Megan Sherman - Archive

Appraising Wikileaks Through the Prism of Theory By Megan Sherman, October 06, 2023
The Subversion of Democracies and “The Global Surveillance State”. Don’t Forget About Cambridge Analytica By Megan Sherman, September 26, 2023
Democracy Is a Fugitive. Julian Assange: “Resistance is Timely and Necessary” By Megan Sherman, September 21, 2023
Thoughts on the False Dichotomy Between “Western Liberalism” and “Fascism” By Megan Sherman, September 13, 2023
Are We Heading Into a Global Surveillance Superstate and Why? By Megan Sherman, August 17, 2023
Capitalism’s Failed Paradigm By Megan Sherman, July 18, 2023
“War is a Killing Machine”: The Shameless Sensationalising of Pain. Media and Ukraine By Megan Sherman, March 08, 2023
The Unholy Trinity of Britain’s Home Secretary Priti Patel: Hate, Lies and Games By Megan Sherman, September 28, 2022
Planet Royal: “The Royal family are the galvanising force of colonialism” By Megan Sherman, September 17, 2022
Mainstream Media Is a Tool of Hypnosis. The Revolution Will Not be Televised By Megan Sherman, August 20, 2021
Julian Assange: Secrets, Sedition and the State By Megan Sherman, July 29, 2021
Journalism in the Crosshairs: The Julian Assange Case By Michael Welch, Megan Sherman, Dr. Binoy Kampmark, John Shipton, Joe Lauria, John Kiriakou, John Pilger, and Stella Moris, July 05, 2021
The West should Embrace a Multipolar World Order By Megan Sherman, June 13, 2021
China: The “Genocide” Myth and the New Weapons of Mass Destruction By Megan Sherman, April 18, 2021
US institutions
War Policy and Banking By Megan Sherman, April 01, 2021
Bring Down the Bars and #ShutDownYarlsWood. Notorious U.K. Detention Centre By Megan Sherman, March 16, 2021
China: Confronted by a hostile US Geostrategic Agenda: A Charitable Appraisal of China By Megan Sherman, March 10, 2021
Wikileaks Is a Symbol of Liberty By Megan Sherman, February 17, 2021
UK Labour Party Leader Kier Starmer Loyal Ally of Deep State By Megan Sherman, February 12, 2021
“Leaking”: Digital Activism Is Today’s New Radicalism By Megan Sherman, January 18, 2021
On Capitalism and the Machine By Megan Sherman, December 22, 2020
Communism Is a Convenient Fifth Column for Justifying the Expansion of the National Security State By Megan Sherman, December 14, 2020
Julian Assange Is a Conscientious Objector. Time Will Vindicate Him. By Megan Sherman, December 14, 2020
“Corona Procurements”: Tory Corruption Is Eroding UK Democracy By Megan Sherman, December 13, 2020
The Skripal Affair: Remembering a UK False Flag By Megan Sherman, December 03, 2020
Facebook versus Citizens By Megan Sherman, November 30, 2020
Britain’s “Thought Police” of the Labour Right By Megan Sherman, November 28, 2020
Vindicating Jeremy Corbyn By Megan Sherman, November 27, 2020
Herbert Marcuse and the End of Utopia By Megan Sherman, November 18, 2020
In Praise of Herbert Marcuse. The Scientific Study of Capitalism By Megan Sherman, November 15, 2020
Fat Cats Private Club
American Power and World Order By Megan Sherman, November 15, 2020
Against “Capitalist Realism” and the “Neoliberal State” By Megan Sherman, November 10, 2020
5G’s Assault on Civil Rights: Let’s Not Forfeit Local Power being Trapped into Surveillance By Megan Sherman, November 04, 2020
All Power to the Imagination: Remembering John Lennon By Megan Sherman, October 21, 2020
How the Global Media Lost Its Way By Megan Sherman, October 20, 2020
The Show Trial of Julian Assange Is an Attack on the Right to Dissent By Megan Sherman, October 14, 2020
Brexit and the Sovereignty Delusion By Megan Sherman, May 18, 2020
Why Russiagate Needs a “Constructivist Analysis” By Megan Sherman, March 20, 2019
Julian Assange: Hard Power, Soft Power or Something in Between? Washington in Quito By Megan Sherman, March 05, 2019