Mark Taliano - Archive

Zionists Bomb Displaced Civilians Living in Tents in Designated Safe Areas By Mark Taliano, July 15, 2024
2+2=5: Despite All the Evidence of Genocide in Gaza, the Lie Remains the Truth By Mark Taliano, July 11, 2024
Western-Supported Zionist Genocide and the Pathology of Evil By Mark Taliano, July 08, 2024
This Is What Genocide Looks Like By Mark Taliano, July 06, 2024
Journalist Bisan Owda Trapped in Gaza: “It’s a Game of Death and Hunger” There Is No Place to Go. “Genocide by Design” By Mark Taliano, July 02, 2024
Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate”, False Flags, The Deaths of Children … and the Escalation of Warfare By Mark Taliano, July 01, 2024
When the Lie Becomes the “Truth” By Mark Taliano, June 17, 2024
Parallel Fascism and Western-Supported Zionist Genocide of Palestine and Palestinians By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2024
Empire of Lies Murders the Truth in Gaza and Beyond By Mark Taliano, May 31, 2024
COVID Crimes. When Will the Perpetrators be Prosecuted? By Mark Taliano, May 30, 2024
Behold the Real “Axis of Evil”. Option C of Israel’s “Secret Intelligence Memorandum.” By Mark Taliano, May 20, 2024
The mRNA Vaccine Jab: Genocidal Projects and Degrees of Complicity. “Disease X” is Looming By Mark Taliano, May 01, 2024
Invalid Covid Data Drives Catastrophic Public Policies Globally By Mark Taliano, April 12, 2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin Bursts the Bubble of Western “Perception Managers” By Mark Taliano, February 19, 2024
October 7 As Seen Through the Lens of the Military-Intelligence Complex By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2024
Washington’s Long War Against Us All By Mark Taliano, November 16, 2023
“Authoritative” Newspaper Touts Unnamed Report and Anonymous “Experts” to Propagate Big Lie of “Safe and Effective” COVID Injections By Mark Taliano, November 01, 2023
Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians by Way of Deception By Mark Taliano, October 20, 2023
Israel Tries to Brand Itself as a Peaceful, Democratic Oasis. Don’t Fall for It By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2023
Canada’s Morally Bankrupt, “Nazi-Supporting Politicians”. “Nazism Deeply Embedded in Ukraine Regime” By Mark Taliano, September 29, 2023
Video: Crimes Against Syria By Mark Taliano, September 17, 2023
Is It Time to Fire Your Doctor? CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from COVID Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined By Mark Taliano, September 07, 2023
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Campaign Is Mass Homicide By Mark Taliano, August 14, 2023
One in Thirty-five MRNA Booster Recipients Had Jab-Associated Myocardial Injury By Mark Taliano, July 27, 2023
Misinformed Westerners and the Demise of Ukraine: “The West Supports the Destruction of Ukraine and its People” By Mark Taliano, July 23, 2023
Video: “Crimes Against Syria” Produced by Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano, June 26, 2023
Graeme MacQueen: A Warrior for Peace. His Legacy will Live By Mark Taliano, May 01, 2023
Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now? By Mark Taliano and George Eliason, March 28, 2023
Western Duplicity and the War in Ukraine By Mark Taliano, March 06, 2023
Canadian Foreign Policy Is Utterly Barbaric By Mark Taliano, March 01, 2023
Video: “Fifth Generation Warfare” Ongoing Psychological Operation. Latypova and Wodarg By Alexandra Latypova, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and Mark Taliano, February 01, 2023
COVID-19 Pandemic Psychological Warfare By Mark Taliano and Hrvoje Morić, January 09, 2023
Documented Analysis of Unfolding Events in Syria. Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and Hrvoje Morić, January 02, 2023
On Western Support for Nazism By Mark Taliano, December 19, 2022
The West Seeks War, Not Peace By Mark Taliano, November 30, 2022
Video: COVID Jab Increases Risk of Dropping Dead: “84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.” By Mark Taliano, October 18, 2022
The Jabs, Are the Kids OK? By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2022
Engineered Fears: The Fake “Russian Threat”, The Fake “Terrorist Threat” By Mark Taliano, September 09, 2022
Censorship, Big Tech, and Psychological Warfare By Mark Taliano, August 27, 2022
Doctors Died After Fourth Covid-19 Booster Shot. Where Are the Autopsies? By Mark Taliano, July 26, 2022
COVID Antigen Test Results Are Scientifically Invalid. Confirmed by the Pharmaceutical “Intended Use” Advisory By Mark Taliano, July 19, 2022
ISIS/Al Qaeda in the Middle East and Ukraine’s “Neo-Nazis”: Two Sides of the Imperial Coin By Mark Taliano, March 07, 2022
Updates on the #FreedomConvoy2022 from Ottawa, February 14 and 15 By Mark Taliano, February 18, 2022
Witnessing Canada’s Freedom Convoy. “One of the Most Beautiful Things I Have Ever Seen”: Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano, February 04, 2022
Video: Freedom Convoy Interview with Jamie Lynn: “It’s a Manufactured Crisis” by Trudeau Government By Mark Taliano, January 27, 2022
Video: Freedom Convoy Interview with Truck Driver Marcus. By Mark Taliano, January 27, 2022
“Canada 1984” and the Nonsensical Covid Narrative By Mark Taliano, December 09, 2021
Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase at Vancouver City Hall. The Impacts of Artificial Spike Protein on Children’s Immunity By Dr. Daniel Nagase and Mark Taliano, November 16, 2021
Video: Covid-19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths: Dr. Elizabeth Eads By Elizabeth Eads, Greg Hunter, and Mark Taliano, November 12, 2021
Video: Nurse Refuses Injection. Compares Vaccine Passports to Yellow Star By Luba and Mark Taliano, October 19, 2021
COVID-19 Establishment Narrative Built on Foundation of Straw. PCR Test Results are Invalid By Mark Taliano, September 05, 2021
Farewell to Canada, “Not with a Bang but a Whimper” By Mark Taliano, August 30, 2021
Syria and COVID: Refuting the Lies with Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and John Shuck, June 09, 2021
Video: Syrian Presidential Elections, 2021 By Mark Taliano, June 07, 2021
False Perception Fabrication Inc. By Mark Taliano, April 15, 2021
Covid Tests Are Invalid. Politicians Are Lying. By Mark Taliano, April 05, 2021
Lawsuit against Trudeau Government: Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati and the Lies and Crimes of the COVID Operation By Rocco Galati and Mark Taliano, March 21, 2021
Permanent Warfare and the “War On Terror” By Mark Taliano, March 19, 2021
War Crimes and Fake News: Peering into Syria – with Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and Unusual Sources, March 17, 2021
Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes By Mark Taliano, February 16, 2021