John Perry - Archive

When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court, Media Put Nicaragua in the Dock By John Perry, May 31, 2024
Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Gaza Genocide: Nicaragua Exposes It By John Perry, April 17, 2024
UN Human Rights Council Again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua By Alfred de Zayas and John Perry, April 04, 2024
The “Human Rights Industry” and Nicaragua By John Perry, February 23, 2024
El régimen de sanciones impuesto por el Reino Unido apunta a Nicaragua By Erik Mar and John Perry, July 12, 2023
The Political Theatre of the U.K. Sanctions Regime. Targeting Nicaragua By Erik Mar and John Perry, July 12, 2023
The United Nations Is Being Used by the U.S. in Its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua By John Perry, April 07, 2023
Nicaragua’s ‘Political Prisoners’ Would be Criminals by US Standards By John Perry, March 03, 2023
Monroe Doctrine 2.0: “Summit of Exclusion” Backfires on Biden. The People’s Summit for Democracy in Los Angeles By Jill Clark-Gollub and John Perry, June 18, 2022
How “Virtual Crime Scenes” Became a Propaganda Tool in Nicaragua, Ukraine and Syria By John Perry and Rick Sterling, May 27, 2022
Nicaragua: Chronicle of a Slandered Election By John Perry and Rick Sterling, December 18, 2021
Facebook Does the U.S. Government’s Censorship Work in Nicaraguan Elections By John Perry, November 07, 2021
Counting Deaths for Dollars: The Rise and Fall of Nicaragua’s ‘Human Rights’ Organizations By John Perry, August 27, 2019
Here’s Why the US Has No Right to Interfere in Nicaragua By John Perry, June 11, 2019