America: Land of Exceptional, Indispensable Psychosis
A 38-year old man, a Muslim convert from Alabama, is a threat to America, according to the war party and its nameless “authorities.”
This man is being released in Northern Virginia 3 years early for “good behavior” : In letter, 'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh said ISIS 'doing a spectacular job'
Via @NBCNews @KenDilanianNBC— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) May 23, 2019
Soon as John Walker Lindh was released from prison, the “Make America Great Again” MAGAites piled on, echoing Trump and his neocons (who are responsible for mainstreaming hatred of Islam, embracing apartheid Israel, and violating a raft of international laws).
Y’all are mad @realDonaldTrump is set to pardon our American warfighters but this is okay? This piece of trash set to be released and I don’t hear @HillaryClinton squawking about it being “grotesque.”
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 21, 2019
For so many MAGAites, it’s about Hillary, the Democrats, and a select few Republicans who worked against Trump during the election.
The willful stupidity and viciousness of the average MAGAite should not be underestimated. Facts are irrelevant, even despised.
For instance, here is the Queen of Islamophobia, Pam Geller.
American Taliban Abu Sulayman (John Walker Lindh), who fought and killed US soldiers, set to walk free Thursday: He should have faced a firing squad. Sulayman continues to call for violent jihad.
— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) May 22, 2019
If she had bothered to investigate this case, she would realize Lindh didn’t kill Americans and murder was not part of the case against him.
This is, of course, irrelevant for Geller and other Zionists. She can get away with telling such lies because most Americans are ignorant of what the government is doing—mass murder, theft, war crimes—and after two decades of incessant propaganda, fabrication, and lies now believe all Muslims are killers.
Lindh reportedly fought with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance, a CIA-supported group. If he killed anybody—and there is no evidence he did—it would have been Afghans fighting against the Taliban, a group of Wahhabi-esque fanatics supported by the US until it was decided Afghanistan would need to be invaded and the Taliban wiped out before an oil pipeline could move forward.
It would seem most Americans really don’t care if the US military has invaded and occupied countries, killing millions. It is now considered a dangerous psychopathic serial killer by the rest of the world.
So well trained—like Pavlov’s dogs—are most Americans, they believe obvious lies about Venezuela, Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Libya, etc. So out of touch with reality—and plugged into an alternate reality designed by the state and corporations—are the American people, they now instinctively buy into the humanitarian interventionist agenda of Democrats, Republicans, and a MAGA president who is almost entirely clueless, an idiot savant only able to tweet and repeat adjectives.
NEW: CIA Officer Mike Spann was the first American KIA post-9/11. I spoke with his daughter Alison Spann @newsgirlalison, who blasted the early release of John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban who was part of the prison uprising where her dad was killed.
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) May 22, 2019
Alison, your father was killed as a result of an illegal and criminal invasion. He was an invader working for a national security state that has overthrown dozens of governments and killed thousands, if not millions, with its subversive behavior since the end of the Second World War, an orchestrated event designed to make the US an indispensable and exceptional nation able to plow over countries where oil, minerals, and other precious natural resources are coveted by a bankster and corporate elite.
So long as the ruling elite, its media and academics, are able to tell lies without pushback—or rather a small amount of resistance, which is ignored and dismissed as extremism—it will be able to hoodwink the public and motivate them with more lies and patriotic gobbledegook to support organized mass murder ahead of grand larceny.
The rest of the world knows the United States is a rabid, irrational, and violent predator. The American people, however, remain clueless and shamefully disinterested in the fact the country is run by psychopaths and serial murderers.
More often than not, arch war criminals like Henry Kissinger, Clinton, Bush, and Obama are celebrated as “elder statesmen,” and soldiers involved in unspeakable crimes are portrayed as saviors.
I’m told over and over I need to thank them for their “service” in destroying and raping the rest of the world, which a fine-tuned Bernaysian propaganda and lie machine have distorted into a quest to give the rest of the world the neoliberal version of democracy and freedom.
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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.
Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.