Andre Damon - Archive

Obama’s Phony Campaign Against Inequality By Andre Damon, January 10, 2014
Obama’s Fraudulent Defense of the Unemployed By Andre Damon, January 06, 2014
Bipartisan Budget Deal to Scrap Jobless Benefits. Condemning Five Million People to Poverty and Destitution By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, December 08, 2013
Thanksgiving in America – Shocking Poverty and New Records for the Stock Market By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, November 28, 2013
The 16,000 Dow: Recovery or Transfer of Wealth from the Majority of the Population to the Super-Rich? By Andre Damon, November 25, 2013
US Government Lets JPMorgan Off the Hook for Mortgage Fraud By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, November 20, 2013
Dow Hits New Record Amid Deepening World Slump By Andre Damon, November 19, 2013
Nominee to Head US Federal Reserve Reassures Wall Street in Senate Testimony By Andre Damon, November 15, 2013
Wealth of World’s Billionaires Doubles Since 2009 By Andre Damon, November 11, 2013
The SAC Insider Trading Case. Hedge Funds and America’s “Financial Aristocracy” By Andre Damon, November 09, 2013
No Criminal Charges for Hedge Fund SAC Capital – Fined $1.2 Billion for “Pervasive and Unprecedented” Insider Trading By Andre Damon, November 06, 2013
Inequality and the Political Vacuum in the United States – Food Assistance Cut for 48 Million Americans By Andre Damon, November 04, 2013
US Attacks Germany’s Economic Policies. Washington Views with Growing Alarm the Emergence of Germany as the Economic Powerhouse of Europe By Andre Damon, November 03, 2013
Cutting Food Stamps for Over 45 Million Americans: The Ruthlessness of the American Ruling Class By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, October 29, 2013
Poverty in America: US Food Stamp Assistance to be Slashed By Andre Damon, October 26, 2013
Top Ten American CEOs Take Home Over $100 Million Each By Andre Damon, October 24, 2013
“Reopening the Federal Government”: Debt Default Deal Sets the Stage for Intensified Assault on Social Programs By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, October 17, 2013
Debt Ceiling Impasse in the US Senate. Stripping US Bonds of their AAA Rating? “US Treasury has only $35 Billion in Cash Left on Hand” By Andre Damon, October 16, 2013
US Government Shutdown Impacts Millions of Workers By Andre Damon, October 15, 2013
Behind the US government shutdown By Andre Damon, October 14, 2013
Republicans, White House move closer toward debt deal By Andre Damon, October 12, 2013
Obama’s Federal Reserve Pick Reassures Wall Street of Continued Bank Bailouts By Andre Damon, October 10, 2013
US Government Shutdown Reaches Second Week By Andre Damon, October 08, 2013
Day Three of US Shutdown: Talks Focus on Cuts to Medicare and Social Security By Andre Damon, October 04, 2013
Detroit Emergency Manager freezing City Pensions and Benefits By Andre Damon, September 28, 2013
Slashing Food Stamp Funding: US Congress Moves to cut billions in Food Aid By Andre Damon, September 21, 2013
The Looting of America By Andre Damon, September 19, 2013
US Congress Lines Up Behind Drive for War Against Syria By Andre Damon, September 04, 2013
Obama’s Housing Program: A Windfall for Wall Street By Nick Barrickman and Andre Damon, August 08, 2013
Low-Wage America By Kristina Betinis and Andre Damon, August 07, 2013
As Dow Hits New Record: Dismal Jobs Report Exposes Claims of US Recovery By Andre Damon, August 04, 2013
The Detroit Bankruptcy and the Drive Toward Dictatorship By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, August 02, 2013
Guardian Newspaper Reveals Wider Internet Surveillance By Andre Damon, August 01, 2013
Halliburton Pleads Guilty to Destroying Gulf Oil Spill Evidence By Andre Damon, July 27, 2013
Wall Street Profits and the Widening Social Divide in America By Andre Damon, July 17, 2013
Wall Street Profits and the Widening Social Divide in America By Andre Damon, July 17, 2013
Price of Gold Plunged, Panic Deepens on World Financial Markets By Andre Damon, June 21, 2013
Obama Administration Prepares Charges against NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden By Andre Damon, June 12, 2013
Global Stock Sell-off amidst Signs of Deepening Slump By Andre Damon, June 06, 2013
Poverty, Unemployment, Enriching the Few: The 2008 Economic Crisis and the Restructuring of Class Relations in America By Andre Damon, June 04, 2013
Who Calls the Shots in Washington? Government Of, By, and “For The Banks” By Andre Damon, May 26, 2013
Global Slump, Continued Stagnation of US Economy. Sharp Increase in Jobless Benefit Claims By Andre Damon, May 17, 2013
Domestic Spying and Social Media: Google, Facebook “Back Doors” for Government Wiretaps By Andre Damon, May 09, 2013
The Social Crisis in America. The Myth of an Accelerated Economic Recovery By Andre Damon, May 04, 2013
Police Spying: Obama Moves to Expand Internet Wiretaps By Andre Damon, April 30, 2013
The Unspoken Truth: Mass Unemployment in America By Andre Damon, April 15, 2013
Scrapping the US “Social Safety Net”: Obama Budget Slashes Social Security, Medicare By Andre Damon, April 11, 2013
Obama defends plan to cut Medicare and Social Security By Andre Damon, April 09, 2013
Mounting Unemployment in America, Hundreds of Thousands Drop out of the Workforce By Andre Damon, April 06, 2013
US Sequester Cuts and the Fraud of “Political Gridlock” By Andre Damon, March 27, 2013
The Hidden Face of Austerity: American Corporate Executives Cash In By Andre Damon, March 22, 2013
Fiscal Collapse: US Congress to Make Sequester Cuts Permanent By Andre Damon, March 19, 2013
Bipartisan Theatrics and the Obama Budget Crisis: “Deeper Cuts” to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security By Andre Damon, March 13, 2013
US Unemployment Figures are a Camouflage. Boom in Corporate Profits, Collapsing Wages By Andre Damon, March 09, 2013
Sequester to Spearhead Historic Assault on US Social Programs By Andre Damon, February 26, 2013
Firms Make Billions as Middlemen in Government Cover-Up of Wall Street crimes By Andre Damon, February 07, 2013
The Stock Market Bubble. Surging Stock Markets Amidst a Global Depression By Andre Damon, February 01, 2013
The Bank Bailout Scandal: US Treasury Approves “Executive Bonuses” for CEOs of Bailed-out Companies By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, January 30, 2013
Top US Officials Vastly Underestimated 2008 Economic and Financial Crisis By Andre Damon, January 27, 2013
Home Foreclosures: Another Sweetheart Bank Settlement on Sub-Prime Mortgage Fraud By Andre Damon, January 09, 2013