John Pilger - Archive

About the author:

John Pilger is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker whose articles and documentaries have been published worldwide. For more information on John Pilger, visit his website at
Chile’s Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued By John Pilger, October 14, 2010
The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today. By John Pilger, August 08, 2010
Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted By John Pilger, August 06, 2010
Grotesque Global Financial System: Greece. Economic Theft on an Unprecedented Scale By John Pilger, May 20, 2010
Voting in Britain for war. Take your pick By John Pilger, May 07, 2010
Listen to the Heroes of Israel By John Pilger, February 26, 2010
Why the Oscars are a Con By John Pilger, February 10, 2010
The Kidnapping of Haiti By John Pilger, January 28, 2010
Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010 By John Pilger, December 31, 2009
Normalising the Crime of the Century By John Pilger, December 10, 2009
The Theft of West Papua’s mineral wealth. Let the Bird of Paradise go Free By John Pilger, November 17, 2009
Breaking The Australian Silence By John Pilger, November 08, 2009
The Lying Game: Drum-beating for War against Iran By John Pilger, October 01, 2009
Lockerbie: Megrahi was framed By John Pilger, September 05, 2009
Fake, Faith and Epic Crimes By John Pilger, April 02, 2009
The Politics Of Bollocks By John Pilger, February 07, 2009
Beware The Obama Hype By John Pilger, November 13, 2008
Threat to Democracy in Latin America By Harold Pinter, John Pilger, and Tony Benn, September 21, 2008
The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today By John Pilger, August 06, 2008
From triumph to torture By John Pilger, July 02, 2008
In The Great Tradition: Obama Is A Hawk By John Pilger, June 15, 2008
Latin America: the attack on democracy By John Pilger, April 24, 2008
Australia’s Hidden Empire By John Pilger, March 07, 2008
How Truth slips down the Memory Hole By John Pilger, July 29, 2007
Children of the Dust By John Pilger, May 25, 2007
Iran: the war ahead By John Pilger, April 17, 2007
Iran may be the greatest crisis of modern times By John Pilger, April 12, 2007
Iran: The War Begins By John Pilger, February 05, 2007
A Genocide is Engulfing the People of Gaza By John Pilger, January 24, 2007
The real threat we face is Blair By John Pilger, August 16, 2006
Empire, war and propaganda By John Pilger, July 28, 2006
The Salvador Option in Iraq By John Pilger, May 05, 2006
UK bill marks the end of true parliamentary democracy By John Pilger, April 17, 2006
The War Lovers By John Pilger, March 25, 2006
Iran: the Next War By John Pilger, February 09, 2006
The Rise Of America’s New Enemy By John Pilger, November 10, 2005
The Epic Crime that Dares Not Speak its Name By John Pilger, October 28, 2005
We need to be told By John Pilger, October 13, 2005
Sinister Events in a Cynical War By John Pilger, September 28, 2005
The Rise Of The Democratic Police State By John Pilger, August 26, 2005
From Iraq To The G8: The Polite Crushing Of Dissent And Truth By John Pilger, July 07, 2005
The G8 Summit: A Fraud and a Circus By John Pilger, June 24, 2005
Fear and Silence in Australia By John Pilger, February 07, 2005
Kosovo – the site of a genocide that never was By John Pilger, December 13, 2004