The Psychotic Impacts of Stalking, Electronic Surveillance, Harassment and Wiretaps: The Neuro-Behavioral Symptoms
The resulting symptoms include sleep disturbance, anxiety, hostility, aggression, depression, anger, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and cognitive problems.
There is a phenomenon being reported by numerous people worldwide. A growing number of citizens are becoming aware of being stalked, surveilled and manipulated possibly by their own government, other organizations or even individuals. The resulting symptoms include, but are not limited to, sleep disturbance, anxiety, hostility, aggression, depression, anger, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and cognitive problems. Many are being labelled as delusional. I’m not questioning the presence of psychotic people in the world, but there are too many people complaining of stalking, surveillance and harassment for it to be psychosis in every case. So, what’s happening?
There are existing technologies and agendas available that affect a person’s well-being and behavior such as electronic surveillance, stalking, microwave hearing, silent subliminal messages and behavior modification.
Electronic surveillance is rampant in our country.
“A May 2003 report by Toffler Associates (a global forecasting and consulting company) mentioned 24/7 ‘global persistent surveillance’ accomplished using all sources. According to the report, surveillance technology is to be used to make the targeted individual aware that they’re being watched in order to alter their behavior.”[1]
Following the attacks on 9/11, President Bush had authorized illegal wiretaps[2] by passing the Patriot Act on October 26, 2001 (see Department of Justice, The USA Patriot Act) that vastly expanded the government’s authority to spy on its own citizens in numerous ways.
In January 2008, the US Department of Justice publicized its survey “Stalking Victimization in the United States.” According to the survey an estimated 3.4 million people were victims of stalking while another 2.4 were victims of harassment.[3]
From a KION Central (West) Coast News report:
“The news report included an interview with Santa Cruz, California Police Lieutenant Larry Richard, who explicitly admits organized stalking is a real phenomenon that has been occurring for a long time.”[4]
Stalking by the government has occurred. Former FBI supervisor Ted L. Gunderson in a sworn affidavit in a legal action case against the FBI and DOJ said,
“I firmly believe that most individuals working in the FBI, other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the FBI, other intelligence agencies including the CIA, and other key government positions. This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution.”
Gunderson continued,
“In addition to high-ranking members of the FBI, other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies. . . . “The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including government and corporate whistleblowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and jilted paramours.”
Unfortunately, persons of convenience are also selected.
He stated that
“Journalists covering controversial issues, and even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.”[5]
“Psychological Operations (PsyOp), are a planned process of conveying messages to a target audience (TA) to promote certain attitudes, emotions and behavior. PsyOp is basically the use of communication to influence behavior.” [6]
Direct energy, biological and chemical weapons and computer network operations are all used in PsyOps.
One of the hallmark symptoms that distinguish between the mentally normal and mentally ill is the presence of voices in the head or auditory hallucinations. However, there are weapons that can direct sound onto a person. “Microwave hearing” refers to the production of audible artificial hearing or audible artificial hallucination.
A microwave voice transmission non-lethal weapon is referenced in the thesaurus of the Center for Army Lessons Learned, which is a military instruction website. It also lists analogous devices using silent sound.
A 1980 NASA document (NASA abstract report number AD-A090426, June 1, 1980) stated that
“one can remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created.”
The US Army in its “Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons” document states that the use of this technology could be psychologically devastating.
Silent subliminal messages are powerful subliminal messages that can be transmitted by infrasound (just below human hearing) directly to the subconscious mind to influence thought and emotions with no conscious filtering. Subliminal mind-control is considered a non-lethal weapon.
Lt. Colonel John B. Alexander of the US Army, one of the prime movers behind the advanced development of non-lethal weapons, states in an article “The New Mental Battlefield: ‘Beam me up Spock’” in the US Army Military Review, Dec. 1980 EPI 6022,
“Mind-altering techniques designed to impactopponents are well advanced. The procedures employed include manipulation of human behavior through the use of psychological weapons affecting sight, sound, smells, temperature, electromagnetic energy or sensory deprivation.” [7]
In the June/July 1987 issue of Peace Magazine, former Congressman James Scheur (R-NY) is quoted as saying,
“We are developing devices and products capable of controlling violent individuals and entire mobs without injury. We can tranquilize, impede, immobilize, harass, shock, upset, chill, temporarily blind, deafen, or just plain scare the wits out of anyone the police have a proper need to control and restrain.”
Between 2016 and 2018 there are news reports of U.S. and Canadian diplomats in Cuba and China experiencing a strange perception of high frequency noises and neuro-behavioral symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and vertigo. There are reports from others around the world suffering with similar symptoms.
Some think we are being experimented on with these weapons. Citizens don’t want to believe that our government would allow this to occur, but unfortunately my research has shown that this is indeed a possibility. In 2007, NBC News quoted the Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne:
“Non-lethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd control situations before they are used on the battlefield.”[8]
Non-consensual experimentation is not just current. Past experiments include radiation tests and mustard gas experiments in the 1940s, testicle implants from 1910 to the 1950s, the use of STDs in Guatemala in the 1940s, and the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments that ran from 1932 to 1972.
Jim Guest, former Representative (R-MO) and retired aerospace engineer, wrote the members of the Missouri Legislature asking for help for the many “who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups.”[9]
Why haven’t we known about this? In an article called “The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War” Stephen Metz, PhD, director of Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College, and James Kievit, a research analyst at the Strategic Studies Institute, state,
“The use of new technology may also run counter to basic American values. The advantage of directed-energy weapons over conventional ones is deniability. Deniability must be aimed at the American people…”[10]
There are some schools of thought that claim when an individual is too close to revealing these programs, they are considered a threat in one way or another and neutralized through a concept known as targeting, which includes the use of weapons and including death. Some who have died under “suspicious circumstances” include Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), bioweapons expert Dr. Frank Olson, Dr. Fred Bell (a radio host and whistleblower on non-lethal weapons) and Dr. Rauni Kilde, former medical doctor for Finland and whistleblower on mind control technology.
Committing and discrediting individuals is another way of silencing victims. Of course, not discussing cases is used to deny anything. Censoring and classifying are common.
Do you think this all sounds like science fiction? You bet. There’s a quote by Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuham: “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”
It is now clear these programs do exist and are capable of inducing mental illness symptoms, which could be labeled by psychiatrists as psychotic. In the modern world, if you could evoke these symptoms, it could be used to silence people by mimicking mental illness. Once a person is designated abnormal, all his/her behavior and characteristics are covered by that label . . . forever. Who will then listen to them?
If you know someone who insists this is happening to them, don’t automatically discount them as delusional. Consider they may be a victim of one or more of these programs.
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- Mark M. Rich. New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control, pg. 89 (see also Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, Rand Corporation, 2005.)
- David Sanger. “Bush Admits He Ordered Domestic Spying Program,” The New York Times, reprinted Anchorage Daily News, 18 December 2005. (See also: “The Fisa Amendments Act Authorizes Warrantless Spying on Americans,” by Jennifer Granick, The Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society Blog, 5 November 2012). Sourced from
- US Department of Justice Survey, “Stalking Victimization in the United States,” January 2009. Sourced from
- “Gang Stalking, Bullying on Steroids,” 29 January 2011. KION Central (West) Coast News. Sourced from
- Ted L. Gunderson, sworn affidavit 26 April 2011, Los Angeles, California. Mr. Keith Labella action against FBI and DOJ. Sourced from
- Mark M. Rich. New World War, pg. 103.
- “Military Review,” the US Air Force Institute for National Security Studies. Sourced from
- See also:
- Representative Jim Guest. 10 October 2007 excerpt from Jim Guest’s letter to members of the Legislature. Sourced from
- Steven Metz, James Kievit. “The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War.” US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA. 17013-5050. Sourced from