Hans Stehling - Archive

Boris Johnson Government’s High Speed 2 (HS2) Rail Link Evaluation Fatally Flawed by Incompetent Ministers By Hans Stehling, August 23, 2019
British Rail: A Mass Transport System Is an Essential Public Service Not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme for Investors By Hans Stehling, August 16, 2019
Antisemitism: A Reminder and a Warning of the Appalling Crimes from Recent European History By Hans Stehling, August 11, 2019
Trump Has 150 Nuclear Bombs in Europe Giving the White House a Dangerous Stranglehold Over EU By Hans Stehling, July 17, 2019
Trump, Netanyahu, Pence and Bolton: The Four Horsemen of the Nuclear Apocalypse By Hans Stehling, July 16, 2019
“Overwhelming Will Mean Obliteration”, according to Trump: A World Gone Mad, A Demented Head of State, Total Destruction of Iran is Contemplated? By Hans Stehling, June 26, 2019
Israeli Submarines Suspected of Sabotaging Shipping in Gulf of Oman. In Case of Conflict with Iran, Oil Prices could Double Overnight By Hans Stehling, June 15, 2019
Grenfell Tower Deaths: A Gross Failure of UK Government and Justice By Hans Stehling, June 13, 2019
Toxic Air Leads to Premature Death in New York, Paris, London, Beijing, Berlin and Moscow By Hans Stehling, June 12, 2019
Boris Johnson as Interim Prime Minister Could be a Disaster for the UK and British Interests By Hans Stehling, June 06, 2019
Kushner-Trump Family Plan for an Enlarged Israel, Ridiculed as the ‘Confidence Trick of the Century’ By Hans Stehling, June 05, 2019
Trump, Netanyahu and Boris Johnson Would Cause Global Instability… War in the Middle East? By Hans Stehling, June 03, 2019
Military Madness: German Hi Tech Weapons for Israel By Hans Stehling, May 29, 2019
Netanyahu’s Acts of Provocation and Destruction Including Violence against Civilians Constitute Both a War Crime and Terrorism By Hans Stehling, May 17, 2019
Israel Driving Trump White House to Catastrophic War against Iran By Hans Stehling, May 15, 2019
Rockets Remind the World of the 12-Year Blockade of 1.8 Million Gazans By Hans Stehling, May 11, 2019
Government Now Implicitly Accepts Liability for 72 Deaths in Grenfell Tower, West London By Hans Stehling, May 09, 2019
The World Watches as Netanyahu First Annexes Jerusalem, then the Golan, Now the Occupied Territories By Hans Stehling, April 08, 2019
Why Israel Is Seen on Campus, in Both Europe and the US, as Treating the United Nations with Total Contempt By Hans Stehling, April 06, 2019
Priti Patel and Boris Johnson: The “Odd Couple” Unfit for Purpose in Any Post Brexit UK Government By Hans Stehling, March 22, 2019
Ms Patel as Interim Prime Minister with Boris as Chancellor and UK Foreign Policy by Trump & Netanyahu? OMG! By Hans Stehling, March 20, 2019
Israel: The 10-Point Paradigm for Right-Wing Extremists By Hans Stehling, March 16, 2019
The 2017 Grenfell Tower Conflagration in West London that killed 72 People: A Travesty of Justice as Grenfell Charges Unlikely for Yet Another Two Years! By Hans Stehling, March 08, 2019
Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Britain’s National Security By Hans Stehling, March 06, 2019
UK Government Collusion with Israel By Hans Stehling, March 02, 2019
Is Israel Just a European-Style Democracy but in the Middle East? By Hans Stehling, March 01, 2019
Why Have Israel and UK Rushed to Sign a Trade Deal Ahead of Brexit? By Hans Stehling, February 27, 2019
Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report By Hans Stehling, February 25, 2019
Pro-Israel CFI Lobby in Westminster and AIPAC in Washington, Endorsement of Israel as a Powerful Nuclear Weapons State By Hans Stehling, February 24, 2019
Fraught Times for Europe’s Jews Now Advised to Reconsider Their Unqualified Support for Israel By Hans Stehling, February 21, 2019
Eurovision 2019 Song Contest, to be Hosted by Israel: The Only “Democracy” Worldwide that Has Killed over Two Thousand Children By Hans Stehling, February 11, 2019
Where Is the One Million Tonnes of Toxic Tyre Dust and Particulates Discharged into the Environment Each Year in the US and Europe? By Hans Stehling, February 08, 2019
Who Is the Real Threat to World Peace: Nuclear Israel with Its 400 WMD or Non- Nuclear Iran? By Hans Stehling, January 31, 2019
Labour Government Would Rectify National Scandal of Tory Sale of Britain’s Railways, Power & Water Supplies By Hans Stehling, January 23, 2019
Netanyahu: Israeli Prime Minister with Portfolios for Defence, Foreign Affairs, Health, the UN and the US By Hans Stehling, November 21, 2018
Trump, Pence, Bolton and Kushner Won’t be Posted Overseas or Drafted into the Military: It’ll be Your Husband and Your Sons! By Hans Stehling, November 14, 2018
As We Honour the 15 Million Dead of 1914-1918, a Demented US President Flies into Paris with Plans to Attack Iran By Hans Stehling, November 12, 2018
US-Saudi-Israel Offensive Against Iran Damages World Peace, Global Trade and European Security By Hans Stehling, November 11, 2018
Did the Fledgling United Nations Have a Legitimate Mandate in 1947 to Partition Palestine? By Hans Stehling, November 04, 2018
Israeli Blockade of Gaza.The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State By Hans Stehling, October 29, 2018
Nikki Haley
Israel’s Plans for Nikki Haley to be the 46th President of the United States? By Hans Stehling, October 11, 2018
Israel: The Nuclear Hegemon That Poses a Potential Threat to Europe By Hans Stehling, September 30, 2018
Labour Ready for Government and a State Operated Mass Transport System for 21st Century Britain By Hans Stehling, September 27, 2018
Bankers, Bosses, Hedge Fund Managers and Directors Panic-Stricken in Anticipation of a Radical Labour Government in Britain By Hans Stehling, September 25, 2018
The Tories’ Racist Mantra: ‘All Jews/Israelis Are Superior and Good: All Arabs/Palestinians Are Inferior and Bad’ By Hans Stehling, September 20, 2018
political sanctions
The Two Most Dangerous Warmongers in Political Office Today By Hans Stehling, September 14, 2018
Bid to Starve 2 Million Palestinians into Submission as Trump Repays Zionist Backer Netanyahu for His Presidency By Hans Stehling, September 14, 2018
The Hysteria in the Conservative Press Indicates That There Will Now be a Labour Government in Britain By Hans Stehling, September 08, 2018
No Wonder Jeremy Corbyn Is Reluctant to be Gagged by the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) Lobby at Westminster By Hans Stehling, September 05, 2018
Democracy Denied: Big Money and Powerful Media Used in Attempt to De-legitimize British Labour Party By Hans Stehling, September 03, 2018
Labour Will Win the Next British Election and Jeremy Corbyn Will Become Prime Minister. Get Over It! By Hans Stehling, August 25, 2018
History: Palestine Was Always Arabic By Hans Stehling, August 17, 2018
London’s Grenfell Tower Deaths: Over a Year and Still No Prosecutions for Gross Criminal Negligence By Hans Stehling, August 14, 2018
1.8 Million Palestinian Israelis Made 2nd Class Citizens in Their Own Country By Hans Stehling, July 29, 2018
Six Facts That Differentiate Israel From All 194 UN Member States By Hans Stehling, July 23, 2018
Why Is Israel Not Being Held to the Same International Standards as All Other UN Member States? By Hans Stehling, July 15, 2018
As Trump Threatens End of NATO Alliance, UK Defence and Security at Risk Given Israeli Involvement? By Hans Stehling, July 12, 2018
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 13-year Premiership Now Under Threat By Hans Stehling, June 28, 2018
The Decline of Britain’s Military Now Relegated to a 2nd Tier Armed Force By Hans Stehling, June 27, 2018
Is the Government of the State of Israel Working to Strengthen the Jewish Diaspora or to Decimate it? By Hans Stehling, June 25, 2018