Barbara Nimri Aziz - Archive

“Sometimes the Impossible Happens”: The Unjust Imprisonment of Julian Assange and Lynne Stewart By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 04, 2024
Gaza and Gazans Can’t Disappear By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 24, 2024
Celebrating Juneteenth. The Rights of African Americans. Barbara Nimri Aziz’ New Children’s Book Entitled “Justice Stories” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 19, 2024
Genocide in Gaza: Being a Spectator, or Bearing Witness By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 30, 2024
As the Tide Turns Towards Justice for Palestine, Where Does the Palestinian Diaspora Stand? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 01, 2024
Palestine: Anonymous Men Who Bury a Nation’s Martyrs By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 08, 2024
Buried Under the Genocide Debate: Desecrated Graves By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 12, 2024
War in Gaza: Can You Hear That Fading Cry: “Here, Here; I’m Here”? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 20, 2023
In Harm’s Way. What’s with the World’s Fascination with Dead, Dying and Orphaned Children? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 05, 2023
“MK– Mandela’s Secret Army”. A Film by Osvalde Lewat. “South Africa’s Apartheid Parallels Israel’s Oppressive Measures” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 17, 2023
“We Are at War!” declares Netanyahu. Oh really? Your War or My War By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 12, 2023
From Where Will the Breakthrough Come for Julian Assange? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 14, 2023
Safe and Secure? Or Stressed and Scared? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 31, 2023
Political Theater in Nepal Is Driving Citizen Flight By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 17, 2023
A Conversation Regarding “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 19, 2023
A Reality Check on Our Polarized Lives. From My Radiology Exam By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 25, 2023
Syria, Alas: Is There Reason for Optimism? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 12, 2023
Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela Revisited By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 25, 2023
Where Should Palestinians Search for Justice? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 10, 2023
Syria Held Hostage by U.S.A. and Its Allies By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 14, 2023
Menacing Winter Wonder By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 09, 2023
What Was That Biden Said About “Ending the War”? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 01, 2023
Treachery to Some, Opportunism to Others—Horse-trading in the U.S. Congress. By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 16, 2023
Do Meghan and Harry Really Believe They Control the Narrative? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 06, 2023
Liberty for Julian Assange By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 03, 2023
A Fearless Heart. How the Courage to be Compassionate Can Transform our Lives By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 20, 2022
Bang, Bang, Bang—Terrifying Here; Heroic Over There. More Weapons for Ukraine vs. Mass Shootings in NYC By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 13, 2022
Could Nepal Become a Player in a Future US-China Confrontation? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 25, 2022
There Was a Young Man from Daraa (Syria, 2011-…. ?) By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 08, 2022
Martin Luther King: Encountered in Algeria… By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 17, 2022
Esteemed Poet and Artist Etel Adnan Might Well Inquire About Her Missing Arab Companions, as Her Outstanding New York Exhibition Draws to a Close By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 09, 2022
Vicissitudes of Syria War Reporting By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 08, 2021
Morality Plays – Entertainers Draw the Line By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 16, 2021
How One Ballsy Senator Stole a President’s Gummy Candy By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 27, 2021
“Yesterday”. All of Us Feel Vulnerable in this “Invincible Land” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 13, 2021
New Tunisian Films: “A Son” and “She Had a Dream” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 03, 2021
What About the Women? America’s Afghanistan Guilt By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 23, 2021
When Will They Lift the Blockade? Iraq and Cuba By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 05, 2021
Syria Shows Its Mettle – Olympians Ghada Shouaa to Hend Zaza By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 30, 2021
Oprah and Chomsky: Is There Room for Both on the American Left? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 18, 2021
Palestine: Smashed Houses, Crushed Orchards, A Trail of Unrestrained Malice By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 18, 2021
Rebel Women: Past, Present, and Future By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 10, 2021
Palestinian Prisoners – An Ongoing Struggle for Justice By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 29, 2021
Nawal El-Saadawi: (1931-2021) Radical Feminist, Writer, Critic By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 25, 2021
Iraq in the American Imagination Today By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 11, 2021
Read ‘Hamlet’ in Nepali; Enjoy Nepali Poetry in English By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 06, 2021
Ode to February By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 12, 2021
“Power Games All Over the Place” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 04, 2021
“Myopia”: A Universal Message by Morocco’s Film Director Sanaa Akroud’s Latest Screen Gem By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 14, 2020
It’s Only a Lawn Sign; Well, Perhaps Far More. How Being ‘a Minority’ Feels By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 03, 2020
What Can Americans Learn from New York’s Shrewd Governor, Andrew Cuomo? Managing Covid-19 By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 29, 2020
Is Nepal Skirting, Denying or Defying the COVID Pandemic? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 15, 2020
“Made in Bangladesh”. Women Workers in Dhaka Factories Fight For Their Rights. A Union Story By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 28, 2020
Who Will Come to America’s Rescue? A Nation Under Internal Threat, Engulfed in an Unprecedented Crisis… By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 23, 2020
“Soft Power”: Americans in Its Grip at Home Must Face the Mischief It Wields By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 13, 2020
Muslim Heroines Find Their Way into New American Literature By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 22, 2020
Eight Minutes, Forty-six Seconds … Remembering George Floyd By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 07, 2020
Mocking Birds in Spring 2020 By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 20, 2020
America’s Long War… Family Stories from Ground Zero, by a New Generation of Filmmakers By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 04, 2020
Have Nepal’s People Managed a Healthy Breakthrough in the Covid-19 Crisis? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 26, 2020