Global Research News - Archive

Netanyahu’s False Narrative of Self-Defense and US Battalion Deployed to Ukraine By Global Research News, March 04, 2015
US Pilot Detained in Venezuela; Accused of Recruiting Citizens for Coup By Global Research News, March 02, 2015
Russian Opposition: Putin Did NOT Assassinate Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov By Global Research News, March 02, 2015
Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Spikes 7,000% as Contaminated Water Pours into the Ocean By Global Research News, March 01, 2015
Nuclear Radioactive Waste of Fukushima Reactor Flowing Directly in Ocean – Officials Kept Secret for the Past Year By Global Research News, March 01, 2015
War Propaganda: Human Rights Watch Accuses Syria of ‘Barrel Bomb’ Damage Created by US Attacks By Global Research News, March 01, 2015
Week in Review: Bush Family Ties to Terror Suspects and Britain’s Royal Air Force Supplying Weapons to Islamic State By Global Research News, February 27, 2015
Net Neutrality: “One Internet” for All, But an Open Door for Abuse of Authority? By Global Research News, February 27, 2015
War in Ukraine: Recent Developments in Donbass By Global Research News, February 27, 2015
Coup Plot in Venezuela, Fascism and Antisemitism By Global Research News, February 26, 2015
US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia’s Doorstep By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia’s Doorstep, Rolling Along the Estonia-Russia Border By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
No Weapons to Ukraine: An Open letter to the U.S Senate By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
Media Disinformation: Lethal Drones could be used as “Flying Bombs by Islamic State Terrorists” against EU Nuclear Power Stations o By Global Research News, February 25, 2015
Britain’s Royal Air Force Supplies Weapons to Islamic State Terrorists in Iraq By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Bar Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu from Entry to the United States By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Turkey’s Transgression into Syrian Territory in Support of Islamic State Terrorists. “Deep Connection between the Turkish government and ISIS” By Global Research News, February 24, 2015
Fukushima: New Leak of Highly Radioactive Material Detected — “Strontium-90 Levels Spike Alarmingly” By Global Research News, February 23, 2015
Greece Bends to Eurozone, Accepts a Preliminary Short-term Agreement By Global Research News, February 23, 2015
US Support of Violent Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation By Global Research News, February 18, 2015
Over 90% of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Campaign Contributions Are Coming from the US By Global Research News, February 16, 2015
Australia May Stop Providing Water and Power to Remote Aboriginal Communities By Global Research News, February 12, 2015
Will Wrongful Convictions Be a Catalyst for Change in Japanese Criminal Justice? By Global Research News, February 11, 2015
CDC Documents “Show Statistically Significant Risks” of Autism Associated with Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal: Vaccine Industry Watchdog By Global Research News, February 10, 2015
Prince Charles: British-Saudi Venality and Hypocrisy. Doing Business with Despots By Global Research News, February 09, 2015
“Cancer Epidemic” Underway in Fukushima. Culture of Denial By Global Research News, February 09, 2015
Breakdown of the World Order, Dangerous Crossroads, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Munich By Global Research News, February 08, 2015
Venezuela Land Struggles of Indigenous People: Sabino Romero’s Widow Testifies Amidst Threats By Global Research News, February 08, 2015
A Call for Truth and Justice in the African Great Lakes Region By Global Research News, February 07, 2015
Remembering World War II: Six Veterans of Stalingrad Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
Ottawa-Tel Aviv Bilateral Agreement: Canadian Government agrees to “Fight” the Boycott, Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement Directed against Israel By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
“I Was Accused of Throwing Stones”: Testimony of 13 Year Old Palestinian Boy By Global Research News, February 06, 2015
Canada: Harper Government Relies on Torture Evidence, Say Three Professional Organizations By Global Research News, February 05, 2015
The British Army is Creating a Battalion of “Facebook Warriors” By Global Research News, February 05, 2015
A Simple Letter from a Ukrainian Girl By Global Research News, February 04, 2015
Does Short-term Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Affect the Blood? By Global Research News, February 03, 2015
7,000 Trapped Ukrainian Soldiers in Debaltsevo. Kiev Could be Be Faced with Catastrophic Defeat By Global Research News, February 02, 2015
Jeff Halper, Noted Peace Activist, Touring Canada Jan 17 – Feb 13 By Global Research News, February 01, 2015
Israeli Forces destroy Palestine Water Infrastructure, 1,000 Meter Water Pipe donated to Yezra By Global Research News, January 31, 2015
Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioactivity from Nuclear Power Plant Accidents: Study By Global Research News, January 30, 2015
American Troops in Ukraine? You Bet! By Global Research News, January 29, 2015
Being An Antiwar Activist In Israel Is Dangerous By Global Research News, January 29, 2015
There’s A Plan Floating Around Davos To Spend $90 Trillion Redesigning All The Cities So They Don’t Need Cars By Global Research News, January 26, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Perform Mock Air Raids In Gaza Sky By Global Research News, January 26, 2015
test private By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
Divisions within the Kiev Regime. Will President Poroshenko Be Overthrown? By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
Ukraine Contemplates Declaring Martial Law and War on Russia By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
US a Dangerous Ally: Former Australia PM. “The US will eventually bring Australia into a Direct Conflict with China” By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
Netherlands Opposition Party Has Documents Proving Turkey Sent Arms to Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria By Global Research News, January 24, 2015
9/11 Truth: The Story of 9/11’s Fallen Third Tower. Theatre Production Playing in London By Global Research News, January 23, 2015
Ukraine’s Lower Class Military By Global Research News, January 21, 2015
Fukushima Workers Concerned About their Safety: “All Sorts of Troubles Going on in Plant, It’s Not Under Control” By Global Research News, January 20, 2015
Multiple Deaths at Fukushima Nuclear Plants – Tepco Warned About Soaring Number of Worker Injuries By Global Research News, January 20, 2015
Video Evidence: The Kosher Grocery Store and the Killing of Amedy Coulibaly By Global Research News, January 18, 2015
The Petition Delivered to “Save the Children” (STC): Revoke Tony’s Blair’s Global Legacy Award By Global Research News, January 16, 2015
Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) Found in Hospital Feeding Tube Liquid By Global Research News, January 16, 2015
Fukushima Released 13,000,000,000 Times More Neutrons than Initially Estimated By Global Research News, January 14, 2015
War Crimes: Complaint against Australia’s Former Prime Minister John Howard to the International Criminal Court By Global Research News, January 13, 2015
Haiti In-Depth Report: 5 Years After the Devastating Earthquake – Everything you Need to Know By Global Research News, January 12, 2015
Animal Rights: Torture of Mother Pigs at Walmart Factory Farms By Global Research News, January 10, 2015