Latest News and Top Stories

Curbing Social Inequality through “The Millionaires Tax”? By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, March 21, 2012
“Package War” Looming in the Middle East: “Regime Change” in Syria, Precondtion for War on Iran By Global Research, March 21, 2012
The Bull Market in Gold and Silver Prevails By Bob Chapman, March 21, 2012
BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE: Falklands and Chagos – A Tale of Two Islands By Peter Presland, March 21, 2012
Water Conflicts and Hydroelectricity in South Asia By Dr. Nasrullah Khan Kalair, March 21, 2012
Massive Demonstrations Support Quebec Students Striking Against Fee Hikes By Richard Fidler, March 21, 2012
Possible U.S. Involvement in Covert Warfare in Syria By Raven Clabough, March 20, 2012
VIDEO: Al Jazeera Journalist Explains Resignation over Syria and Bahrain Coverage By Ali Hashem, March 20, 2012
A “Global Hope Plan” to End the Worldwide Financial Crisis By Hon. Paul Hellyer, March 20, 2012
Invisible Children’s Kony 2012 Video: A Justication For More US AFRICOM Wars Over Oil By F. William Engdahl, March 20, 2012
Does Genetically Modified (GM) Food Increase the Incidence of Obesity? By Washington's Blog, March 20, 2012
The Bradley Manning Prosecution Infected by Government Misconduct, Dismissal is the Only Option By Kevin Zeese, March 20, 2012
SYRIA: US-NATO Supported “Opposition” Commits Extensive War Crimes By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 20, 2012
Towards a World War III Scenario: The Real Imperialist Agenda By Finian Cunningham, March 20, 2012
MIDDLE EAST: The CIA Operating behind a Web of “Pro-Democracy” NGOs By Patrick Henningsen, March 20, 2012
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: Insider Trading 9/11 … the Facts Laid Bare By Lars Schall, March 20, 2012
WIKILEAKS: COVERUP OF WAR CRIMES IN AFGHANISTAN: Washington Lied About 2009 Bala Baluk Massacre, Red Cross Concealed Truth By Kevin Gosztola, March 20, 2012
MEDIA LIES: Deaths in Syria: Counting them (politically) correctly By Global Research, March 19, 2012
Small Business Owners and Labor in America: The Backbone of the Nation By William Cox, March 19, 2012
Joseph Kony’s LRA versus the Ugandan Military: Who are the Real Terrorists? By David Zarembka, March 19, 2012
CONFRONTATION WITH AMERICA: China’s military spending surpasses $100 billion By John Chan, March 19, 2012
US official account of Afghanistan massacre challenged: “latest in string of coalition forces’ massacres” By Patrick Martin, March 19, 2012
Syria, Bahrain: A Tale of Two Uprisings… One Fabricated, the Other Forgotten By Finian Cunningham, March 19, 2012
VIDEO: Who’s Afraid of War Crimes Prosecution? Cheney Cancels Canada Visit By James Corbett, March 19, 2012
The REAL Cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic. Are Toxic Chemicals Making Us Fat? By Washington's Blog, March 19, 2012
ORWELL 1984 “RELOADED”: The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center By James Bamford, March 19, 2012
The Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump By Robert Reich, March 19, 2012
Mossad and CIA concur: Iran is not seeking nukes By Global Research, March 19, 2012
SYRIA OPPOSITION TARGETS CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Christians Expelled from Homs by “Opposition” Al Qaeda Gunmen By Global Research, March 18, 2012
Violence is As American As Cherry Pie By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 18, 2012
‘Israel Loves Iran’ initiative takes off on Facebook By Global Research, March 18, 2012
Drugs, Guns and Nukes: Iran as the New ‘Dope, Incorporated’ By Tom Burghardt, March 18, 2012
9/11 Truth, Inner Consciousness and the “Public Mind” By James F. Tracy, March 18, 2012
The Roots of Israeli Behavior: Sabotage Peace at any Cost By Adrian Salbuchi, March 18, 2012
The Media’s Coverup of the Afghan Massacre By Stephen Lendman, March 18, 2012
POLICE STATE USA: New Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure and Citizens for Military Preparedness By Brandon Turbeville, March 18, 2012
SYRIA: Media Accuses Syrian Government of Collaborating with Al Qaeda. How the Media Refutes its own Lies… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 17, 2012
America’s “Lone Gunman” in Afghanistan: “I Did It”… By Joe Giambrone, March 17, 2012
France Bans GM Corn Amid Mass US Protests against Monsanto By Rady Ananda, March 17, 2012
US-NATO SUBVERSION IN SYRIA: Saudi Arabia Is Arming Syrian “Opposition” As Twin Car Bombs Kill 27 In Damascus By Finian Cunningham, March 17, 2012
Afghan Massacre: Pattern of Established U.S.-NATO Criminal Acts in Several Nations By Global Research, March 17, 2012
End the Crime That Is the War on Afghanistan By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, March 17, 2012
Global Systemic Economic Crisis: Stagnation in Europe, US Relapse into Recession. Crash of Markets and Financial Institutions By GEAB, March 17, 2012
Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It By Stephen Lendman, March 17, 2012
Week in Review: Ugandan Oil, Wall Street Criminality and Al Qaeda in Syria By Global Research, March 17, 2012
Hollywood and Madison Avenue: Elevating the U.S. Military’s Public Image: “Towards the Sound of Chaos”, By Patrick Henningsen, March 17, 2012
Twenty million could lose employer coverage under Obama health care overhaul By Kate Randall, March 17, 2012
J.P. Morgan Chase’s Ugly Family Secrets Revealed By Matt Taibbi, March 17, 2012
Azerbaijan: Mafia State By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, March 17, 2012
Uncertain Future for the Euro: The Plight of the Netherlands. Staggering Unemployment in Spain and Greece By Bob Chapman, March 17, 2012
WAR PLAN IRAN: Western Aggression By Finian Cunningham and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 16, 2012
Rediscovering Poverty. How We Cured “The Culture of Poverty,” Not Poverty Itself By Barbara Ehrenreich, March 16, 2012
VIDEO: Al Qaeda and US-NATO Special Forces on the Ground in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 16, 2012
Documents in foreclosure fraud settlement highlight lawlessness of the banks By Barry Grey, March 16, 2012
Israel’s Willing Executioners: AIPAC Invades Washington By Prof. James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya, March 16, 2012
Occupy and “The American Spring” By Kevin Zeese, March 16, 2012
Subjects of Empire: U.S. Public Opinion on Syria By Ben Schreiner, March 16, 2012
Is Iran a Threat to Global Security? Notes on Dr. Zogby’s “Dealing with Iran” By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, March 16, 2012
Why The Huge Spike in Oil Prices? “Peak Oil” or Wall Street Speculation? By F. William Engdahl, March 16, 2012
ELECTIONS 2012: Why Labor’s Rank and File Won’t Campaign for Obama By Shamus Cooke, March 16, 2012
A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan By Stephen Lendman, March 16, 2012
JOSEPH KONY, AMERICA’S PRETEXT TO INVADE AFRICA: US Marines Dispatched to Five African Countries By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 16, 2012
Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia By Prof Peter Dale Scott, March 16, 2012
UGANDAN OIL: US Africa Command a tool to Recolonise the African Continent By Motsoko Pheko, March 15, 2012
November 20011: Washington Ordered Troops in Uganda to Capture Joseph Kony By Global Research, March 15, 2012
Both The Market and Government Are Irrational By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 15, 2012
VIDEO: War Criminal: Cheney Cancels Visit to Canada By Joshua Blakeney, March 15, 2012
NEW COLD WAR: Massive NATO Exercise in Norway Provocation directed Moscow. Russian General sends “Arctic Warning” to US By Global Research, March 15, 2012
Building a “Humanitarian”Justification (R2P) to Intervene Militarily in Africa: Appalled Ugandans Riot at Kony 2012 Screening By Global Research, March 15, 2012
VIDEO: US Launches PR Campaign for Ugandan Oil Intervention By James Corbett, March 15, 2012
“Trusted Messengers” and “Humanitarian Groups” Target Russia and China, Endorse the US-NATO Mandate By Richard Nogueira, March 15, 2012
The Political and Social Crisis in Mexico By Dan La Botz, March 15, 2012
Challenging the Ruling Global Corporate Conglomerates. Regaining the Real Economy By Prof. John McMurtry, March 15, 2012
An Insider’s View of Wall Street Criminality: Toxic Culture of Avarice and Fraud By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, March 15, 2012
US, UK vow no change in war after Afghanistan massacre By Bill Van Auken, March 15, 2012
SYRIA: Testimonies from Homs Reveal Identity of Terrorists and Mercenaries involved in Atrocities By H. Sabbagh, March 15, 2012
African Ping Pong: US Plays both Sides in Uganda. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is a US-backed Guerilla Force By Richard Cottrell, March 15, 2012
U.S. OUT of Afghanistan! Money for jobs, not war and occupation! NYC March 15 Demonstration By Global Research, March 14, 2012
Social Media Scam Alert: Top Ten Ways to Tell Kony is Phony. The Hidden Agenda is to Invade Africa By Bruce A. Dixon, March 14, 2012
“The Most damning Video on Syria” is a Fake By Marinella Correggia, March 14, 2012