Dr. Jack Rasmus - Archive

Why Trump Won–And What’s Next By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 10, 2016
Behind The Presidential Debates, What They Reveal For 2017: More Military Adventures, Limits on Civil Liberties,…. By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 22, 2016
Trump, Clinton: “The Two Most Disliked Candidates in U.S. History”: The Second Presidential Debate, A Political “Telenovela” In Real Time By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 10, 2016
Clinton vs. Trump: The First Presidential Election Debate and Its Aftermath By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 02, 2016
Clinton and Trump “Neck to Neck”. The Ghosts Haunting Hillary: Her “War Hawk” Position, The TPP Trade Deal, The Hispanic Vote, The 1.2 Trillion “College Debt” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 26, 2016
Bernie Sanders’ OR Revolution–A Statement or a Question? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 27, 2016
Greek Debt Crisis One Year Later: A New Financial Imperialism Emerges By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 23, 2016
Italian Bank Crisis as Harbinger of Things to Come By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 02, 2016
Trump, Trade and US Working Class Discontent By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 23, 2016
Why Mainstream Economists Don’t Understand Financial Instability By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 10, 2016
Brexit as Working Class Rebellion against Neoliberalism and “Free Trade” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 26, 2016
Brexit Market Volatility? The Big Financial Blockbuster. Three Scenarios By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 22, 2016
Does Bernie Sanders Have a ‘Plan B’? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 06, 2016
The Global Economy and Europe’s Chronic Stagnation By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 05, 2016
Greek Debt Negotiations –Troika and IMF Outmaneuver Syriza Again By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 28, 2016
Is Trump At War with the Republican Party? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 08, 2016
Is the US Economy Heading for Recession? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 01, 2016
IMF and Troika Want Still “More Austerity” From Greece–The ‘Wikileaks’ Revelation By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 18, 2016
Neoliberal Economists Attack Bernie Sanders By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 01, 2016
Bill Clinton’s Dubious Economic Legacies By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 02, 2016
Billionaires Behind the 2016 Presidential Elections. “Money Behind Major Candidates”: Rubio, Cruz, Trump, Bush, Clinton By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 22, 2016
‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy’: Instability of Global Stock Markets By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 16, 2016
Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 06, 2016
The $10 Trillion US Tax Giveaway-$10 Trillion More Coming By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 02, 2016
Attacks on US Public Workers and Unions Intensify By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 30, 2016
China, The Locus of the Next Financial Crisis? Imploding Stock Markets, Slowing Real Economy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 18, 2016
China’s Stock Market Collapse, Prospects for the Broader Global Economy Conversations with Radhika Desai and Jack Rasmus. Global Research News Hour Episode 127 By Michael Welch and Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 17, 2016
China’s Financial Crisis Erupts Again–What’s Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 11, 2016
China’s Financial Crisis Erupts as US Pivots to South America By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 11, 2016
Neoliberalism Raises Its Ugly Head in South America: As Washington Targets Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 08, 2016
Project Censored: Latest Developments on Ukraine By Prof. Nolan Higdon, Peter Phillips, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Sara Flounders, and Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 02, 2014
A May Day 2014 Lament for American Labor By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 02, 2014
VIDEO: Historical Roots of the Economic Crisis By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 19, 2009
The Many Faces of Bank Nationalization By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 05, 2009
Obama’s Busted Bank Bailout By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 01, 2009
An Alternative Program for Economic Recovery By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 20, 2009