Black Alliance for Peace - Archive

Responsibility for the Kenya Crisis Lies at the Feet of US Neo-Colonialism By Black Alliance for Peace, July 12, 2024
The Mask Is Off: The Hideous Connections Between Zionism, Colonialism, Capitalism and Genocide By Black Alliance for Peace, May 14, 2024
Afghanistan: Denied Self-Determination by Washington. Subject to Destabilization Efforts by U.S. By Black Alliance for Peace, April 11, 2024
What’s Going on in Haiti? Currently Under Military Occupation By Black Alliance for Peace, March 12, 2024
International Women’s Day Must be a Radical Call to Action Against Colonial Domination from Haiti to Palestine By Black Alliance for Peace, March 08, 2024
International Coalition of Human Rights and Antiwar Organizations Forms to Demand End to Genocide in Palestine By Black Alliance for Peace, January 04, 2024
Genocide in Occupied Palestine and Collective Punishment for the People of Afghanistan By Black Alliance for Peace, November 30, 2023
“Cop Cities” in America: U.S. Domestic Militarization of Police Departments By Black Alliance for Peace, November 01, 2023
The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine By Black Alliance for Peace, October 11, 2023
Hands Off Haiti! By Black Alliance for Peace, October 05, 2023
From Niger to Haiti to Cop City in Atlanta, Defeat the War Against African People By Black Alliance for Peace, September 24, 2023
Foreign Armed Intervention in Haiti: Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity By Black Alliance for Peace, August 04, 2023
Reject U.S./U.N./CARICOM Plan for an Armed Intervention of Haiti. Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, July 18, 2023
No More Foreign Interference in Haiti. The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Core Group Do Not Represent Haitian People! By Black Alliance for Peace, April 27, 2023
New Maryland Governor Wes Moore: Another ‘First Black’ in a Colonial System By Black Alliance for Peace, February 06, 2023
Human Rights Day 2022 Must be Recommitment to the Black Radical Human Rights and Peace Traditions By Black Alliance for Peace, December 09, 2022
The Black Alliance for Peace Opposes Biden Administration’s Security Council Resolution on Haiti and Calls for Its Veto By Black Alliance for Peace, October 18, 2022
UN Mission to Haiti Is a Foreign Occupation, Repressing Haitian Sovereignty By Black Alliance for Peace, October 11, 2022
U.S. Announces $327 Million in Aid to Afghanistan, a Fraction of the Billions It Illegally Seized By Black Alliance for Peace, September 30, 2022
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Extension of United Nations Mandate in Haiti and Calls on Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to Support Haitian Independence and Sovereignty By Black Alliance for Peace, July 12, 2022
The Black Alliance for Peace Denounces Biden Regime’s New Sanctions on Cuba and Stands with the Cuban People By Black Alliance for Peace, July 12, 2022
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Massacre of African Migrants by US-backed Moroccan Armed Forces By Black Alliance for Peace, July 06, 2022
U.S. Out of Africa: Voices from the Struggle By Black Alliance for Peace, June 10, 2022
On African Liberation Day, Biden’s Troop Deployment to Somalia Confirms Africa Is Not Free By Black Alliance for Peace, May 26, 2022
The Black Alliance for Peace Calls on Latin American and Caribbean Nations to Boycott the Summit of the Americas By Black Alliance for Peace, May 13, 2022
May 1: Making International Workers’ Day a Day of Action Against Imperialism By Black Alliance for Peace, May 01, 2022
West Grieves for Ukraine While Afghanistan Starves By Black Alliance for Peace, March 24, 2022
Black Alliance for Peace: In Solidarity with Impoverished Garment Workers in Haiti By Black Alliance for Peace, March 16, 2022
Groundings with the African and Colonized World: International Women’s Day By Black Alliance for Peace, March 09, 2022
For African and Colonized Peoples, to Understand Ukraine: De-center Europe and Focus on Imperialism By Black Alliance for Peace, March 02, 2022
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Policies of the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination in Ukraine By Black Alliance for Peace, January 13, 2022
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the U.S. National Guard Deployment to Horn of Africa By Black Alliance for Peace, December 13, 2021
The People of Nicaragua Reaffirm Their Commitment to the Sandinista Democratic Project By Black Alliance for Peace, November 10, 2021
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns RENACER Act on Nicaragua as Bipartisan Criminality By Black Alliance for Peace, November 07, 2021
Afghanistan No ‘Graveyard’ for US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination By Black Alliance for Peace, August 24, 2021
Why Human Rights in China and Tigray, but Not in Haiti, Palestine or Colombia? By Black Alliance for Peace, July 13, 2021
Haiti’s White Rulers Have Spoken on Haiti’s Political Future By Black Alliance for Peace, July 09, 2021
On Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse: Black Alliance for Peace Smells a Rat By Black Alliance for Peace, July 08, 2021
Human Rights Violence in Haiti: Continued U.S./OAS/UN Support for Unconstitutional Actions by Haiti’s Illegitimate Government By Black Alliance for Peace, July 06, 2021
Don’t Allow Another US-NATO Libya in the Horn of Africa By Black Alliance for Peace, June 28, 2021
The China-Africa Relationship in the 21st Century By Danny Haiphong and Black Alliance for Peace, April 28, 2021
Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network Demands NATO Support Peace Process in Afghanistan and Withdraw Its Forces By Black Alliance for Peace, March 11, 2021
The Biden Administration: The Return of Neoliberal Madness? By Black Alliance for Peace, February 09, 2021
Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network Demands Biden End War in Afghanistan By Black Alliance for Peace, February 03, 2021
Biden’s First 48 Hours Affirm U.S. ‘Greatest Purveyor of Violence’ By Black Alliance for Peace, January 26, 2021
January 6th at Capitol Hill: Blowback and the Ongoing Crisis of Legitimacy By Black Alliance for Peace, January 12, 2021
U.S. Centrism: The Radical Betrayal of Global Solidarity By Black Alliance for Peace, December 01, 2020
The Contours of Resistance Beyond the Election By Black Alliance for Peace, November 03, 2020
Candidate Accountability: Demand a Commitment to a Peace and Human Rights Agenda By Black Alliance for Peace, October 21, 2020
Black Alliance for Peace: International Day of Action on AFRICOM By Black Alliance for Peace, October 01, 2020
Racism, Militarism and Materialism = AFRICOM By Black Alliance for Peace, September 29, 2020
International Day of Peace: Without Justice, There will be no Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, September 22, 2020
¡Kevin Zeese, PRESENTÉ! By Black Alliance for Peace, September 08, 2020
Ending Poverty, Hunger and War = Racial Justice? By Black Alliance for Peace, September 01, 2020
The DNC and the Politics of Betrayal. Political and Moral Bankruptcy of the Democratic Party By Black Alliance for Peace, August 25, 2020
Trump Administration Deploys Federal Forces into Major U.S. Cities By Black Alliance for Peace, July 23, 2020
Black Alliance for Peace Calls on United Nations to Address Human Rights Crisis in the United States By Black Alliance for Peace, May 31, 2020
COVID-19: ‘It’s the System, Stupid!’ Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, April 29, 2020
COVID-19: New Battle in Capitalism’s War on the Black Working Class By Black Alliance for Peace, April 09, 2020
“Narco-Terrorism” and the Maduro Bounty Indictment as a Prelude to Panamanian-Style Racist Aggression By Black Alliance for Peace, March 29, 2020