Emanuel Pastreich - Archive

Serious Proposals for International Treaties for Arms Control, Disarmament, the Control of Emerging Technologies, and International Security By Emanuel Pastreich, July 15, 2024
Army Moves to Ban “Extremism”, Repeal the Truth By Emanuel Pastreich, July 12, 2024
The Dawn of a New Era of Meaningful and Rigorous Arms Control By Emanuel Pastreich, July 03, 2024
Is the Bio/Nano/IT Axis Planning Total War on Humanity While Telling Us, “Keep your eyes focused on Gaza?” By Emanuel Pastreich, June 24, 2024
The Shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico: A Day That Will Live in Infamy. Corruption and Criminality Surrounding the Pandemic Treaty By Emanuel Pastreich, May 18, 2024
Response to Harvard President Garber’s Orders That Protesting Students be Placed on “Involuntary Leave” By Emanuel Pastreich, May 07, 2024
On the Conflict Between Israel and Iran. The Threat of World War. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, April 16, 2024
Launch an International Investigation of the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge By Emanuel Pastreich, April 11, 2024
The Fraud Formally Known as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) By Emanuel Pastreich, March 31, 2024
Free Whistleblower Joshua Schulte. End Criminal Governance in the United States By Emanuel Pastreich, February 05, 2024
Joe Biden as a Weapon By Emanuel Pastreich, February 02, 2024
Letter from Americans Requesting the Termination of the Secretive Japan-US Joint Committee By Emanuel Pastreich, January 23, 2024
Video: Just Murdering a Few More Journalists in Gaza? With the Support of Private Contractors By Emanuel Pastreich, January 10, 2024
Sloughing from Guernica to Gaza to be Born By Emanuel Pastreich, December 26, 2023
How to Take Down the Billionaires. Form Independent Communities By Emanuel Pastreich, November 26, 2023
“Restoring China-US Ties”: Reframing US-China Bipolar Dynamics by Pluralizing into China-West Relations By Peiyu Li, Jia Yuxuan, and Emanuel Pastreich, November 17, 2023
“On Evil and Beyond Gaza.” Response to President Biden’s Speech in Israel. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, October 20, 2023
Unification of the Korean Peninsula. Drafting a Constitution for a Unified Korea By Emanuel Pastreich, October 17, 2023
The Forbidden Truth: Israel and the U.S. Are “Toys of the Billionaires”. “A War with Iran Is Just Around the Corner”. By Emanuel Pastreich, October 15, 2023
U.S. War Crimes against the People of Japan: Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, September 04, 2023
“Struggling with the Old Enemies of Peace” By Emanuel Pastreich, August 14, 2023
Apology to the Japanese People and the World on the 78th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima By Emanuel Pastreich, August 07, 2023
That Sour Tonic Known as Truth By Emanuel Pastreich, July 18, 2023
Video: Shut Down the COVID-19 Operation Now! By Emanuel Pastreich, July 13, 2023
Happy July Fourth, Formally Known as Independence Day By Emanuel Pastreich, July 04, 2023
“How to Take Down the Billionaires” By Emanuel Pastreich and Chuck Fall, June 19, 2023
“We Want Peace. The World Cries Out”. Henry Wallace By Emanuel Pastreich, June 15, 2023
How the Super-Rich Destroy Our Minds By Emanuel Pastreich, June 10, 2023
Demand for Immediate Release of True Numbers of Casualties and POWs in the Foreign Wars of the Last 20 Years By Emanuel Pastreich, June 05, 2023
“The Treason of the Intellectuals” By Emanuel Pastreich, May 19, 2023
Crying Out Against the Drive for World War. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, May 01, 2023
What the American People Must Know About the Sensationalist Arraignment of Former President Donald Trump By Emanuel Pastreich, April 16, 2023
Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul By Emanuel Pastreich, April 06, 2023
No Fake “Unification” for Korea By Emanuel Pastreich, April 03, 2023
Bankrupt Banks, Food Crisis, Mandatory Vaccine and Our Grim Future. “This Time, the Virus has Infected Money Itself” By Emanuel Pastreich, March 26, 2023
U.S. Politics and the “Ugly Truth of 9/11”. Richard Gage Interviews Emanuel Pastreich, Independent Candidate for President of the U.S. (2000) By Emanuel Pastreich and Richard Gage, March 24, 2023
“Money Is No Mystery”. Towards a Massive Bank Crisis? By Emanuel Pastreich, March 15, 2023
Imagine a World Without Smartphones By Emanuel Pastreich, March 07, 2023
‘Buildup for War’: US Spins COVID Lab Leak Narrative to ‘Pin Blame on China’ By Emanuel Pastreich, March 03, 2023
Invoking the Russell-Einstein Manifesto against Nuclear War By Emanuel Pastreich, March 01, 2023
The Importance of the Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution By Emanuel Pastreich, February 26, 2023
Does “Capitalism” Fully Explain the Ruthless Extraction and Consumption We Witness? By Emanuel Pastreich, February 24, 2023
How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? By Emanuel Pastreich, February 21, 2023
Crisis in Intelligence and the Way Forward By Emanuel Pastreich, February 19, 2023
What is Reality? The Rise of Fake Truth. The Case for a “Constitution of Information” By Emanuel Pastreich, February 15, 2023
Propping up the Wobbly Dollar By Emanuel Pastreich, February 04, 2023
When Technology Buried Science in a Shallow Grave. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” By Emanuel Pastreich, February 03, 2023
How Tyranny Overran the United States While You Were Watching YouTube By Emanuel Pastreich, February 01, 2023
Korea: “Tear the DMZ Down Now!” By Emanuel Pastreich, January 30, 2023
Our Country has been Torn Apart, We Must Rebuild: A “Democratic Economy”, For the People, By the People By Emanuel Pastreich, January 29, 2023
Video: End the World War 5G By Emanuel Pastreich, January 28, 2023
Creating a Sacred Unity of Peoples, Cultures and Nature for the Americas By Emanuel Pastreich, January 24, 2023
Video: End Governance by Secrecy. How to Take Down the Billionaires By Emanuel Pastreich, January 19, 2023
Video: The Key to Ending COVID-19 Is Buried in the WTC Wreckage By Emanuel Pastreich, January 17, 2023
“How World Governments Are Run by Multinational Companies” By John Cooper and Emanuel Pastreich, January 09, 2023
Video: Is the Chinese Communist Party a Threat? Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, January 03, 2023
“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état”. COVID-19 Was a Global Coup by Private Finance, IT, and Intelligence Complexes By Emanuel Pastreich and Hrvoje Morić, December 20, 2022
“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état” By Emanuel Pastreich and Hrvoje Morić, December 12, 2022
The Third Opium War: The Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Assault on China By Emanuel Pastreich, December 09, 2022
China’s “Third Opium War”. Covid-19 and the Opium Wars. The Alliance of Global Finance and IT Tyranny By Emanuel Pastreich, December 08, 2022