Ann Garrison - Archive

Kagame Cracks Down Hard in Rwanda, Victoire Ingabire in Danger By Joseph Bukeye and Ann Garrison, September 13, 2017
US Senators Want America to “Prevent Genocide and Mass Atrocities” through the Use of Military Force By Ann Garrison, September 04, 2017
Locked and Loaded: War with North Korea Cannot be Contained but Must be Prevented By K.J. Noh and Ann Garrison, August 19, 2017
General Kagame Will ‘Win’ Rwanda’s Election By David Himbara and Ann Garrison, August 01, 2017
Will the CIA Obey a Trump Order to Stop Funding Terrorists? By Rick Sterling and Ann Garrison, July 25, 2017
Israel and Rwanda: Paul Kagame and Benjamin Netanyahu, Partners in Persecution By Ann Garrison, July 13, 2017
Putin v. NBC’s Kelly: A Poorly Planned Match By Ann Garrison, June 09, 2017
Rwanda: Starvation in the Shadow of a Star. What is Kagame Trying to Hide? By Ann Garrison, June 01, 2017
Never Mind the Real Russia, This Is All About Trump By David Swanson and Ann Garrison, May 25, 2017
Military Industrial
War Veterans Ask “Democracy Now” for Real Investigative Reporting on Syria. “Many Progressives Seem Totally Blind” By Daniel Borgstrom and Ann Garrison, May 18, 2017
The Financial Elite Created France’s New President, Emmanuel Macron By Diana Johnstone and Ann Garrison, May 13, 2017
Rwanda: Human Rights Watch and the Absolute Truth By Ann Garrison, March 18, 2017
Kagame’s Economic Mirage in Rwanda By Ann Garrison and David Himbara, March 16, 2017
Calexit: Should California Secede? By David Swanson and Ann Garrison, February 10, 2017
Québec City Murder of Muslims, Islamophobia is Rooted in the “War on Terror” By Ken Stone and Ann Garrison, February 08, 2017
Geopolitics of Central Africa: Relentless Propaganda Attacks on Burundi By Ann Garrison, January 07, 2017
War Abroad, Equality at Home? Bernie Sanders and the Sandernistas By Ann Garrison, December 28, 2016
Clinton Is the Most Dangerous Person Alive By Edward S. Herman and Ann Garrison, November 08, 2016
The Green Party in the U.S. is a “Movement Party” By Ann Garrison, October 25, 2016
Dr. Leopold Munyakazi Deported from U.S. to Reinforce Rwanda’s Official Genocide Narrative By Ann Garrison, September 29, 2016
Green Party Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka on Ballot for 90% of US Voters By Ann Garrison, September 20, 2016
Terror Fraud Exposed: Congo (DRC) Massacres Not the Work of Islamic Extremists. U.S. Seeks Secession of Eastern Congo By Ann Garrison, September 08, 2016
Unworthy Victims: Houthis in Yemen, Hutus in Burundi By Ann Garrison, August 26, 2016
Jill Not Hill: Green Party’s Jill Stein Forges Ahead after Democratic National Convention By Ann Garrison, August 01, 2016
Rwanda, the Clinton Dynasty, and the Case of Dr. Léopold Munyakazi By Ann Garrison, July 29, 2016
Obama’s AFRICOM Nominee Will Seek Authority to Assassinate By Ann Garrison, June 29, 2016
Clinton E-Mail on Libyan Conquest: We Came, We Saw, We Got Oil By Ann Garrison, June 23, 2016
Video: The Kibeho Refugee Camp Massacre in Rwanda: The Real Story of What Happened There in 1995 By Ann Garrison, June 04, 2016
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on Rwanda and ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ By Ann Garrison, March 17, 2016
Burundi Unbowed Despite US Interventionism in Central Africa By Ann Garrison, February 01, 2016
Rwanda, the Enduring Lies: A Project Censored Interview with Professor Ed Herman By Ann Garrison and Prof. Ed Herman, January 21, 2016
An Interview with Jeff Drumtra By Ann Garrison, November 27, 2015
Rwanda: Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to Rule in Munyakazi Case By Ann Garrison, November 22, 2015
Obama Singles Out Burundi, amidst African Presidential Succession Struggles By Ann Garrison, November 07, 2015
Towards a Regional War in Central Africa: Rwandan and Ugandan Troops Enter The Congo (DRC) By Ann Garrison and Prof Peter Erlinder, May 08, 2015
Rwanda: Critics ask Canada to protect them from Kagame’s assassins By Ann Garrison, April 04, 2015
“Rwanda’s Untold Story”: UK Calls on Rwanda to Restore BBC Broadcasting in Kinyarwanda By Ann Garrison, March 21, 2015
The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR): Rwanda and Uganda Threaten Cross-Border War in Congo By Ann Garrison, December 31, 2014
The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), in their own words By Ann Garrison, December 27, 2014
Rwanda and the BBC’s “Genocide Denial”. Kagame’s “Commission of Inquiry” By Ann Garrison, December 10, 2014
The International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda (ICTR) Celebrates 20 years of Impunity and Endorsement of Kagame Military Dictatorship By Ann Garrison and The Taylor Report, December 01, 2014
“Criminals” in Rwanda: Kagame Contemplates Indicting the BBC for “Genocide Denial” By Ann Garrison and Prof Peter Erlinder, November 12, 2014
Will US Policymakers Review “Rwanda: The Untold Story” Before Sending in the Marines? By Ann Garrison, November 04, 2014
People of Burkina Faso Drive Blaise Campaoré from Power By Ann Garrison, November 02, 2014
Victoire Ingabire. Challenging the Official Rwanda Genocide Story By Ann Garrison, October 28, 2014
Rwanda: President Kagame Calls on the ICC to Indict the BBC for “Genocide Denial” By Ann Garrison and Prof Peter Erlinder, October 21, 2014
BBC Asks ‘What Really Happened in Rwanda? History of the Genocide. Role of the US By Ann Garrison, October 14, 2014
Impending Humanitarian Disaster in Burundi and Rwanda By Prof Peter Erlinder and Ann Garrison, September 03, 2014
Second Genocide in Rwanda? Slow, Silent, and Systematic? By Ann Garrison, August 30, 2014
Legacies: Michael Hourigan and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Who was behind the Assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents in April 1994 By Ann Garrison and Robin Philpot, April 07, 2014
Peacekeepers depend on the Pentagon, in South Sudan, CAR, DRC, Uganda, Rwanda By Ann Garrison and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 24, 2014
South Sudan War: Tribal Discord or Imperialist Agenda? Global Research News Hour Episode 52 By Michael Welch, Ann Garrison, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 18, 2014
Political Prisoner: Rwanda’s Former Presidential Candidate Victoire Ingabire’s Speech Crimes By Ann Garrison, January 09, 2014
The Congo, Uganda’s M23 Militia Force and Warren Buffett By Ann Garrison, December 11, 2013
On Invoking Rwanda to Attack Syria By Ann Garrison, September 12, 2013
California’s Prison Hunger Strikers: The Limits to State Power By Ann Garrison, September 04, 2013
Congo Genocide: Will Obama’s America collaborate or refuse? By Ann Garrison, August 15, 2012
Creating South Sudan By Ann Garrison, August 21, 2011
Somalia: A UN Managed Catastrophe By Thomas C. Mountain and Ann Garrison, June 05, 2011
Predator Drones To “Stop Genocide”? By Keith Harmon Snow and Ann Garrison, May 02, 2011