Global Research News - Archive

New Figures: Almost 1,500 US/UK Drone Strikes in Afghanistan Since 2009 By Global Research News, November 10, 2012
US-Iranian Tensions in the Persian Gulf: Iran Confirms Engagement with US Drone By Global Research News, November 10, 2012
Obama’s Second Term: “It’s not in America’s Interest to make an Enemy out of Russia or China” By Global Research News, November 09, 2012
Canadian Aid Money Supports Mining Companies in Developing Countries By Global Research News, November 09, 2012
2012 Election Model Post-Mortem: Election Fraud Still Exists By Global Research News, November 07, 2012
US Forces Accused of Stealing Jewish-Iraqi Archive and Passing it to Israel By Global Research News, November 07, 2012
Turkey Begins Nuremberg Trials against Israel By Global Research News, November 06, 2012
The Battleground States: True Vote Sensitivity Analysis. Obama Should Win “Unless Election is Stolen” By Global Research News, November 06, 2012
Israel’s Airstrike on Khartoum: Part of a Broader US-NATO-Israel Military Agenda By Global Research News, November 06, 2012
November 6 Final Forecast: The 2012 True Vote/ Election Fraud Model By Global Research News, November 06, 2012
Indepth Report: Election Fraud in America By Global Research News, November 05, 2012
A Norwegian Perspective on the EU Nobel Prize: “Insult to the Peoples of Europe and the Whole World” By Global Research News, November 05, 2012
Druze Arab boy being jailed for refusing to serve Israel’s Army By Global Research News, November 05, 2012
Turkey realizes it needs Iran and Russia as Friends? By Global Research News, November 05, 2012
Presidential True Vote. Systemic Election Fraud Forecast Model By Global Research News, November 04, 2012
Iranian Warships Dock in Sudan By Global Research News, November 04, 2012
Regarding War Criminal Tony Blair: Letter to Director of Public Prosecutions By Global Research News, November 04, 2012
Poll: Obama Moves into Slight Lead — 48% to 46% By Global Research News, November 03, 2012
The US Military will run the elections in New Jersey By Global Research News, November 03, 2012
Electronic Voting Theft: Why we fight to prevent stolen elections in 2012 and beyond By Global Research News, November 03, 2012
Who pocketed Gaddafi’s billions? By Global Research News, November 03, 2012
Middle East War Could Erupt Right After U.S. Presidential Election By Global Research News, October 31, 2012
Rising Water Levels: Alert at New Jersey Nuclear Plant By Global Research News and Washington's Blog, October 30, 2012
Celebrating Nuclear War: The 1946 “Atom Bomb Cake” By Global Research News, October 29, 2012
United Nations: Boycott International companies that benefit from Israeli settlements By Global Research News, October 29, 2012
New York Hospital sacrificed for an Israel-backed Science Facility By Global Research News, October 28, 2012
Israeli Airstrikes Kill 4, Injure 8 in Gaza By Global Research News, October 28, 2012
UN team to investigate civilian drone deaths By Global Research News, October 27, 2012
Covert War on Terror – the Data By Global Research News, October 27, 2012
Syria: US-NATO Sponsored Rebels break the Cease Fire By Global Research News, October 26, 2012
U.S. Supplying Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Syrian Rebels By Global Research News, October 25, 2012
America: Land of Shady Elections By Global Research News, October 25, 2012
Aid Money Must Not Support Australian Mining Interests in Africa By Global Research News, October 24, 2012
Israel about to attack Gaza? By Global Research News, October 24, 2012
Starving People, Targeting Them with Biological and Chemical Weapons By Global Research News, October 24, 2012
Demonizing North Korea By Global Research News, October 22, 2012
US Presidential Elections: Forecasting the Vote, Simulating the “Fraud Factor” By Global Research News, October 21, 2012
“Homegrown Terrorism” and Terrorism by Association By Global Research News, October 21, 2012
Flawed Monetary Policy: “QE Infinity” Won’t Work, What the Banks Are Really Afraid Of … By Global Research News, October 20, 2012
Chemtrails, “The Spraying of Poison over Sweden”: Politician Ignites Controversial Debate By Global Research News, October 20, 2012
Syria: Evidence of Foreign Countries’ Support to Terrorists, Letter to UN Security Council By Global Research News, October 19, 2012
The Global Research Website was Hacked By Global Research News, October 19, 2012
Bradley Manning: US Government ordered to turn over Additional 600 Emails to Bradley Manning’s Defense By Global Research News, October 19, 2012
Ancient Afghan City of Mes Aynak: Neoliberal Policies Threaten 5000 Years of Bronze-age History By Global Research News, October 17, 2012
EU Wages War on Free Expression By Global Research News and Stephen Lendman, October 17, 2012
Sino-Japanese Rift Part of Covert US Agenda: The Truth Behind Post-war History By Global Research News, October 17, 2012
Syrian Terrorists Involved in Illegal Human Organ Trade By Global Research News, October 16, 2012
Fukushima: Radiation level spiked in Hokkaido, “Still it’s on-going” By Global Research News, October 14, 2012
Drone attacks will lead to inevitable blowback in Pakistan By Global Research News, October 14, 2012
British Troops Join US Forces on the Jordan-Syria Border By Global Research News, October 14, 2012
America Close to War with Syria: Obama Deployed US Troops to Jordan “Without Notifying Congress”. By Global Research News, October 13, 2012
Turkey-Russia Confrontation over Syrian Plane Incident By Global Research News, October 13, 2012
Jimmy Carter: US Elections are Corrupt By Global Research News, October 13, 2012
Preparing for War? Presence of US soldiers in Jordan close to Syrian border described as “routine” By Global Research News, October 12, 2012
Provocation: Syria Plane Intercepted by Turkey: “Close to Disaster” By Global Research News, October 11, 2012
South Africa’s Ruling ANC Party: Where is the Left? By Global Research News, October 09, 2012
Nuclear Weapons. Who Needs “Red Lines”: Iran or Israel? By Global Research News, October 08, 2012
Free Syrian Army (FSA) Building Military Base for Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) By Global Research News, October 08, 2012
Hugo Chavez Frias Wins Venezuela Elections By Global Research News, October 08, 2012
Christians ’emptied from Middle East’: Western Supported Terrorists Involved in Ethnic Cleansing By Global Research News, October 06, 2012