit: 15 Ways that the Middle East Is Under Threat By Middle East Eye, November 02, 2021
Calls for ‘Friday of Rage’ as Israel Bans Family Visits to Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Eye, September 10, 2021
US Senators Introduce Bill Aimed at Reigning in White House’s War Powers By Middle East Eye, July 21, 2021
Canadian Muslim Family Killed in ‘Premeditated’ Attack, Police Say By Middle East Eye, June 08, 2021
Israel-Gaza: Pilots Bombed Palestinian Buildings to ‘Vent Frustration’, Says Report By Middle East Eye, May 25, 2021
‘She Was Too Vocal’: Outrage Grows over AP Journalist Fired for Pro-Palestine Views By Middle East Eye, May 24, 2021
Suicide Cases Among Syrian Children Rising Sharply, Says Save the Children By Middle East Eye, April 30, 2021
Jordan’s Former Crown Prince Detained Amid Crackdown on Alleged Coup Plotters By Middle East Eye, April 05, 2021
New US Defense Agreement: Free Entry of US Forces into Jordan By Middle East Eye, March 22, 2021
COVID-19: Israel Donates Vaccines to Countries that Moved Embassies to Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, February 24, 2021
Biden Administration to Restore Aid to Palestinians, Fix ‘Atrophied’ Relations By Middle East Eye, January 27, 2021
Biden Administration Vows to Consult with Israel on ‘All’ Regional Issues By Middle East Eye, January 25, 2021
US Sanctions London-based Family of Assad’s Wife Under Caesar Act By Middle East Eye, December 23, 2020
ICC Drops Probe into Alleged UK War Crimes in Iraq Despite ‘Reasonable’ Evidence By Middle East Eye, December 11, 2020
Groups Critical of Israel to be Branded ‘Antisemitic’ Under Pompeo Plan: Report By Middle East Eye, November 16, 2020
Saudi Officials Must Testify in 9/11 Lawsuit, Says US Judge By Middle East Eye, September 14, 2020
Chief Defendant in Rafik Hariri Killing Convicted on All Counts by UN-backed Tribunal By Middle East Eye, August 19, 2020
US Fighter Jets in Near Miss against Iran Passenger Plane in Syrian Airspace By Middle East Eye, July 25, 2020
Palestinians Accuse Israel of Stealing 1500-year-old Christian Relic from Bethlehem By Middle East Eye, July 21, 2020
Israel Increases Secretive Nuclear Stockpile to 90 Warheads: Enough to Blow Up the Planet… By Middle East Eye, June 17, 2020
Israeli MP Presents Bills to Annex Jordan Valley, Impose Death Penalty on Palestinians By Middle East Eye, March 20, 2020
Netanyahu Drumming Up Opposition to ICC as World Leaders Descend on Israel By Middle East Eye, January 22, 2020
Iraq Protesters Attack US Embassy over Air Strikes By Middle East Eye, December 31, 2019
Israel’s Strike that Killed Nine Members of al-Sawarka Family. Mistakenly “Categorized as a Military Compound” By Middle East Eye, December 29, 2019
Bolivia Says It Plans to Renew Diplomatic Ties with Israel By Middle East Eye, November 29, 2019
Zionist Rewriting of History of Palestine by Israel’s Ministry of Defense By Middle East Eye, November 24, 2019
Saudi Coalition Air Strikes Kill Seven Children in Yemen By Middle East Eye, September 26, 2019
UK Licensed £6.3bn Worth of Arms to Saudi-led Forces in First Four Years of Yemen Conflict By Middle East Eye, August 22, 2019
Trump Vetoes Congress Bid to Block Saudi and UAE $8bn Arms Sales By Middle East Eye, July 25, 2019
Canadian Firm’s Lobbying Contract with Sudan Military Rulers May Face Police Probe By Middle East Eye, July 05, 2019
‘We Will Soon Pray There’: Israeli Minister Urges Jewish Settlers to Enter Al-Aqsa (The Temple Mount) By Middle East Eye, June 06, 2019
Rising Tensions, US Strike Group to the Gulf. Iran Once Again Passes IAEA Nuclear Inspections By Middle East Eye, June 02, 2019
Named: The People Killed in Gaza and Israel this Weekend By Middle East Eye, May 07, 2019
Trump Vetoes ‘Dangerous’ Resolution to End US Military Involvement in Yemen By Middle East Eye, April 17, 2019
Rights Groups Urge UN to Protect Palestinians on ‘Great March’ Protest Anniversary By Middle East Eye, March 28, 2019
Israel Says It Struck Iranian Military Targets in Syria By Middle East Eye, January 21, 2019
White House Asked for Options to Strike Iran After Baghdad Attack: Report By Middle East Eye, January 14, 2019
‘The Decision Is Taken’: Brazil to Move Its Embassy to Jerusalem, Says Bolsonaro By Middle East Eye, January 06, 2019
Qatar: We’re Quitting OPEC in 2019 By Middle East Eye, December 04, 2018
Washington Opposes UN Resolution on Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan By Middle East Eye, November 18, 2018
Canada’s Trudeau Condemns BDS in Apology to Jewish WWII Refugees By Middle East Eye, November 09, 2018
Netanyahu Hails New Brazilian President’s Plan to Move Embassy to Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, November 02, 2018
Trump ‘Not Welcome in Pittsburgh’ Until He Denounces White Nationalism By Middle East Eye, October 31, 2018
“Dismantling of Democracy in Israel”. Death Threats for B’Tselem, Racism Lawsuit for a Chief Rabbi By Middle East Eye, October 24, 2018
Israel Advances Bill Linking Cultural Funding with ‘Loyalty’ to State By Middle East Eye, October 23, 2018
Media Companies, Executives Quit Saudi Event Over Missing Journalist By Middle East Eye, October 14, 2018
Netanyahu Wants to Abolish the UNRWA: Jerusalem Municipality to Remove UN Agency for Palestinians From City By Middle East Eye, October 06, 2018
Free Quebec! Saudi Foreign Minister Launches Sarcastic Attack on Canada By Middle East Eye, September 30, 2018
Gunmen Attack Army Parade in Iran Leaving Dozens Dead By Middle East Eye, September 22, 2018
Trump Administration Outraged at John Kerry for Talking to Iran By Middle East Eye, September 15, 2018
Trump Cuts $25m in Aid for Palestinians in East Jerusalem Hospitals By Middle East Eye, September 09, 2018
EU Vows to Keep Backing UNRWA After Trump Scraps US Financial Aid for Palestine Refugees By Middle East Eye, September 03, 2018
US Cuts All Funding for UN Agency That Helps Palestinian Refugees By Middle East Eye, September 01, 2018
UN Condemns Likely Saudi and UAE ‘War Crimes’ in Yemen By Middle East Eye, August 29, 2018
Iran Asks UN Court to Lift US Sanctions ‘Besieging’ Its Economy By Middle East Eye, August 28, 2018
Saudi-led Strikes Kill Dozens of Yemeni Children, Trapped by Hodeidah Fighting By Middle East Eye, August 24, 2018