Latest News and Top Stories

The White House’s New Executive Order On Cyber Crime is (Unfortunately) No Joke By Nadia Kayyali and Kurt Opsahl, April 08, 2015
Latin American Countries Want to Close All US Military Bases in Their Borders By John Vibes, April 08, 2015
Obama’s Wars Murder Noncombatant Men, Women and Children By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2015
The Future of Israeli Politics By Haneul Na avi, April 08, 2015
Netanyahu’s Now Failed Vision of Being Voted the 51st State of the Union by the Zionist Committee that Controls Congress By Anthony Bellchambers, April 08, 2015
Music and Politics: The Toronto Symphony Orchestra Silences Ukrainian Musician Valentina Lisitsa By Olga Luzanova, April 08, 2015
Ukrainian Government Condemns Russia’s Celebration of Victory Against Nazis By Eric Zuesse, April 08, 2015
All Terrorists are Muslims, Except for 94% to 99.6% of them By Global Research News, April 08, 2015
US, Saudis Target Internet Access in Yemen By 21st Century Wire, April 08, 2015
Containing Fukushima Is “Beyond Current Technology”. Worldwide Radiation is the Unspoken Consequence By Washington's Blog, April 08, 2015
“The Negro Question”. Albert Einstein’s 1946 Statement on Racism and Civil Rights By Dr. Albert Einstein, April 08, 2015
Civil Society, Environmentalists Firmly Opposed to Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 08, 2015
The Connections Between Psychotropic Drugs and Irrational Acts of Violence By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 08, 2015
U.S. Government Tracked Billions of American Phone Calls “Before 9/11” By Washington's Blog, April 08, 2015
map of ukraine
Poroshenko: ”Take Donbass”. Putin: ”Have you Gone Mad? I don’t Need Donbass. If you don’t Need it, Announce its Independence” By Global Research News, April 08, 2015
Ukraine’s Car-Production Plunges 96%; Many Banks Also Fail By Eric Zuesse, April 08, 2015
Countering The Lies Of The Mainstream Media By Colin Todhunter, April 08, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 08, 2015
Afghan Mission Accomplished: More Heroin for the World By Jon Rappoport, April 07, 2015
Fukushima Disaster Caused at Least 1,232 Fatalities in 2014 as Radiation Death Rate Accelerates By David Gutierrez, April 07, 2015
Utah Whooping Cough Outbreak (Pertussis) Only in Vaccinated Children By Global Research News, April 07, 2015
Scientists Detect Fukushima Radiation on North American Shores – Humans Exposed through Seafood Consumption? By ENENews, April 07, 2015
U.S. NGOs Kicked Out of Eritrea: Foreign Aid Is Meant To Cripple People By Ezili Dantò, April 07, 2015
Boycotting Israel More Urgent than in Case of South Africa, Says Anti-Apartheid Veteran By Adri Nieuwhof, April 07, 2015
The Audit of Greece’s Debt: Is The Debt “Illegal” or “Illegitimate” By Eric Toussaint, April 07, 2015
Bolivia’s Socialist Project and the Battle against Neoliberalism By Jeffery R. Webber, April 07, 2015
Israel Caught Red-handed Aiding Al-Qaeda in Syria By 21st Century Wire, April 07, 2015
Israeli Army Admits Aiding Al-Qaeda in Syria By Asa Winstanley, April 07, 2015
Airbus 320 Germanwings Crash: German Regulator ‘unaware’ of Andreas Lubitz’s Severe Depression By RT, April 07, 2015
Sixty-Six Years of NATO.This is “Not a Peace Program, it is a War Program,” By Global Research and Global Research, April 07, 2015
Greeced Lightning! Will Greece Default? Will Athens Cut a Financial Deal with Moscow and Beijing? By Bill Holter, April 07, 2015
Greeced Lightning! Will Greece Default? Will Athens Cut a Financial Deal with Moscow and Beijing? By Bill Holter, April 07, 2015
President of Czech Republic Tells Washington, We are Not An American Protectorate By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 07, 2015
Islam Saved Jewry. A Historical Truth By Global Research News, April 07, 2015
Re-opening the Investigation: CIA Black Sites, “Rendition” and Washington’s Allies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 07, 2015
150 Years After the American Civil War: The Struggle Continues. The Demise of Slavery Remains Unfulfilled in the 21st Century By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 07, 2015
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in Palestine: Be Careful What You Wish For By Global Research News, April 07, 2015
US Sponsored Kiev Regime Appoints Nazi Anti-Semite to Key Military Position By Stephen Lendman, April 07, 2015
Saudi, GCC Imperialist Proxy War in Yemen Escalates By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 07, 2015
Land Grab in Ukraine is Monsanto’s Backdoor to EU Agriculture. Spells Ruin for Europe’s Farmers By Oriental Review, April 07, 2015
The Biggest Secret In History: False Flag Terror By Washington's Blog, April 07, 2015
How America Became an Oligarchy By Ellen Brown, April 07, 2015
The Life and Death of Vietnam War Veteran Jack Wheeler: A Good Man in an Evil World By Joachim Hagopian, April 07, 2015
The Life and Death of Vietnam War Veteran Jack Wheeler: A Good Man in an Evil World By Joachim Hagopian, April 07, 2015
Good-bye Dubai? Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Facilities would leave the Entire Gulf States Region virtually Uninhabitable By Wade Stone, April 07, 2015
The Alternative To Long-Term Austerity: Less Work, Higher Wages, No Mere Utopian Dream By Alan Nasser, April 07, 2015
War with Russia Now Much Likelier: Ukraine’s Leading Nazi Dimitri Yarosh Gets American Weapons and Support By Eric Zuesse, April 07, 2015
Israel: Fortress Racism By Reuven Kaminer, April 07, 2015
Saudi Stocks Are Plunging Following Rejection Of Russian UN Security Council Embargo Proposal; Death Toll Mounts By Zero Hedge, April 07, 2015
Media Blackouts: Ukrainian Protests Against U.S.; Political Prisoners in Israel; Truth about Rwanda By Global Research News, April 06, 2015
Iran Nuclear Deal: US Prepares for New Wars By Peter Symonds, April 06, 2015
Mass Killings, Looting in Tikrit by US-Backed Shiite Militia By Patrick Martin, April 06, 2015
Israel-Palestine: When Occupation Becomes Apartheid By Gil Maguire, April 06, 2015
As Saudi Dictator Continues US-Coordinated Bombardment, al Qaeda Gains Yemen Foothold By Robert Barsocchini, April 06, 2015
4 April 2015: A Landmark in the Search for the Truth About the Greek Debt By Eric Toussaint, April 06, 2015
Israeli Occupier Orders Palestinian Lawmaker Khalida Jarrar Held 6 Months Without Charge or Trial By Ali Abunimah, April 06, 2015
Colombian Report on US Military’s Child Rapes Not Newsworthy to US News Outlets By Adam Johnson, April 06, 2015
Who Supports Comcast/Time-Warner Merger? Follow the Money By Jon Queally, April 06, 2015
Thousands of Ukrainians Protest against the US Embassy. Media Blackout By Eric Zuesse, April 06, 2015
May 9, 1945, The End of World War II: Contest of Absurdity and “Victory Day” By Yuriy Rubtsov, April 06, 2015
Technology To Decommission Fukushima Needs To Be Invented By Richard Wilcox, April 06, 2015
Technology To Decommission Fukushima Needs To Be Invented: Tepco By Richard Wilcox, April 06, 2015
Airstrikes on an Impoverished Country: Saudi Arabia to Raze Around 100 Villages at Yemen Border By Press TV, April 06, 2015
Forget Congress! “The Deep State” is America’s “Real Bad Guy” in Ukraine By Andrew Korybko, April 06, 2015
Monsanto Roundup Harms Human Endocrine System at Levels Allowed in Drinking Water, Study Shows By J. D. Heyes, April 06, 2015
70% of People on Antidepressants Don’t Have Depression: Study By Mike Barrett, April 06, 2015
Yemen – the Big Picture. US Sponsored Civil Wars By Peter Koenig, April 06, 2015
Imagery and Empire: Understanding the Western Fear of Arab and Muslim Terrorists By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 06, 2015
Challenging Global Financial Power and the “Washington Consensus” By John Perkins, April 06, 2015
China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): Challenging Global Financial Power and the “Washington Consensus” By John Perkins, April 06, 2015
Congress and Israel Aim to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2015
What Happened on April 6, 1994? Kagame behind “Rwanda Genocide”: The Neglected Account of Captain Amadou Deme By Phil Taylor, April 05, 2015
Breaking Through Mainstream Media Lies By Global Research and Global Research, April 05, 2015
ISIS Atrocities in Syria: “Situation in the al-Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp is a heartbreaking catastrophe”. PLO By Global Research News, April 05, 2015
The Crash of German Wings Flight 4U9525: What’s behind the Media’s Character Assassination Campaign? By Ernst Wolff, April 05, 2015
Doing the Nuclear Dance: The Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 05, 2015
“Time has come for international efforts to eliminate the Israeli arsenal of WMD”. Syria Foreign Ministry By Mazen Eyon, April 05, 2015
Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Includes His Demands By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2015
Ukraine Blockade: New Russian Pipelines Start Supplying Fresh Water to Crimea By Sputnik, April 05, 2015
2,500 Ukrainians Picket US Embassy in Kiev (Video) – Story Suppressed By Global Research News, April 05, 2015