Ellen Brown - Archive

The Disaster of Negative Interest Rates By Ellen Brown, September 30, 2019
Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power By Ellen Brown, September 19, 2019
The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old By Ellen Brown, August 31, 2019
Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China. We’re in a Trade and Currency War By Ellen Brown, August 09, 2019
Addressing the Climate Crisis, Worldwide Reforestation and Industrial Hemp By Ellen Brown, July 27, 2019
How to Pay for It All: Central Banking Asia Style By Ellen Brown, July 11, 2019
Libra: Facebook’s Audacious Bid for Global Monetary Control By Ellen Brown, June 28, 2019
The Bankers’ “Power Revolution”: How the Government Got Shackled by Debt By Ellen Brown, May 31, 2019
Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age By Ellen Brown, May 26, 2019
The Public Banking Revolution Is Upon Us By Ellen Brown, April 19, 2019
Why Is the Fed Paying So Much Interest to Banks? By Ellen Brown, April 04, 2019
Andrew Jackson
Monetary Policy Takes Center Stage: MMT, QE or Public Banks? By Ellen Brown, March 21, 2019
Quantitative Easing and Universal Basic Income By Ellen Brown and Philip A Farruggio, March 17, 2019
Andrew Jackson
Quantitative Easing (QE) Forever: The Fed’s Dramatic About-face By Ellen Brown, February 22, 2019
Killing the Public Banking Revolution in Venezuela By Ellen Brown, February 10, 2019
Why Germany Leads in Renewables: It Has Its Own Green Bank By Ellen Brown, January 27, 2019
Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks By Ellen Brown, December 29, 2018
The Public Banks’ Option: This Radical Plan to Fund the ‘Green New Deal’ Just Might Work By Ellen Brown, December 20, 2018
Trump’s War on the US Federal Reserve By Ellen Brown, November 05, 2018
Wall street
Breaking with Wall Street: Los Angeles Puts It to the Voters By Ellen Brown, October 03, 2018
Central Banks
Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk By Ellen Brown, September 15, 2018
How China’s Mobile Payment Ecosystems Are Making Banks Obsolete By Ellen Brown, August 24, 2018
Central Bank “Independence”: Trump Takes on the Federal Reserve By Ellen Brown, July 31, 2018
A Public Bank for Los Angeles? City Council Puts It to the Voters By Ellen Brown, July 05, 2018
Blackstone, BlackRock or a Public Bank? Putting California’s Funds to Work By Ellen Brown, May 27, 2018
The Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Empowering a Life-Destroying Cartel By Michael Welch, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Nick Meyer, and Ellen Brown, May 20, 2018
Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising By Ellen Brown, April 23, 2018
The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet By Ellen Brown, April 05, 2018
The Push for Privatization. The War on America’s Post Office By Ellen Brown, March 18, 2018
Funding Infrastructure: Why China Is Running Circles Around America By Ellen Brown, February 28, 2018
How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money By Ellen Brown, January 24, 2018
Student Debt Slavery II: Time to Level the Playing Field By Ellen Brown, January 06, 2018
Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers on the Backs of the Young By Ellen Brown, December 28, 2017
The Public Bank Option: Safer, Local and Half the Cost By Ellen Brown, November 05, 2017
Selling Out to America’s Megabanks: Regulation Is Killing Community Banks, Public Banks Can Revive Them By Ellen Brown, October 31, 2017
How to Wipe Out Puerto Rico’s Debt without Hurting Bondholders By Ellen Brown, October 13, 2017
How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation By Ellen Brown, October 04, 2017
Saving Illinois from Bankruptcy: Getting More Bang for the State’s Bucks By Ellen Brown, July 24, 2017
Sovereign Debt Jubilee, Japanese-Style. The US National Debt By Ellen Brown, June 28, 2017
Dear Mr. President, Be Careful What You Wish for: Higher Interest Rates Will Kill the Recovery By Ellen Brown, June 12, 2017
Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure, Reviving the US Economy: If China Can Fund Infrastructure with Its Own Credit, So Can We By Ellen Brown, May 18, 2017
Public Banking: What a State-Owned Bank Can Do for New Jersey By Ellen Brown, April 11, 2017
“Trumpcare” Dead on Arrival: Can We Please Now Try Single Payer? By Ellen Brown, March 15, 2017
Trump and the Debate on America’s Infrastructure: How to Cut Infrastructure Costs in Half By Ellen Brown, January 26, 2017
The Italian Banking Crisis: No Free Lunch – Or Is There? By Ellen Brown, December 22, 2016
More Thoughts on Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan By Ellen Brown, December 09, 2016
Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Another Privatization Firesale? Lincoln Had a Bolder Solution By Ellen Brown, November 15, 2016
State-Owned Bank: How California Could Save $10 Billion on a $9 Billion Loan By Ellen Brown, October 21, 2016
Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Revolution in Banking? By Ellen Brown, September 17, 2016
Can Jill Stein Carry Bernie’s Baton? A Look at the Green Candidate’s Radical Funding Solution By Ellen Brown, August 03, 2016
Video: Marijuana, Will Monsanto Win the War on Weed? By Ellen Brown and James Corbett, July 10, 2016
Brexit and the Financial Derivatives Time Bomb By Ellen Brown, July 02, 2016
“Print the Money”: Trump’s “Reckless” Proposal Echoes Franklin and Lincoln By Ellen Brown, May 15, 2016
Bank of North Dakota Soars Despite Oil Bust: A Public Banking Blueprint for California? By Ellen Brown, May 03, 2016
The War on Savings: The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless By Ellen Brown, April 11, 2016
Money, Power and Oil. Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails By Ellen Brown, March 14, 2016
The Populist Revolution: Bernie Sanders and Beyond. Nationalizing the Failed Megabanks By Ellen Brown, January 27, 2016
The Citadel Is Breached: Congress Taps the Fed for Infrastructure Funding By Ellen Brown, January 17, 2016
A Crisis Worse than ISIS? Bank “Bail-Ins” Begin…”Your Life Savings Could be Wiped out in a Massive Derivatives Collapse”. By Ellen Brown, December 29, 2015
Reinventing Banking: From Russia to Iceland to Ecuador By Ellen Brown, December 12, 2015