Germany and All of Europe? “We are Fighting a War against Russia”. The “Baerbockization” of the World – Failed

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The German Foreign Minister, Ms. Annalena Baerbock, recently announced in the Council of Europe, “We are fighting a War against Russia”. With ”We”, she meant all of Europe and, of course, Germany.

This young lady-novice (42), a scholar of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) is out of her mind.

Some 80 years after a German invasion of Russia ended horrendously in a killing streak against Germany with millions of deaths on both sides, Ms. Baerbock has the distorted brain to tell the world “We are fighting a War against Russia”.

Germany, so far, largely media-tolerated the “Baerbockization” which was intended to influence European Council members to think likewise – “We are at War with Russia.” Baerbock went on pressing the point by saying – “We all, all of Europe, are in this War” – intending to speak for Europe.

How come Baerbock wasn’t fired? At least that would have sent a signal to the world, that Germany has not fallen into the craze of wanting war with Russia.

Unless self-assured by a strong power of support behind, for example Klaus Schwab, from whose school of YGL’s she is a graduate, she might not have dared to be so bold. That she was not sacked by now, is probably also due to the same nefarious unelected and undesired world power.

German Chancellor Scholz did say this to an applauding German Parliament, “Germany will always be at the forefront when it comes to supporting Ukraine…. because there really is a war in Europe – not far from here in Berlin, it is taking place against a big country like Ukraine”…”but at the same time we must prevent the war from escalating into a war between Russia and NATO,” he cationed. See this .

Was this a tacit encouragement for Baerbock?

How much longer will the People of the World tolerate Schwab / WEF and Co., as well as the informal, unregistered associations, like G7 and G20 / B20? How much longer are they allowed to prevail and decide over the destiny of humankind?

Does the majority of the world population even realize to what kind of self-styled and unelected powers we are exposed and by whom our future is decided?


Baerbock was dead serious, thinking she was doing the planet a favor by bringing forward what most people wanted. Wrongly so. She couldn’t have been more wrong. People of this world want Peace not conflict.

Those comparatively minuscule minorities who want war, conflict, population reduction, overall control of the world’s resources and of the globe’s population, are the few power-hungry inhuman psychopaths, whose illegally begotten riches, they believe, give them the right to decide over humanity and humanity’s destiny.

The vast majority of the people of the world want Peace with Russia, want an integrated harmonious world. They do not care for Klaus Schwab, the megalomaniac and his “his brothers in crime´ and of his Death Cult, his absolute madness of a self-nominated elitist, leading the world into transhumanism, into an all digitized environment – that can and will – if not stopped now – blow up one day worse than a thousand Hiroshimas.

The Third Reich will have been a benign precursor, a trial balloon, if you will, to a no-escape worldwide empire – that too will collapse – as all empires in history collapsed. But the result would be DEVASTATING, for lack of a stronger term.

See this speech by Carlos A. Gebauer, famous actor of the German RTL TV show “Das Strafgericht” (the Criminal Court). In the summer of 2022, he spoke about the “Reset” in both historic and philosophical terms (in German) at a Conference of the Atlas Initiative for Justice and Freedom, headquartered in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

The vast majority of the world does not care for BlackRock, and Larry Fink, BR’s CEO and his ilk, attempting to control the world with tens of trillions of assets accumulated through Artificial Intelligence (AI), controlling every economic and productive sector of the worldly universe, from food, to services, to war-machines. BlackRock is the main sponsor of the Schwab-WEF-madness.

Amazingly, the German media have dealt with the Baerbock idiocy quite benignly. This, compared to what the same media on the other hand promoted – the unconditional supply of German Jaguar tanks to the most corrupt government of Europe and arguably the world, Ukraine – to fight Russia.

The German media went berserk – including some of other German speaking media, like Swiss and Austrian – who have collectively sold their soul to green neofascism – urging Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, to finally make the decision to supply the Leopards to Kiev.

The war-soul-journalists were like kids under the Christmas tree when finally, Scholz, of course, on orders of the US of A – decided, yes – we deliver, but the tanks will get there (to Kiev or wherever in the wasteland Ukraine) earliest by May 2023. – See this

By then Russia may have totally “neutralized” Ukraine and the unused Leopards will rot away.

The international media condemned Baerbock’s statement vehemently, including even European Council member States. They wanted to disassociate themselves from such crude language.Even the US doesn’t seem to want a direct confrontation with Russia, if you believe the not-so-trustworthy Biden Regime.

Why then has Germany succumbed to the EU / NATO pressure on the delivery of Leopards?

Because – what many may not realize – Germany is as of this day not a free, sovereign nation. Germany has no Peace Agreement with the “conquerors” of WWII, especially not with the US. Germany functions under an Armistice Agreement since the end of WWII in 1945.

A key condition of this AA is that Germany would NEVER do anything that goes against the interests of the United States – or else – see again this

We, the People of this world, want this madness to stop. Now.

After the January 16-20, 2023 WEF meeting in Davos, the World media have unequivocally shown that they have seen enough, of this unelected WEF, of this unelected self-styled emperor of the world, named Klaus Schwab, who, by the way, is coming from a Third Reich background.

We, the People of the World, want to get back to a human way of life. All the elitist oligarchs, self-styled commanders – and eugenists – of the universe, like Gates, Rockefeller, Soros et al, should stand trial à la Nuremberg 2.0.

If not, they may want to disappear, dig themselves into a deep hole, perhaps in New Zealand, which Jacinda Ardern, NZ’s ex-PM (already gone, thanks God) – has neatly prepared as a rescue paradise for the world’s most sought-after criminals.

Madame Annalena Baerbock, please go away! By doing so, you may safe just a tiny bit of your dignity!

In addition to the nonsense talk, what also came to the fore from the WEF 2023 – that it is one of the world’s most exclusive escort and prostitution services event. Apparently, that’s what the sick-rich sociopaths need – unlimited sex, at (almost) unlimited cost. And they come to the WEF’s host in Switzerland, Davos, a ski resort – to the detriment of the local population.

Under the glory and shine of the WEF’s luster, and the Swiss police- and military defense, they are not asked, and have no choice but to accept. Money rules. Law and ethics are overruled. Dystopia, again, George Orwell’s 1984 at its best.

And remember, when the duped world chose “Green”, we the People, had no idea, that again we were misled, by an environmental dystopia, a climate-change craze, gradually turning fascist.  Just look at John Kerry and Al Gore at the 2023 WEF – their words and gesticulations speak volumes – of distortion.
See this  and this .

That’s what Green has become today. It’s the new fascist party. Unfortunately, often in close alliance with the Socialists, which once upon a time, had the well-being of the working class in mind, created the worlds social services, decent work-conditions, unemployment insurance, social health insurance coverage, paid vacation, weekly work hours limitations – and much more.

During the past few of decades – ravaged by uncontrolled globalism, and globalization, many of them, including so-called socialist world leaders, have sold out to the fascist globalist trend. Many of the lower echelons’ SPs – Socialist Party members – were drawn into this diabolical fascist machinery without even noticing it.

Fortunately, 2023 is a year of Transition. The world is waking up. Signals to that effect keep emerging. The US Supreme Court just ruled against Global (covid) Vaccination. This is a step they wouldn’t have dared taking just a year ago.

People! Let us stay awake and alert!

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Articles by: Peter Koenig

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