John Pilger - Archive

About the author:

John Pilger is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker whose articles and documentaries have been published worldwide. For more information on John Pilger, visit his website at
The Courage of Bradley Manning Will Inspire Others to Seize their Moment of Truth By John Pilger, August 07, 2013
Australia’s Election Campaign is Driven by a Barbarism that Dares Not Speak its Name By John Pilger, July 30, 2013
How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified and Silenced – And What to Do About It By John Pilger, July 25, 2013
Forcing Down the Bolivian President’s Plane was an Act of Piracy By John Pilger, July 04, 2013
Understanding the Latest NSA “Security Leaks” is Understanding the Rise of a New Fascism By John Pilger, June 20, 2013
There is a War on Ordinary People and Feminists are Needed at the Front By John Pilger, June 06, 2013
From Iraq a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals By John Pilger, May 27, 2013
Hold the Front Page! We Need Free Media, Not an Order of Mates By John Pilger, May 09, 2013
Australia’s Boom is Anything But for its Aboriginal People By John Pilger, April 29, 2013
Dance on Thatcher’s Grave, But Remember There Has Been a Coup in Britain By John Pilger, April 25, 2013
How Thatcher helped Pol Pot By John Pilger, April 11, 2013
The New Propaganda is Liberal. The New Slavery is Digital. By John Pilger, March 18, 2013
Who Was Hugo Chavez? By John Pilger, March 18, 2013
Lies, Smokescreens and the Shameful Smearing of Julian Assange By John Pilger, February 14, 2013
The Real Invasion of Africa is Not News, and a Licence to Lie is Hollywood’s Gift By John Pilger, January 30, 2013
Welcome to the Shammies, the Media Awards that Recognise Truly Unsung Talent By John Pilger, January 17, 2013
The Omissions of “Mainstream” Journalism: “History in the Un-Making” By John Pilger, December 05, 2012
Humanitarian Interventions: Reframing the War on Terror By John Pilger, November 27, 2012
As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC’s role requires more than sentiment By John Pilger, November 22, 2012
The political trial of a caring man and the end of justice in America By John Pilger, November 07, 2012
Australia’s Uranium Bonanza: Making the World a More Dangerous Place By John Pilger, October 24, 2012
Australia’s Julia Gillard is No Feminist Hero By John Pilger, October 16, 2012
The life and death of an Australian hero, whose skin was the wrong colour By John Pilger, October 03, 2012
Apartheid never died in South Africa. It inspired a world order upheld by force and illusion. By John Pilger, September 20, 2012
The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You By John Pilger, September 05, 2012
The Pursuit of Julian Assange is an Assault on Freedom and a Mockery of Journalism By John Pilger, August 23, 2012
How the Chosen Ones ended Australia’s Olympic Prowess and Revealed a Secret Past By John Pilger, August 08, 2012
Blair, War, Olympic Deals and a Glimpse of Another Britain By John Pilger, July 20, 2012
Rupert Murdoch may be a Convenient Demon, but the Media is a Junta By John Pilger, July 03, 2012
GRTV: The First Casualty? War, Truth & the Media Today By John Pilger, June 27, 2012
History is the Enemy as ‘Brilliant’ Psy-ops Become the News By John Pilger, June 21, 2012
The Leveson Inquiry into the British press – oh, what a lovely game By John Pilger, June 01, 2012
Nunca esqueça: a questão é Bradley Manning, não o casamento gay By John Pilger, June 01, 2012
Never Forget that Bradley Manning, Not Gay Marriage, is the Issue By John Pilger, May 17, 2012
Todos ustedes son sospechosos, ¿qué van a hacer al respecto? By John Pilger, May 06, 2012
THE GLOBAL SPY APPARATUS: You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going To Do About It? By John Pilger, April 26, 2012
East Timor: A Lesson in Why the Poorest Threaten the Powerful By John Pilger, April 05, 2012
Up, Up and Away: How Money Power Works Down Under By John Pilger, March 22, 2012
The Dirty War on WikiLeaks is Now Trial by Media in Sweden By John Pilger, March 12, 2012
It Is Time We Recognised the Blair Government’s Criminality By John Pilger, February 17, 2012
The Assange Case Means That We Are All Suspects Now By John Pilger, February 01, 2012
The World War on Democracy By John Pilger, January 19, 2012
India. The Plight of the Rural and Urban Poor: In a Land of Facades, Mark the first Signs of an Indian Spring By John Pilger, December 30, 2011
VIDEO: Iraq Withdrawal is Smokescreen: Confronting Obama’s Hypocrisy By John Pilger, December 19, 2011
In Mexico, a Universal Struggle Against Power and Forgetting By John Pilger, November 10, 2011
O “Filho de África” reclama as jóias da coroa de todo um continente By John Pilger, November 01, 2011
Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels By John Pilger, October 20, 2011
VIDEO: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya: Worthy Victims and Unworthy Victims By John Pilger, October 11, 2011
The ‘Getting’ of Assange and the Smearing of a Revolution By John Pilger, October 06, 2011
“War and Shopping” amidst a World in Crisis: The Extremism that Never Speaks its Name By John Pilger, September 21, 2011
Damn it or fear it, the forbidden truth is an insurrection in Britain By John Pilger, August 20, 2011
The Cuban Revolution Continues, Softly, as Times Change By John Pilger, August 04, 2011
Amid the Murdoch Scandal, The Acrid Smell of “Business as Usual” By John Pilger, July 21, 2011
The Strange Silencing of Liberal America By John Pilger, July 07, 2011
The Invasion of Australia: Official, At Last By John Pilger, July 03, 2011
Brainwashing the Corporate Way By John Pilger, June 24, 2011
Australia: America’s Puppet State By John Pilger, April 23, 2011
The CIA is behind the Rebellion: The Euro-American Attack on Libya has nothing to do with “Protecting Civilians” By John Pilger, April 08, 2011
Why Are Wars Not Being Reported Honestly? By John Pilger, December 10, 2010
Vietnam: The Last Battle By John Pilger, December 04, 2010