Carla Stea - Archive

About the author:

Author and Geopolitical analyst Carla Stea is Global Research's Correspondent at United Nations headquarters, New York, NY.
Mass Hysteria Grips the United Nations Security Council: Russophobia Is a Dangerous Psychosis By Carla Stea, May 01, 2018
Syria: UN Mission Report Confirms that “Opposition” Rebels Used Chemical Weapons against Civilians and Government Forces By Carla Stea, April 14, 2018
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The Crucifixion of North Korea, the Demonization of the DPRK: UN Security Council Resolution 2270 By Carla Stea, March 01, 2018
The Social and Economic Achievements of North Korea By Carla Stea, January 22, 2018
Day of Infamy for the UN Security Council: Triggering a Devastating Humanitarian Crisis in North Korea By Carla Stea, December 28, 2017
The Situation in North Korea is Terrifying: US-ROK Military Threats Are Provocations for Nuclear War By Carla Stea, December 26, 2017
Targeting North Korea: Can a Nuclear War be Averted? Conversations with Michel Chossudovsky and Carla Stea By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Carla Stea, December 16, 2017
US and South Korea Begging for War with North Korea. Preparation for Military Onslaught under Operation “Vigilant Ace” By Carla Stea, December 03, 2017
UN Anti-Nazi Resolution 10 Year Anniversary: Syria, Israel and North Korea Support It, US Adamantly Opposes It By Carla Stea, November 17, 2017
UN Security Council Sanctions Constitute a “Collective Punishment” against the People of North Korea By Carla Stea, November 04, 2017
North Korea and the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons By Carla Stea, October 19, 2017
US Dominated Security Council Tightens Savage Sanctions on North Korea, Intentional Provocations to War By Carla Stea, October 02, 2017
UN Security Council Resolution 2375 on North Korea: Preparation for War? By Carla Stea, September 16, 2017
Facts of the Korean War: UN Security Council, Instrument of US led Wars, Blatantly Biased Against North Korea By Carla Stea, September 01, 2017
Facts of the Korean War: UN Security Council, Instrument of US led Wars, Blatantly Biased Against North Korea By Carla Stea, September 01, 2017
Sanctions and Threats against North Korea. “All Options are on the Table” By Carla Stea, August 04, 2017
Sanctions and Threats against North Korea. “All Options are on the Table” By Carla Stea, August 04, 2017
United Nations Adopts Historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons By Carla Stea, July 12, 2017
China’s “Belt and Road”: The Recreation of the Ancient Silk Road By Carla Stea, May 20, 2017
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): China’s Vision of an Interconnected, Inclusive World By Carla Stea, May 15, 2017
“Reichstag Fire” Style Chemical Attack in Khan Sheikhoun: Set-Up to Revive Syria Regime Change Agenda By Carla Stea, April 19, 2017
Report from the UN: The US, UK, France and South Korea Are In Violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty By Carla Stea, April 17, 2017
In Memory of Vitali Churkin, Russia’s Charismatic Ambassador to the UN By Carla Stea, March 03, 2017
The Syrian Government’s Victory at Aleppo: A Turning Point in the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism By Carla Stea, December 21, 2016
America Opposes Adoption of United Nations Anti-Nazi Resolution By Carla Stea, December 08, 2016
Human Rights Violations: North Korea vs. the U.S. By Carla Stea, November 24, 2016
Proxy “War of Words” between NATO and Russia at the UN Security Council By Carla Stea, November 15, 2016
Where are UN Calls for Regime Change in Saudi Arabia? Barbaric Punishment of 1000 Lashes Continues to Be Inflicted on Saudi Journalist Raif Badawi By Carla Stea, November 12, 2016
Die reale Gefahr des Atomkriegs: Wird die Resolution der Generalversammlung zum Verbot von Nuklearwaffen “irdendetwas ändern, bevor es zu spät ist”? By Carla Stea, October 28, 2016
The Real Dangers of Nuclear War: Will the UN General Assembly Resolution To Prohibit Nuclear Weapons “Change Anything Before It Is Too Late”? By Carla Stea, October 25, 2016
“Beating the Drums of War” at the UN Security Council: Russia Vetoes Resolution to Implement Syria “No Fly Zone” By Carla Stea, October 12, 2016
China’s Solution to the Restructuring of the World Economy’s Unbalanced Architecture By Carla Stea, September 28, 2016
China Hosts G20 Summit: Innovation, Structural Reform, “Towards an Inclusive World Economy” By Carla Stea, August 15, 2016
Toxic Modus Operandi of the UN Security Council. Ban Ki-moon: “It Is Unacceptable For Member States To Exert Undue Pressure.” By Carla Stea, August 07, 2016
The UN Security Council Has Become A “Rubber Stamp” To Wage US-NATO’s Illegal Wars. Disastrous Results of UNSC “Military Authorizations” By Carla Stea, December 29, 2015
Schizophrenia at the UN: “The Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda”, No More Poverty, No More War… By Carla Stea, December 28, 2015
The U.S. versus the World, A Majority of One, A Minority of 192 UN General Assembly Resolutions. “Put Your Vote Where Your Rhetoric Is” By Carla Stea, December 27, 2015
Historic UN Security Council Resolution 2254 on Syria: The Backrooms of Diplomacy, US Last Minute Attempt to “Double Cross”? By Carla Stea, December 23, 2015
The United Nations Resolution on the “Glorification of Nazism” and the Horrors of Ravensbruck By Carla Stea, December 09, 2015
The Chinese People’s Struggle Against Japanese Fascism In World War II: The Longest War; Supreme Victory By Carla Stea, November 20, 2015
The Chinese People’s Struggle Against Japanese Fascism In World War II: The Longest War; Supreme Victory By Carla Stea, November 20, 2015
Counter-Terrorism Vs. “Regime Change” in Syria. US-Russia Clash at the UN Security Council By Carla Stea, October 25, 2015
Ukraine and the MH17 Crash: Washington’s Use of the UN Security Council as an Instrument of Propaganda, “Regime Change” and War By Carla Stea, August 22, 2015
History: UN Security Council Western Agenda: Demonization of the Serbs By Carla Stea, August 20, 2015
Requiem for the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Nuclear Armageddon? By Carla Stea, July 07, 2015
The United Nations’ Response to ISIS Beheadings in Syria. “Resolutions” Calling for “Regime Change” on Behalf of Washington By Carla Stea, January 07, 2015
The UN Anti-Nazi Resolution, the Prague Declaration and the History of “US Accommodation with Nazism” By Carla Stea, January 04, 2015
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UN Security Council Prepares to Lynch North Korea. Manipulation to Justify Aggressive War? By Carla Stea, December 27, 2014
The Veto Power Play Behind UN Security Council Resolutions By Carla Stea, December 10, 2014
“Economic Genocide” in Latin America: The Unspoken Legacy of Wall Street and the IMF. President Cristina Fernandez By Carla Stea, October 25, 2014
“Pardon Us For Our Country’s Existence in the Middle of Your Military Bases” – Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s Speech at the UN By Carla Stea, October 14, 2014
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North Korea Condemns Escalation of US-South Korean Nuclear Military Threats Ri Tong Il, DPRK Deputy Ambassador to UN Denounces UN Security Council Silence on this Danger By Carla Stea, September 10, 2014
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The War in East Ukraine: US-NATO’s Paranoid Falsification of Reality The West Engineered the Crisis in Ukraine; Now Falsely Accuses Russia By Carla Stea, September 08, 2014
Breakdown in Diplomacy at the UN Security Council. Who is Behind “The Most Terrible Crimes in the History of Humanity”, Syria or the US? By Carla Stea, July 16, 2014
Neo-Fascism and the Resurgence of Militarism in Japan: A Revival of the Axis? By Carla Stea, March 17, 2014
Combating the Glorification of Nazism By Carla Stea, March 04, 2014
North Korea, “Genocide by Sanctions”: UN Double Standards Pertaining to Sanctions and their Devastating Social Impacts By Carla Stea, January 10, 2014
The Destabilization of Africa. A Machiavellian Intrigue of Colossal Proportions By Carla Stea, January 01, 2014
The UN Says the Ukrainian People Must Decide their Fate, NATO Wants Something Else By Carla Stea, December 29, 2013
Al Qaeda Terrorism in Syria is a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”: UN Security Council Ignores Documentary Evidence By Carla Stea, December 17, 2013