Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - Archive

Video: Israel’s Zionist Lobby Control Over America. Philip Giraldi with Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 19, 2024
Video: Scott Ritter and Freedom. Philip Giraldi with Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 13, 2024
Video: Israel + Ukraine = WWIII? Col. Douglas Macgregor By Douglas Macgregor and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 29, 2024
Milk and the Police State: Another State/Bureaucratic Steroid Overdose in Action By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, January 17, 2024
Unconstitutional Killings By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 13, 2023
Video: How Fruitless Is Collective Punishment? “Does the US support the Unbridled Invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Military?” Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 24, 2023
The Gathering Storm of Rage: “Hamas was the Brainchild of Netanyahu … We have a President who cannot put two Sentences together”. Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 23, 2023
Video: Why Did Hamas Attack Israelis? Judge Napolitano with Dr. Philip Giraldi By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and Philip Giraldi, October 15, 2023
Video: Why Did Hamas Attack Israeli Civilians, Was it a False Flag? Judge Napolitano Interviews Former CIA Officer Dr. Philip Giraldi. By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 13, 2023
Video: Who Killed Prigozhin? Judge Napolitano with Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern — An Intel Roundtable By Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, and Scott Ritter, August 28, 2023
Torture Comes Home to Roost By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 28, 2023
War and Honesty: The Debate on U.S. Aid to Ukraine. Andrew Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, July 03, 2023
Video: The Wagner Group Insurgency Directed against President Putin. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 25, 2023
The Feds and Their Copycats By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 19, 2023
The Constitution, Congress and Government Debt By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 11, 2023
Video: The Controversial Leaked Documents, What’s the Truth? Judge Napolitano with Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson By Larry Johnson and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, April 14, 2023
Video: What Is “American Exceptionalism”? Ray McGovern and Judge Napolitano By Ray McGovern and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 29, 2023
Spying on Americans in Plain Sight By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 17, 2023
War and the Constitution By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, February 23, 2023
The FBI and Personal Liberty By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, January 19, 2023
A Government That Assaults Liberty By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, January 06, 2023
Slouching Toward Fascism By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, December 02, 2022
Government Requires “Make Believe” By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 24, 2022
The FBI and “Zero-Click”. Surveillance Software Called Pegasus By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 17, 2022
Bush, Guantanamo and the Rule of Law By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 28, 2022
Killing with Near Certainty. Judge Andrew Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 13, 2022
The Right to be Left Alone. America’s Domestic Spy Apparatus By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 08, 2022
Video: Ukraine War. “Is Russia in Trouble”? Scott Ritter Interviewed by Judge Napolitano By Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 02, 2022
Why Donald Trump Will Soon be Indicted By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 01, 2022
Video: Ukraine-Russia War, Assassination of Darya Dugina, Judge Andrew Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 26, 2022
On Government Invasions of Private Property By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 25, 2022
Trump and the Department of Justice By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 18, 2022
Video: Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine. Judge Napolitano with Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, July 21, 2022
Forever Prisoners in Guantanamo By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 30, 2022
Video: Latest Developments in Ukraine-Russia War: Philip Giraldi, Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 03, 2022
The Government Culture of Death By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 03, 2022
Video: Ukraine-Russia War Update. Philip Giraldi and Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 20, 2022
Roe v. Wade: The Slaughter of Babies Should Be Unfathomable: Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 12, 2022
The Bill of Temporary Privileges By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 05, 2022
Video: America’s Intelligence Community and the Ukraine War. Philip Giraldi and Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and Philip Giraldi, April 30, 2022
Using War to Assault Freedom By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, April 21, 2022
Dangerous Attacks on Freedom By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, April 07, 2022
Bush and His Torturers. Guantanamo “Plea Negotiations” By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 31, 2022
Video: One Month into War — Now What? Former CIA Officer Phil Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 25, 2022
Is Putin a War Criminal? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 24, 2022
The Torturers’ Apprentice By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 10, 2022
Military Torturers at Guantanamo Bay By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, February 24, 2022
Spying on Americans: CIA Spies and Their Collaborators By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, February 17, 2022
A Bias for Liberty. The US Government’s Spyware By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, February 03, 2022
More Presidential Killings By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, January 29, 2022
What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, December 02, 2021
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“What If, on Thanksgiving Day 2021, Our Gratitude is for Life, Liberty, The Exercise of Free Will and Human Reason?” Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 25, 2021
A Press Afraid to be Free? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 28, 2021
Lies and Torture Cover-up: U.S. State Secrets Doctrine Is a Fraud By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 14, 2021
Twilight’s Last Gleaming. Biden’s So-called Vaccine Mandates. Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 16, 2021
Freedom in the Time of COVID-19 By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 19, 2021
Freedom in the Coming Time of Madness By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 05, 2021
Does the Constitution Mean What It Says? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, July 15, 2021
Torture Enters the Courtroom By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 10, 2021
The Government’s Lust to Spy By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 08, 2020