Jonathan Cook - Archive

Israeli City Revives Historic Mission to Keep out Arabs By Jonathan Cook, April 28, 2015
Europe’s Feeble Efforts to ‘punish’ Israel By Jonathan Cook, April 25, 2015
“Professors for Israel” try to Shut down Leading Medical Journal The Lancet By Jonathan Cook, April 25, 2015
Even an Israeli Settlement Boycott is Too Little, Too Late By Jonathan Cook, April 22, 2015
Israel’s New Asian Allies Deepening Ties between Tel Aviv and Beijing By Jonathan Cook, April 18, 2015
“Lawfare”, Israel’s Continuation of War by Other Means By Jonathan Cook, April 17, 2015
Obama-Netanyahu Row: A Diversion from the Real Issues By Jonathan Cook, April 08, 2015
Videos of Israeli Raids on Sleeping Children By Jonathan Cook, March 25, 2015
Israel and The Charade of Europe’s Annual ‘Threats’ By Jonathan Cook, March 21, 2015
Netanyahu: “A Danger to Israel”, say 200 Israeli Military and Security Veterans A group of Israeli generals have launched an attack on Netanyahu as he prepares to address the US Congress By Jonathan Cook, March 02, 2015
Netanyahu Goes Nuclear…Now Wait for the Fallout By Jonathan Cook, February 25, 2015
Israel’s New Asian Allies By Jonathan Cook, February 24, 2015
Israel’s Palestinian Parties Face Test of Unity By Jonathan Cook, February 15, 2015
Israel’s Insolence to Obama is Likely to Rebound on It By Jonathan Cook, February 09, 2015
Israel’s Insolence to Obama is Likely to Rebound on it By Jonathan Cook, February 04, 2015
Daggers Drawn, but Israel and Hizballah Likely Prefer Restraint By Jonathan Cook, January 30, 2015
Hollywood Propaganda: Why do Critics Love “American Sniper”? By Jonathan Cook, January 27, 2015
Palestine: Occupier’s Justice. “Heads and Tails You Lose” By Jonathan Cook, January 24, 2015
The Strategy Behind Israel’s Attack on Iran and Hizballah By Jonathan Cook, January 22, 2015
Syria, Danger of Escalation. To Strike or Not to Strike, Israel’s Electoral Calculus By Jonathan Cook, January 21, 2015
Netanyahu and Europe’s Far Right Find Common Ground By Jonathan Cook, January 19, 2015
Yes, the New Charlie Hebdo Cover is Offensive By Jonathan Cook, January 15, 2015
Is Abbas’ war crimes bid against Israel a big bluff? By Jonathan Cook, January 09, 2015
Queen Helped Stop Scottish ‘Ominous’ Independence Yes Vote By Jonathan Cook, December 17, 2014
Palestinian Statehood: US feels the Heat on Palestine Vote at UN By Jonathan Cook, December 16, 2014
Netanyahu’s Election Scapegoat: Israel’s Palestinian Minority By Jonathan Cook, December 06, 2014
Police Violence: Can Surveillance Cameras Help Free Us? By Jonathan Cook, November 28, 2014
Israel’s Model of Political Despair in Jerusalem By Jonathan Cook, November 26, 2014
Galilee Town Boils at Israeli Police ‘Execution’ By Jonathan Cook, November 15, 2014
The Transfer of Israeli Arabs By Jonathan Cook, November 13, 2014
Israel Moves to Outlaw Palestinian Political Parties in the Knesset By Jonathan Cook, November 05, 2014
Media Language that “Disappears the Palestinians” By Jonathan Cook, October 29, 2014
How Israel is Turning Gaza into a Super-Max Prison By Jonathan Cook, October 28, 2014
The Two-State Solution is Ultimately Doomed to Fail By Jonathan Cook, October 16, 2014
Palestinians Torn over Contact with Israelis By Jonathan Cook, October 13, 2014
Israel’s Occupation is More Complex than a Genocide By Jonathan Cook, October 08, 2014
Leading Guardian Columnist George Monbiot, the Left’s McCarthy By Jonathan Cook, October 07, 2014
Why is the Truth About Rwanda so Elusive? By Jonathan Cook, October 04, 2014
The Lesson Hollywood Cannot Teach Us By Jonathan Cook, September 27, 2014
Is There a Plan to Force Palestinians into Sinai? By Jonathan Cook, September 26, 2014
America Bombs Syria: Did Israel Help the U.S. by Downing Syrian Jet? By Jonathan Cook, September 23, 2014
Israeli Refuseniks: Occupation’s Dark Underbelly Exposed By Jonathan Cook, September 23, 2014
sex segregation
When “Men-Only Streets” Are Okay in London By Jonathan Cook, September 22, 2014
Syria’s “Moderate Rebels” Seek Support of Israel By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
Israel’s Gaza Probe Aims to Stymie War Crimes Trials By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
hamas militants
ISIS and Israel Allies Against a Palestinian State By Jonathan Cook, September 11, 2014
Israel’s Biggest Land Grab in the West Bank in Three Decades Shows Netanyahu Unbowed After Gaza By Jonathan Cook, September 08, 2014
CIA Emails Expose “Access Journalist” at Work – LA Times/Associated Press Reporter or Covert CIA Spokesperson? By Jonathan Cook, September 07, 2014
The Experts’ Verdict: Every Israeli Missile Strike is a War Crime By Jonathan Cook, August 01, 2014
Is Killing Civilians Part of Israel’s plan? By Jonathan Cook, July 30, 2014
Shooting and Crying Over Israel’s Lost Moral Army By Jonathan Cook, July 29, 2014
Media Coverup: US Played A Decisive “Behind the Scenes Role” in Israel’s Attack on Gaza By Jonathan Cook, July 24, 2014
They Aren’t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream By Jonathan Cook, July 22, 2014
Cultures of Hate: Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance By Jonathan Cook, July 09, 2014
Israel Can’t Force-feed Occupation to those who Hunger for Freedom By Jonathan Cook, June 24, 2014
Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation: “Unity” Engineered by Israel By Jonathan Cook, June 10, 2014
Israel’s Medieval Ban on Intermarriage By Jonathan Cook, June 04, 2014
Palestinian Christians Need a Political Pope too By Jonathan Cook, May 26, 2014
Distracted by the Israel-Palestine “Peace Process”: What Really Happened during the Talks By Jonathan Cook, April 07, 2014
Media Manipulation: Seymour Hersh Unearths More Lies on Syria By Jonathan Cook, April 06, 2014