Ann Garrison - Archive

The Rwanda Genocide: Who Killed the Hutus? By Charles Kambanda and Ann Garrison, April 17, 2011
Rwanda Genocide: Erlinder v. Kagame, Case Continued in the Court of Public Opinion By Ann Garrison and Prof Peter Erlinder, April 10, 2011
AUDIO: KPFA CONGO NEWS-Expanded Question & Answer between KPFA’s Ann Garrison & Africa Investigator Keith Harmon Snow By Ann Garrison, January 25, 2011
Anniversary: Obama’s Invasion of Congo on Inauguration Day By Ann Garrison, January 21, 2011
Radioactive spill in Arlit, Niger, home to ‘significant quantities of uranium from Africa’ By Ann Garrison, December 29, 2010
Rwandan Opposition Leader Victoire Ingabire Arrested By Ann Garrison, October 15, 2010
No International Justice for Congo. UN Coverup of War Crimes By Ann Garrison, October 12, 2010
Obama’s Congo Moment: Genocide, the U.N. Report and Senate Bill 2125 By Ann Garrison, October 03, 2010
Rwanda’s Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza speaks to Women’s International News Gathering Service By Ann Garrison, August 20, 2010
Erlinder: Defense Lawyers Now Risk Assassination in East Africa By Ann Garrison, July 16, 2010
America’s Role in Central Africa: AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command, Rwanda, the Congo By Ann Garrison, July 08, 2010
Rwandan Elections: Kagame Regime Orders Torture and Arrest of Opposition Candidates By Ann Garrison, July 05, 2010
Rwanda: Kagame Tortures Opposition, Arrests Ingabire’s New Lawyer By Ann Garrison, July 03, 2010
VIDEO: Rwanda, Congo and Law Professor Peter Erlinder By Ann Garrison, June 26, 2010
Crisis in Rwanda: Kagame Releases Defense Lawyer Erlinder on “Medical Grounds” By Ann Garrison, June 17, 2010
Fox News Confuses Rwanda’s Presidential Election With the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda By Ann Garrison, June 10, 2010
US Calls on Rwanda to Release American Lawyer Peter Erlinder By Ann Garrison, June 04, 2010
VIDEO: Rwanda Arrests Ingabire’s American Lawyer Peter Erlnder in Kigali By Ann Garrison, May 28, 2010
Election Violence in Rwanda and Burundi, Refugees in Uganda By Ann Garrison, May 24, 2010
VIDEO: Criminal Defense Lawyers Dispute The History of the Rwanda Genocide By Ann Garrison, May 22, 2010
VIDEO: Africa’s Female Mandela? Victoire Ingabiré Umuhoza on Trial By Ann Garrison, May 16, 2010
Election Campaign in Rwanda: President Kagame Threatens Opposition Candidate With Prison for Talking to Press By Ann Garrison, May 16, 2010
VIDEO: Kagame Accuses Real-life Hotel Rwanda Hero Paul Rusesabagina of Terrorism By Ann Garrison, May 11, 2010
Lawsuit Alleges Rwandan President Triggered Rwanda Genocide By Ann Garrison, May 03, 2010
VIDEO: Rwandan President Paul Kagame Wants a Safer Rwanda … Safer for Whom? By Godwin Agaba and Ann Garrison, April 23, 2010
Rwanda Shuts Down Independent Press By Ann Garrison, April 15, 2010
VIDEO: Rwanda’s Packed Prisons and Genocide Ideology Law By Ann Garrison, April 11, 2010
Rwanda Genocide: Honoring the Dead Without Honoring the Lies By Ann Garrison, April 09, 2010
VIDEO: Eight Million Africans Died in Wars Financed by US, UK By Ann Garrison, March 26, 2010
Rwanda Accuses Hotel Rwanda Hero of ‘Double Genocide Theory’ By Ann Garrison, March 15, 2010
US-UN Peace-keepers” bring Rwandan Police to Haiti By Ann Garrison, March 14, 2010
Political Impasse in Rwanda By Ann Garrison, March 06, 2010
Rwanda Runup to Elections: Grenade Attacks, Arrest and Assassination Threats By Ann Garrison, February 28, 2010
ICTR Legacy Risked by Failure to Charge Rwandan Patriotic Front By Ann Garrison, January 30, 2010
Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide and the 2010 Elections By Ann Garrison, January 25, 2010
VIDEO: Zion Oil and Gas: This oil is mine: God gave this oil to me. . . By Ann Garrison, July 16, 2009
VIDEO; Cynthia McKinney, the Israeli Navy, and $4 billion worth of natural gas off Gaza By Ann Garrison, July 14, 2009