Julien Teil - Archive
Justifying a “Humanitarian War” against Syria? The Sinister Role of the NGOs
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January 13, 2016
VIDEO: The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa
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January 12, 2012
VIDEO: NGOs and the War on Libya
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November 28, 2011
VIDEO: Libya: The Humanitarian War. There is no Evidence
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October 15, 2011
La conquista statunitense dell’Africa: Il ruolo di Francia e Israele
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October 09, 2011
Washington está conquistando África utilizando a Francia
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October 06, 2011
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel
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October 06, 2011
VIDEO: Libya, Syria… Algeria? “Humanitarian” Wars, Colonialism and Africom
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September 15, 2011