Andrew Korybko - Archive

About the author:

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Bolivia vs. Chile: The Regional Consequences of Liberalism vs. Realism By Andrew Korybko, March 25, 2018
Poland and Sweden Are Building a “Baltic Ring” By Andrew Korybko, March 25, 2018
US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Asia and Africa: Five Things that Ethiopia and Myanmar’s Leadership Changes Have in Common By Andrew Korybko, March 23, 2018
Calm Down, Turkey Is Not Going to Invade the Balkans By Andrew Korybko, March 22, 2018
Russia’s Hypersonic Missiles Didn’t Surprise America But They Awed the World By Andrew Korybko, March 14, 2018
Congo Mining Code: Kabila vs. Cobalt Companies By Andrew Korybko, March 13, 2018
Vietnam, An “Unofficial Ally” of the U.S. against China? By Andrew Korybko, March 11, 2018
Djibouti Is Dangerously Becoming a Trigger for Transregional Destabilization By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2018
It’s Okay to Constructively Criticize Russia, Even President Putin Does It! By Andrew Korybko, March 07, 2018
Latvia Plans to Culturally Cleanse Its Russian Minority By Andrew Korybko, March 06, 2018
Trump and Kim’s Tug-of-War Over President Moon By Andrew Korybko, March 04, 2018
Yemen: Peace on the Horizon? By Andrew Korybko, March 03, 2018
Trump and Assad Are on the Same Side in Afrin, Against Turkey? By Andrew Korybko, March 02, 2018
Ethiopia’s Latest State of Emergency By Andrew Korybko, February 27, 2018
Armenia’s Black Sea-Persian Gulf Corridor Plans Risk Antagonizing Russia By Andrew Korybko, February 25, 2018
The Kurds Have Backed Damascus into a Corner By Andrew Korybko, February 23, 2018
Syria’s Afrin Move: “Artful Assistance to Allies” or “Armageddon in the Making”? By Andrew Korybko, February 21, 2018
New Delhi’s US-Backed “Chinese Containment” Strategy in the Afro-Indian Ocean By Andrew Korybko, February 15, 2018
Dangerous Delusions: Syria Isn’t Going to Liberate Palestine Anytime Soon nor Is Russia Turning Against “Israel” By Andrew Korybko, February 13, 2018
Hadi’s Fall, Rise of South Yemen, End of the War? By Andrew Korybko, February 06, 2018
Poland Defends Its National Dignity in the Face of Israeli & Ukrainian Intimidation By Andrew Korybko, February 04, 2018
The US Deep State and the Democrats Are the Problem, Not the Solution By Andrew Korybko, February 03, 2018
Is It Even Possible to “Betray” the Kurds? By Andrew Korybko, February 02, 2018
Debunking Alt-Media’s Doublethink on Yemen By Andrew Korybko, February 01, 2018
Welcome Back to the Map, South Yemen! By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2018
Facebook Plans to Produce Pseudo-Scientific “Proof” to “Justify” Alt-Media Censorship By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2018
The US’ National Defense Strategy’s Focus on Great Power Competition By Andrew Korybko, January 30, 2018
Romania’s Anti-Corruption Protests Pit Euro-Liberals Against Euro-Realists By Andrew Korybko, January 28, 2018
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
The Syrian Kurds Think They Can Play Damascus Like a Fiddle By Andrew Korybko, January 27, 2018
Turkish-Kurdish War or ISIS-Daesh Civil War? By Andrew Korybko, January 26, 2018
India’s Agni 5 ICBM: The Asian Missile Race Heats Up By Andrew Korybko, January 25, 2018
Abiding by Brussels’ Migrant Resettlement Quota: Serbia’s Migrant Sell-Out Is to Distract from Ivanovic’s Assassination By Andrew Korybko, January 24, 2018
Will American Missiles Destroy the Russian-Japanese Rapprochement? By Andrew Korybko, January 24, 2018
Pro-Autonomy Hungarians in Romania’s “Szeklerland” Might Spark a “Slovak Crisis” that Destabilizes “New Europe’s” “Three Seas” By Andrew Korybko, January 23, 2018
The Egyptian-Eritrean Military Axis Might Make the Horn of Africa Crisis Explode By Andrew Korybko, January 20, 2018
Syria’s Kurdish Led SDF: “Border Force” or “Terror Army”? By Andrew Korybko, January 18, 2018
The US Is Meddling in Mexico’s Election by Accusing Russia of Doing So By Andrew Korybko, January 14, 2018
Trump’s Despicable Statement: Is There Such a Thing as a “Shithole Country”? By Andrew Korybko, January 14, 2018
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US Military Intelligence Has “Weaponized Democracy” Worldwide By Andrew Korybko, January 11, 2018
Pakistan’s Asymmetrical Response to Trump Is a Clever Way to Flip the Tables on Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, January 06, 2018
Trump Nuking North Korea Would “Make America Great Again”? Trump is a Modern-day Machiavelli Who doesn’t Care about Morals and Ethics By Andrew Korybko, January 04, 2018
Latin America in Limbo in 2018: Washington’s “Operation Condor 2.0” By Andrew Korybko, December 31, 2017
2018 Outlook: Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 30, 2017
Trump: Agent of Chaos (a.k.a. “The Kraken”) By Andrew Korybko, December 28, 2017
Will Washington’s Veiled NSS Threats against Pakistan Contribute to Consolidating Its Economic Alignment with China, Iran and Turkey By Andrew Korybko, December 23, 2017
The Trump National Security Doctrine in a Regional Context By Andrew Korybko, December 22, 2017
It’s Time for Pakistan to Join the Eurasian Development Bank By Andrew Korybko, December 21, 2017
Hungary-Ukraine Relations: Transcarpathia and the “Western Front” By Andrew Korybko, December 19, 2017
Why Does Russia Want to Sell Arms to the Central African Republic? By Andrew Korybko, December 17, 2017
Will the US “Regime Change” Offensive Against the Global South Hit South Africa? By Andrew Korybko, December 16, 2017
Russia’s Military Withdrawal Will Prompt President Assad to “Compromise”? By Andrew Korybko, December 12, 2017
South Yemen Will Regain Independence If It Follows These Six Steps By Andrew Korybko, December 09, 2017
India Could Cordially Compete with China Through BRICS+ By Andrew Korybko, December 09, 2017
Here’s Why Russia Might Set Up a Red Sea Base in Sudan By Andrew Korybko, December 06, 2017
New Rumblings in the Horn of Africa over Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam By Andrew Korybko, December 05, 2017
No, the US Didn’t Abandon the Syrian Kurds. A Trump-Erdogan Agreement? By Andrew Korybko, December 03, 2017
Shifting Spheres of Influence: The Next Phase of the Russia-Pakistan Rapprochement By Andrew Korybko, December 03, 2017
Regime Change: Will Macedonia be Removed from the Map in 2018? By Andrew Korybko, December 02, 2017
Poland’s Patriot Missile Purchase Is a Paid Bribe to America By Andrew Korybko, November 28, 2017
Will Beijing Really Rename and Reroute the China-Pakistan Economic Corridors (CPEC) to Please India? By Andrew Korybko, November 26, 2017