Latest News and Top Stories

US-Saudi Led Blitzkrieg against Yemen is “An Ego Boost” By Ahmad Barqawi, May 03, 2015
Americans Support Drone Strikes Against Terrorists – Poll By RT, May 03, 2015
Eastern Ukraine: One Year After the Odessa Massacre By Michael Welch, May 03, 2015
Climbing into Bed with Al-Qaeda By Daniel Lazare, May 03, 2015
9/11 Research and the “American Left”: The Discourse of Foundation-funded “Alternative” Media By Global Research News, May 03, 2015
“A World of Sorrow”: The Tragic Plight of the Roma in the Aftermath of NATO’s War on Yugoslavia By Gregory Elich, May 02, 2015
What the Media Get Very Wrong About the Meaning of ‘Socialism’ — And About Presidential Candidate Sen. Sanders By Eric Zuesse, May 02, 2015
If You’re Black in America, the Rules are Different By Mike Whitney, May 02, 2015
The Fall of Saigon By Jean Bricmont, May 02, 2015
US-Led Airstrikes Directed against ISIS Kill 52 Syrian Civilians in a Day, Not A Single ISIS Fighter By RT, May 02, 2015
Unmasking The GMO Humanitarian Narrative By Colin Todhunter, May 02, 2015
The British Prime Minister who sold arms to Netanyahu, the Gauleiter of Gaza By Anthony Bellchambers, May 02, 2015
Techno-Financial Capital and Genocide of the Poorest of the Poor By Prof. James Petras, May 02, 2015
A Test for Humanity: the Anniversary of Odessa Tragedy By Global Research News, May 02, 2015
America’s Responsibility for the Global Refugee Crisis By Margaret Kimberley, May 02, 2015
The Chernobyl Catastrophe 29 Years On: It’s Not Over Yet! The Solution: Phase Nuclear Out By Global Research News, May 02, 2015
Memorial Video for the Victims of Odessa Massacre on May 2, 2014 By South Front, May 02, 2015
World War I: “Flander’s Fields,” 1915-2015: Whence the Poppies? By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, May 02, 2015
Malaysian Airlines M17: Canon Bullet Discovered in MH17 Wreckage By Sam Nejad, May 02, 2015
Mediterranean Catastrophes, Impoverished African Migrants: It’s Time for the People of Europe to Stand Up By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 02, 2015
The Pentagon’s ‘Long War’ Pits NATO Against China, Russia and Iran By Pepe Escobar, May 02, 2015
hillary clinton
Brother of Hillary Clinton’s Top Campaign Aide Lobbied for Fracked Gas Export Terminal Co-Owned by Qatar By Steve Horn, May 02, 2015
Organic Farming, Geo-engineering and Global Warming By Washington's Blog, May 02, 2015
The Politics of ‘Looting’ and ‘Violence’ By Eric Draitser, May 02, 2015
Ukraine Secret Police Takes Down 30,000 Websites to Fight “Pro-Russian Propaganda” By Global Research News, May 02, 2015
Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 01, 2015
Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 01, 2015
It’s Official: Police Were Ordered to Stand Down and Let the Baltimore Riots Rage Out of Control By Michael Snyder, May 01, 2015
Obama’s Role Model to Journalists — Dorothy Thompson — Turned against Zionism and Was Silenced By Gil Maguire, May 01, 2015
Memories of Empire: Remembering the Fall of Saigon By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 01, 2015
Memories of Empire: Remembering the Fall of Saigon By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 01, 2015
EPA Placing Blame on Farmers for Monsanto’s Cancer-Causing GMO Crops By Christina Sarich, May 01, 2015
What’s Really Behind the Flash Crash Trader Prosecution? What He Did Happens Every Day on Wall Street By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, May 01, 2015
Obama’s “No Growth, No Jobs, No Recovery” Economy Gives Up The Ghost By Mike Whitney, May 01, 2015
Military Police Attack Brazilian Teachers, Leaving Over 200 Injured By Bill Van Auken, May 01, 2015
Trojan Horse Highlights Opposition To Fast Track Of TPP Secret Deal By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 01, 2015
Police Van Carrying Freddie Gray Made Previously Undisclosed Stop: Report By Deirdre Fulton, May 01, 2015
American Psychological Association Played Critical Role in CIA Torture Program By David Walsh, May 01, 2015
Organic Farming Can Save the World from Global Warming, Climate Change – Absorbs More Carbon than It Releases By Heather Callaghan, May 01, 2015
Flashback: FDA Abused Power of Federal Government to Smear Whistleblowers and Protect Corporations By Ethan A. Huff, May 01, 2015
The Day After Damascus Falls: the Beginning of the End for the American Republic By Robert Parry, May 01, 2015
Obama Threatens China with Nuclear Weapons. Militarization of Asia-Pacific By Stephen Lendman, May 01, 2015
Obama Threatens China with Nuclear Weapons. Militarization of Asia-Pacific By Stephen Lendman, May 01, 2015
History, Propaganda and Ukraine Nationalism. Washington’s Grand Strategy: Rally Ukrainians against Russia By Andrew Korybko, May 01, 2015
War in Ukraine: Kiev Plans Military Escalation, Large-scale Provocations in Donbass By South Front, May 01, 2015
Gold, Silver and “Crashing Markets”. It’s Ugly if You Look Under the Hood By Bill Holter, May 01, 2015
University of Illinois Protected White Supremacist, but Fires Steven Salaita For Criticizing Israel By Ali Abunimah, May 01, 2015
US Imperialism Wages Permanent Warfare to Prevent Its Inevitable Collapse By Danny Haiphong, May 01, 2015
A Call to Bloggers, Writers and Online Activists By Global Research and Global Research, April 30, 2015
Major Shake-up in Saudi Monarchy By Patrick Martin, April 30, 2015
Hundreds Protest Shooting of Detroit Man by Federal Officer By Shannon Jones, April 30, 2015
Asia’s Agrarian Reform in Reverse: Laws Taking Land Out of Small Farmers’ Hands By Grain, April 30, 2015
Asia’s Agrarian Reform in Reverse: Laws Taking Land Out of Small Farmers’ Hands By Grain, April 30, 2015
The Greatest Danger in the World. America’s Vietnam War is Not Over… By Dana Visalli, April 30, 2015
The Greatest Danger in the World. America’s Vietnam War is Not Over… By Dana Visalli, April 30, 2015
Scotland and the Trident Question: Breaking up the United Kingdom? By Lesley Docksey, April 30, 2015
Canada’s Fascist Shift By Mark Taliano, April 30, 2015
Illusions in the British Election Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30, 2015
US Shale Oil and Gas Industry is a Ponzi Scheme Facing Collapse By Dylan Murphy, April 30, 2015
A Preview of Coming Wars: Do Black Lives Matter in Africa? By David Swanson, April 30, 2015
The Dwindling US Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 30, 2015
We Defeated Pennsylvania’s “Gag Mumia Law”, SB 508. By Prison Radio, April 30, 2015
How the West Plans to Prevent the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) from Mediating in Nagorno-Karabakh By Andrew Korybko, April 30, 2015
One Nation Under Vaccine Manufacturers; Lost Politics, Broken Laws By Jefferey Jaxen, April 30, 2015
Hillary Veers Left, to Head Off Sanders By Eric Zuesse, April 30, 2015
Monsanto Secretly Gave Money to Farmer Caught Contaminating Organic Farms with GMOs By Christina Sarich, April 30, 2015
The FBI Is Now Working for Monsanto By J. D. Heyes, April 30, 2015
Lawless President Obama Chides Baltimore “Criminals And Thugs,” Ignores Savagery Of Baltimore Police By Bruce A. Dixon, April 30, 2015
CIA Torture and Rendition By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, April 30, 2015
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel and the Criminalisation of Free Speech By William Hanna, April 30, 2015
Oppose the Canadian Government’s Threat to Criminalize Criticism of Israel: Independent Jewish Voices – Canada (IJV) Confronts Harper Government By Independent Jewish Voices, April 30, 2015
Toxic Mercury in the Mist: Holding Unilever in India to Account By Colin Todhunter, April 30, 2015
Toxic Mercury in the Mist: Holding Unilever in India to Account By Colin Todhunter, April 30, 2015
Aluminum and the Neurotoxicity of Vaccines By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 30, 2015
Gold and Silver Markets: Why No “Upside Cartel” against COMEX and LBMA? To Blow the Credibility of the Western Ponzi Scheme? By Bill Holter, April 30, 2015
Ten Shocking Facts about the Baltimore Protests By Prof. Bill Quigley, April 30, 2015
wall street
The U.S. Public Sector Is “A Milk Cow” For Private Enterprise By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 30, 2015
Baltimore Protests: Little-Known Facts By Washington's Blog, April 30, 2015
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “Lacks Transparency”, Agency’s Secrecy By Toby McIntosh and William Burr, April 30, 2015
Farmers Suicides in India: What Is Causing Them, And What Can Be Done To Stop The Tragedy By Dr. Vandana Shiva, April 29, 2015