Jonathan Cook - Archive
Olmert’s testimony reveals the real goal of the war in Lebanon
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March 13, 2007
Another small indignity at an Israeli checkpoint: Apartheid looks like this
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February 24, 2007
Israel seals itself off from the Palestinian “demographic threat”
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January 20, 2007
Israel’s purging of Palestinian Christians
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January 09, 2007
End of the strongmen: Do America and Israel want the Middle East engulfed by civil war?
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December 19, 2006
Palestinians are being denied the right to non-violent resistance
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November 30, 2006
Syria is a convenient Fall Guy for Gemayel’s death
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November 23, 2006
Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
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October 16, 2006
The struggle for Palestine’s soul
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October 06, 2006
Bad faith and the destruction of Palestine
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September 29, 2006
Israel’s ‘new anti-Semitism’
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September 23, 2006
How Human Rights Watch lost its way in Lebanon
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September 07, 2006
Israel’s deceptions as a way of life
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August 31, 2006
After Lebanon, Israel is looking for more wars
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August 20, 2006
Lebanese deaths, and Israeli war crimes, kept off the balance sheet
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August 16, 2006
One-sided UN Security Council resolution drafted “with close Israeli involvement”
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August 07, 2006
Israel, not Hizbullah, is putting civilians in danger on both sides of the border
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August 03, 2006
Why do they hate us? Listen to Qana (again)
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July 31, 2006
The lies Israel tells itself (and that we tell on its behalf)
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July 28, 2006
Five myths that sanction Israel’s war crimes
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July 25, 2006
Kidnapped by Israel
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July 20, 2006