Afghanistan Then – The Whole World Today

I find it difficult to put my horror and outrage into words

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When I read the great journalist John Pilger’s article “The Great Game of Smashing Countries” in GlobalResearch (1) today, I was assailed by horror and outrage in equal measure. The diabolical forces and powers that lied and misled the American people and the world with “False Flag Operations” more than a generation ago and plunged Afghanistan, the already liberated, emerging, women’s rights respecting Asian country into the dark barbaric Middle Ages, are again lying to the whole world and plunging it into misery with their devastating Corona measures – and the citizens of this world are largely putting up with it again. How is this possible?

Afghanistan is only one example among many: Vietnam, Iraq, Yemen, Serbia and many other countries and fates must also be mentioned in this context. When the Afghan people were already bleeding from many wounds, I read the book by the Iranian documentary filmmaker Siba Shakib “After Afghanistan, God only comes to weep. The Story of Shirin-Gol” (2). Only accounts of experiences in concentration camps, such as Margarete Buber-Neumann’s book “Als Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler. A World in Darkness” (3) have shaken me in the same way.

The reader may excuse my emotionality. But once again I appeal to my fellow citizens to finally wake up, face reality and stop playing this diabolical game.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.



(2) Goldmann-Verlag (2003). Munich

(3) Ullstein Book (1977). Berlin

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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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