An American Apology and Prediction of World Power Shift

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Once again thousands have died, communities have been terrorized and destroyed, and as usual it’s somebody else’s fault. But Karma may be approaching.
It bears reflection that a long list of countries including Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, and Iran – none of which ever attacked or threatened the US or Europe in any way – have all been ruthlessly sanctioned while the US has never been sanctioned for flagrant attacks on Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, and innumerable “color revolutions” and regime overthrows by the CIA, JSOC et al, including Iran, Indonesia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Congo and Operation Condor in South America, all in flagrant violation of the UN Charter. Sanctions are a modern update of siege warfare and as such violate the UN Charter prohibition of “the threat or use of force against the territorial sovereignty or political independence of any state.” This fundamental treaty document, we should be ashamed to say, was drafted in San Francisco, and its abrogation violates Article VI of the U.S. Constitution that declares our treaties “the supreme law of the land.” Thus, America, we are a nation of serial dishonor and must look in the mirror before frowning upon any aggression abroad. The current one in particular.
Some Ukrainians in WWII fought with the Nazis, collaborated in the regional Holocaust, and afterwards have been maintained and supported by the CIA initially as part of Operation Gladio. The Bush-Gorbachev agreement in 1991 permitting reunification of Germany upon assurance that NATO would move no closer to Russia has been repeatedly violated by the West, admitting three new states in 1999 and another seven in 2004, with NATO announcing its intention in 2008 to bring in both Georgia and Ukraine right up to Russia’s borders. This would be comparable to Russian or Chinese bases in Quebec or Baja California, and a vastly greater existential threat to Russia than the Cuban Missile Crisis was to us. Russia swatted down Georgia’s attempted invasion through South Ossetia later that year.
In 2014 US-backed neo-Nazis overthrew the elected East-West neutral Yanukovich Ukrainian gov’t at a cost of $5 billion over about a decade as publicly boasted by arch-neocon Victoria Nuland, including installation of her hand-picked, pro-Western successor as she distributed cookies to Nazis in the Maidan. This exposes Russia’s 1200-mile border with Ukraine to unrestrained NATO border threats and opened a gold-rush for Ukrainian resources including gold prospector Hunter Biden. Putin has been watching this with alarm as neo-Nazi paramilitary units (e.g., Right Sector, Azov Battalion) have been shelling, terrorizing and ethnic-cleansing Russian-speaking Ukrainians and Russian nationals in the Donbass for 8 years, killing at least 14,000 to date. Having lost an estimated 27 million Russian citizens to the Nazis while winning WWII in Europe, how must Russians feel about seeing Nazis again at their doorstep flying swastika-bearing battle flags?
Through a growing alliance with China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and extensive bilateral trade in their own currencies, Putin finally feels strong enough to put a stop to it. China immediately inked a contract for massive grain purchases from Russia, and can buy all the oil Russia wants to sell supplied cheaply through pipelines. SCO member India has declined to censure Russia. Russia has announced the ruble is now gold-based (as had Ghadafi for an African development bank to wrest control of Africa from the IMF but without the muscle to protect his country from US/NATO fury). Iran was provisionally accepted into the SCO last September, which will close the geographic circle giving all of Eurasia to the SCO – the crown jewel of Brzezinski’s global chessboard – excepting Afghanistan in the middle, which was one of several motives for our illegal invasion and occupation. It may now be free to join the club which represents 40% of the world’s population with a land mass dwarfing the North Atlantic imperium. The petrodollar is now facing serious threat as the world’s reserve currency.
The two Donbass states requested annexation by Russia along with Crimea, which Putin declined. As late Princeton and NYU Russian scholar Stephen Cohen observed, Putin is not interested in more pensions to pay. War is horrible, but this didn’t just begin with Russian invasion. It began 8 years ago following the Nuland-orchestrated coup with violent and sadistic Neonazi attacks against the Donbass (see 2016 French documentary film, “Donbass”). Their elimination is one of Putin’s primary objectives along with NATO guarantees that Ukraine will never join NATO and will resume the Minsk accords, both of which the Trump and Biden administrations have steadfastly refused.
The US/NATO cabal has forced this on Russia, with the more realistic DOD now trying to put brakes on the fanatic neoconservative Blinken-Nuland State Dept. Strong hints of a false flag bioweapons attack blamed on Russia may be looming to justify NATO intervention, which would produce a precariously dangerous situation. To deter the worst outcome, Americans must first be honest and knowledgeable about who has brought this about. As Putin stated in his speech, we have backed him into a corner. And as Sun Tzu advised in “The Art of War,” always leave the enemy a path of escape or they’ll bite and claw you to the bitter, bloody death.
East and West are poised for divorce and resumption of the Cold War, and I doubt the West will come out ahead this time.
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Jack Dresser, Ph.D. is a retired psychologist and NIH-funded research scientist. National vice-chair, Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.