Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Archive
About the author:
An award-winning author and geopolitical analyst, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is the author of The Globalization of NATO (Clarity Press) and a forthcoming book The War on Libya and the Re-Colonization of Africa. He has also contributed to several other books ranging from cultural critique to international relations. He is a Sociologist and Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), a contributor at the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF), Moscow, and a member of the Scientific Committee of Geopolitica, Italy.
Sanctions Were Going to Collapse: The US Was Forced to Negotiate with Iran Because of Changing Global Circumstances
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July 20, 2015
Gli USA costretti a negoziare con l’Iran dalla realtà globale
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July 19, 2015
Fighting the Russian and Chinese Community of Destiny: Did the US Try to Crash China’s Market Because BRICS Launched the New Development Bank?
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July 13, 2015
The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits in Ufa Mark the Start of a “Silk World Order”
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July 10, 2015
The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits in Ufa Mark the Start of a “Silk World Order”
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July 10, 2015
ИПАП – шематски план за уништење Србије под палицом НАТО
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July 03, 2015
Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order
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July 03, 2015
Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order
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July 03, 2015
Is a Nuclear Deal with Iran Being Stalled Because the West Can’t Pay Tehran’s Money Back?
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July 02, 2015
La ridícula naturaleza de la inteligencia saudí: Lo que dicen y no dicen los cables saudíes de Wikileaks
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July 02, 2015
Petrodollar Bribery, Smear Campaigns: The Wikileaks Saudi Cables
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June 30, 2015
Амерички „агенти хаоса“
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June 29, 2015
Doomsday Scenarios: Climate Change and World War III
Conversations with Guy McPherson and Mahdi Nazemroaya. Global Research News Hour Episode 110
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June 28, 2015
The Ridiculous Nature of Saudi Intelligence: What the Saudi Cables Released by WikiLeaks Say and Don’t Say
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June 23, 2015
Forecasting the Destruction to Come: An Eyewitness Account of Libya in 2011
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June 05, 2015
Forget Sports: Geopolitics is Behind the FIFA Scandal As the War Against Russia Enters a New Front
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June 05, 2015
ISIL está na Ucrânia: “Agentes do Caos” dos EUA soltos na Eurásia
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May 10, 2015
From Energy War to Currency War: America’s Attack on the Russian Ruble
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May 10, 2015
The Eurasian Triple Alliance: The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China
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May 10, 2015
L’ISIS è presente in Ucraina: “Agenti del Caos” degli USA sguinzagliati in Eurasia
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May 05, 2015
EEUU emplea agentes del caos contra Irán, Rusia y China
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May 04, 2015
The ISIL is in Ukraine: America’s “Agents of Chaos” Unleashed in Eurasia
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May 03, 2015
Haben Russland, China und der Iran in Moskau mit dem Aufbau einer Koalition gegen die NATO begonnen?
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May 01, 2015
¿Debutó en Moscú una coalición china-rusa-iraní contra la OTAN?
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May 01, 2015
Estreou em Moscou uma coalizão sino-russo-iraniana contra a OTAN?
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April 27, 2015
A Mosca nasce la coalizione sino-russo-iraniana contro la NATO?
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April 26, 2015
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow?
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April 25, 2015
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow?
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April 25, 2015
Marching Towards Disaster: What’s Really Behind The US Push In The Asia-Pacific?
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April 18, 2015
Marching Towards Disaster: What’s Really Behind The US Push In The Asia-Pacific?
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April 18, 2015
‘Fin de la OTAN’: ¿Un Ejército de la UE para reducir la influencia de EE.UU. en Europa?
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April 16, 2015
Die Geopolitik hinter dem Krieg im Jemen – Teil II
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April 14, 2015
Die Geopolitik hinter dem Krieg im Jemen – Teil I
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April 14, 2015
Miti e Impero: capire la paura occidentale dei terroristi arabi e mussulmani
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April 13, 2015
Imaginario e imperio: Algunas claves para entender el temor occidental hacia los terroristas árabes y musulmanes
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April 13, 2015
The War on Yemen: Where Oil and Geopolitics Mix
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April 12, 2015
How Saudi Attempts to Manipulate the Houthis and the Muslim Brotherhood Backfired in Yemen
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April 11, 2015
¿Quieren EE.UU. y Arabia Saudí dividir Yemen?
La geopolítica tras la guerra en Yemen (II)
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April 10, 2015
Canadian Foreign Policy: Harper is playing a Double Game on Terror
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April 09, 2015
El comienzo de un nuevo frente contra Irán
La geopolítica tras la guerra en Yemen (I)
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April 08, 2015
Para compreender o medo que árabes e muçulmanos inspiram ao ‘ocidente’
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April 08, 2015
Imagery and Empire: Understanding the Western Fear of Arab and Muslim Terrorists
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April 06, 2015
Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam?
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April 04, 2015
Geopolítica da guerra dos EUA no Iêmen : Dividir o Iêmen?
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April 02, 2015
Acabar con la OTAN : ¿Un Ejército de la UE pensado para reducir la influencia estadounidense en Europa?
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April 02, 2015
الجغرافية السياسية وراء الحرب في اليمن: هل تريد كل من السعودية والولايات المتحدة تقسيم اليمن ؟
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March 31, 2015
The Geopolitics Behind the War in Yemen: Do the US and Saudi Arabia Want to Divide Yemen?
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March 31, 2015
Geopolítica da guerra dos EUA no Iêmen e Novo Front contra o Irã
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March 30, 2015
Far morire la NATO: l’Esercito Europeo è lo strumento per ridurre l’influenza USA in Europa?
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March 30, 2015
الجغرافية السياسية وراء الحرب في اليمن: بداية جبهة جديدة ضد إيران
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March 29, 2015
The Geopolitics Behind the War in Yemen: The Start of a New Front against Iran
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March 29, 2015
O Exército Comum Europeu reduzirá a influência dos EUA na Europa? É o fim da OTAN?
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March 18, 2015
The Demonization of Arabs, Muslims: The Harper Government Spreads Hate in Canada While it Supports Terror Overseas
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March 18, 2015
Making NATO Defunct: EU Military Force intended to Reduce US Influence in Europe?
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March 16, 2015
Die NATO soll stillgelegt werden: ist die EU-Armee gedacht den Einfluss der USA in Europa verringern?
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March 15, 2015
¿Estamos cerca de un Espacio Económico Común? Berlín y París miran hacia el Este
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March 13, 2015
From Far Away: Syria central to the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students in Ecuador
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March 06, 2015
Netanyahu’s Speech to the US Congress Really Helps Obama against Iran
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March 04, 2015
Berlin and Paris look East: How Close are we to a Common Economic Space?
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March 04, 2015