Dr. Jack Rasmus - Archive

The Presidential Debate That Wasn’t By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 03, 2024
Funds for Ukraine: More Slaughter Without Victory? Conversations with Jack Rasmus and Peter Koenig By Michael Welch, Peter Koenig, and Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 04, 2024
Ukraine War Funding and Failed Russian Sanctions. Is the US Empire Shooting Itself in the Foot? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 24, 2024
Ukraine War: Russia is Pressing Westward. Is a Bigger Russian Offensive Coming Soon? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 03, 2024
Inflation is Increasing in America. Latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) Report: The ‘Soft Landing’ Plane Is Still Circling. By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 15, 2024
Why US Government Statistics Are Like the Bible By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 04, 2024
Contagion: US Banking Woes, and the Rise of the Great Reset By Peter Koenig, Michael Welch, and Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 28, 2023
Banking Crisis 2023: Deep Origins and Future Directions By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 20, 2023
The G7 Summit and the Desperation Stage of Russian Sanctions By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 28, 2022
The Anatomy of Inflation By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 23, 2022
On US Imperialism’s Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 28, 2022
The Economic Consequences of the Ukraine War By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 27, 2022
Inflation: Why More on the Near Horizon By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 14, 2022
Unemployment, Inflation and Economic Chaos. Millions of American Workers Have Dropped Out of the Labor Force By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 25, 2021
Labor Rights: The Great Strike of 2021 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 12, 2021
Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole: Biden’s Reconciliation Bill. $3.5 Trillion Allocated to “Human Infrastructure and Climate Change” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 29, 2021
Gutting the Fiscal Stimulus By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 09, 2021
Labor Day 2021: Creeping Austerity Has Arrived By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 06, 2021
Afghanistan & the American Imperial Project By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 17, 2021
Billionaires Rejoice: COVID Economic Recession Year One: Who Gained, Who Lost By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 13, 2021
Biden’s $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Capitulation. Stripped Down to $579 Billion By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 25, 2021
Inflation Hype, Infrastructure ‘Smoke & Mirrors’ and Intro to Keynes’ Economics By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 16, 2021
Biden’s Phony Fiscal Policy: Cuts Corp Taxes & Infrastructure Spending By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 04, 2021
Inflation Myths and the US Economic Rebound 2021 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 13, 2021
The Growth of US GDP: Economic Recovery or Just Another Rebound? “If We are To Believe the Numbers” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 04, 2021
Wall street
Gamestop — And the Financial Game that Never Stops! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 01, 2021
Biden’s ‘American Rescue Plan’ and Its Opponents By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 18, 2021
US Unemployed Rising, Evictions, Mortgages Crisis Brewing, Small Business Collapsing: Economic Consequences of a 2nd ‘Mitigation’ Bill By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 13, 2021
U.S Economy Sliding, Double Dip Recession Looms: Congress Passes the $900 Billion Mitigation 2.0 Bill By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 22, 2020
Scary Scenarios: State Surveillance Expanding Exponentially Using Advanced Wireless Technologies By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 30, 2020
Behind the US Treasury vs. Federal Reserve ‘Rift’. Just What is the $455 Billion? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 25, 2020
US Political Crisis Just Entered More Dangerous Phase By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 20, 2020
How Could 70 Million Still Have Voted for Trump? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 08, 2020
The Day After: US 2020 Election and Political Predictions By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 05, 2020
US Elections 2020: Why the Record Vote Turnout May Not Matter By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 29, 2020
Barrett Confirmed by US Senate: Post-Election Chaos Now Inevitable By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 27, 2020
The 2020 Great Recession 2.0: The ‘On Again, Off Again’ U.S. Fiscal Stimulus Negotiations By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 21, 2020
Trump Scuttles a Fiscal Stimulus–Again! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 07, 2020
The 1st Presidential Debate: Worse Is Yet to Come By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 01, 2020
A Most Dire Warning. The 2020 November Elections. Chaos in America… By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 23, 2020
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s Death and Trump’s Emerging “Legal” Coup d’Etat. Unprecedented Political Crisis. By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 20, 2020
America’s Current Jobs ‘Great Depression’ By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 10, 2020
Trump Scuttles Economic Stimulus Negotiations. What Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 09, 2020
US GDP Collapses and Economic Rebound Fades By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 04, 2020
What Lies Ahead: Permanent Job Losses, Poverty in America, Financial and Political Instability By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 18, 2020
Deep Recession and Contraction of Global Economy: “Second Wave” Covid Economic Impact? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 10, 2020
Confronting Institutional Racism By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 03, 2020
Two Fictions of Mainstream Economics. 45 Million US Workers Unemployed By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 25, 2020
The Deepening US Health Care Affordability and Coverage Crisis By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 18, 2020
Low-Balling the Unemployed in the Era of the 2020 Great Recession By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 12, 2020
The Fed’s Historic Gamble: Pre-Bailing Out the Banking System By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 10, 2020
Initial Reflections on ‘Debt Jubilee’, Modern Money Theory (MMT) and the Limits of Monetary Policy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 07, 2020
The Myth of V-Shape US Economic Recovery By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 29, 2020
Understanding Great Recessions. The Dynamics of Epic Recession By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 13, 2020
Covid-19 and the Forgotten Working Class By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 02, 2020
On “Market Solutions” to the Covid-19 Crisis By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 01, 2020
A Reflection on Trump “The War President” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 29, 2020
US Senate’s Final Stimulus Bill – Why It Won’t be Enough By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 25, 2020
The 2020 Great Recession 2.0 –Or Worse! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 24, 2020
‘A Tale of Three Crises: Comparing 1929 with 2008 and 2020’ By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 20, 2020