Andrew Korybko - Archive

About the author:

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Egypt-Russia Relations: President Sisi Counts on Moscow By Andrew Korybko, October 19, 2018
The Chinese-Indian “Great Game” in East Africa By Andrew Korybko, October 18, 2018
The Comoros Crisis Pits China Against France Off the Coast of East Africa By Andrew Korybko, October 17, 2018
The Upcoming Putin-Netanyahu Summit Will Seek to Strike a Balance in Syria By Andrew Korybko, October 17, 2018
Khashoggi Mystery: Rogue Killers or Rogue Royals? By Andrew Korybko, October 16, 2018
Mohamed Bin Salman
Mohammed Bin Salman: The Character Behind the Caricatures By Andrew Korybko, October 12, 2018
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso Is the New Flashpoint in France’s “War on Terror”. Al Qaeda Cells in the Sahel By Andrew Korybko, October 12, 2018
Meng Hongwei
The Detention of Meng Hongwei and the Western Media’s Insinuations against China By Andrew Korybko, October 11, 2018
Sergev Lavrov
President Assad’s Amnesty Decree to Military Deserters By Andrew Korybko, October 10, 2018
Keeping Modi in Power: Why India Might Secure an Anti-Iranian Sanctions Waiver From the US By Andrew Korybko, October 10, 2018
The US’ New National Strategy For Counterterrorism (NSCT) Targets Pakistan By Andrew Korybko, October 06, 2018
“China’s Big Hack”: The US Has Its Own Reasons For “Saving the World” From China’s Supposed Big Tech Spying By Andrew Korybko, October 05, 2018
Trump’s Sub-Saharan Border Wall Proposal and the Migrant Crisis By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2018
Did the US Steal Russia’s Hypersonic Weapons Secrets? By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2018
Forget Trump’s Tough Talk, He’s Not Going to Let the House of Saud Fall By Andrew Korybko, October 03, 2018
President Putin’s Visit to India Will be a Moment of Reckoning for Both Countries By Andrew Korybko, October 03, 2018
Who Was Behind The Terror Attack in Ahvaz, Iran’s Khuzestan Province? By Andrew Korybko, October 02, 2018
Pivot towards India or China? The Maldives Might Not Become an Indian Satellite, at Least Not Yet By Andrew Korybko, October 01, 2018
Grand Renaissance Dam
Ethiopia Saudi Arabia Relations: Geopolitical and Economic Alignments, Will Ethiopia Become a Member of the GCC+ By Andrew Korybko, September 29, 2018
Russian Far East
Geopolitics of The Russian Far East By Andrew Korybko, September 28, 2018
UN Assembly
Did Donald Trump Kill the Liberal-Globalist “New World Order” at the UN? By Andrew Korybko, September 27, 2018
Russia: We Need to Protect Our Troops in Syria. The S-300 Air Defense System By Andrew Korybko, September 27, 2018
The US’ Mideast Missile Pullout Isn’t That Big of a Deal By Andrew Korybko, September 27, 2018
“Black Money” and India’s President Modi’s Rotten Deal for France’s Rafale Jets Might be His Downfall By Andrew Korybko, September 25, 2018
Russia’s Statement Regarding “Countermeasures” to Israeli “Recklessness” Might Not be the Salvation for Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 24, 2018
China To Acquire Management Control over Israel’s Strategic Port of Haifa? By Andrew Korybko, September 23, 2018
Who’s Responsible? The Downing of the Russian Plane Over Latakia Poses Too Many Questions By Andrew Korybko, September 21, 2018
Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China By Andrew Korybko, September 21, 2018
Israel-Russia Relations and the Downing of Russian Aircraft over Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 18, 2018
The Flag War: Ethiopia’s Competing Nationalisms By Andrew Korybko, September 15, 2018
Fiji in the Pacific Ocean Isn’t Fighting ISIS-Daesh, It’s Being Used by the US to Send a Signal to China By Andrew Korybko, September 14, 2018
E-40 Waterway Project
The New Viking Silk Road: The E-40 Waterway Project Linking the Baltic to the Black Sea By Andrew Korybko, September 13, 2018
US and Israel
The Geopolitics of War Crimes, Israel and America: Trump’s Taking Putin’s Earlier ICC Moves to a Qualitatively New Level By Andrew Korybko, September 12, 2018
Russia’s Pivoting to the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea via Eritrea and the UAE By Andrew Korybko, September 11, 2018
Merkel’s Chasing a Failed Dream by Fantasizing About Bombing Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 11, 2018
US Cuts off Aid to Pakistan, Obstructing Pakistan’s Economic Cooperation with China By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2018
Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement? By Andrew Korybko, September 08, 2018
Senator Rubio
Senator Rubio’s “Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative”: How Scared is the U.S. of China’s “Belt and Road”? By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
Conspiracy Theory
Apparently the “Deep State’s” a “Conspiracy Theory” But the “Steady State” Isn’t By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
Controversy Regarding China’s Investments in Africa By Andrew Korybko, September 06, 2018
US institutions
China’s “Influence Ops” in the USA. “Long March through US Institutions” By Andrew Korybko, September 05, 2018
The “Security Crisis” in Cameroon Aims to Destabilize the West-Central African CPEC By Andrew Korybko, September 04, 2018
India’s Arrest of Leftist Activists. Fear of Social Revolution By Andrew Korybko, September 02, 2018
A New Space Race for a New Cold War By Andrew Korybko, August 30, 2018
US Will Remain in Iraq “As Long As Needed”: Washington Wants to “Flip Iraq” From the Iranian to the Saudi Camp By Andrew Korybko, August 30, 2018
Germany’s Request to Partner with the Three Seas Initiative Is a Win for Poland By Andrew Korybko, August 29, 2018
Iran and Saudi Arabia’s “Deep State” Factions Are Striking Back By Andrew Korybko, August 28, 2018
Nepal’s Anti-Conversion Law Is More About National Security Than Christianity By Andrew Korybko, August 28, 2018
The Venezuelan Migrant Crisis By Andrew Korybko, August 26, 2018
Micronesia’s Chuukese Secessionist Vote Next Year Imperils the US’ Pacific Strategy. The Chinese Challenge By Andrew Korybko, August 25, 2018
China’s Strategic Interests in Central America: El Salvador Breaks Off with Taiwan By Andrew Korybko, August 24, 2018
Shifting Alliances? India’s Purchase of Russia’s S400 Air Defense System. America’s Response By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2018
Stabilizing Ethiopia’s Somali Region Is a Step Towards a National Renaissance By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2018
America’s Fake “Reconstruction” Money to Syria By Andrew Korybko, August 21, 2018
President of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska Dodik Support of Vucic’s Kosovo Partition Plan, Promoting Self interest By Andrew Korybko, August 18, 2018
America’s Infowar against China’s Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR) By Andrew Korybko, August 16, 2018
Towards the Political Partition of Kosovo? The Serbian People are Opposed to Vucic’s Unconstitutional Scheme By Andrew Korybko, August 15, 2018
The Assassination Attempt Against Venezuela’s Maduro By Nino Pagliccia and Andrew Korybko, August 15, 2018
The US’ Rebuff of Russia’s Cooperation Request in Syria Shows Its Cynicism By Andrew Korybko, August 14, 2018
Trump’s “Space Force” Is About to Take Off in a Huge Way. Strategic Threat to Russia and China By Andrew Korybko, August 10, 2018