Latest News and Top Stories

Transcript of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s V-Day Speech: 70th Anniversary of “Victory in the Great Patriotic War” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, May 10, 2015
Trade Wars: Monsanto’s Return to Vietnam By Desiree Hellegers, May 10, 2015
Trade Wars: Monsanto’s Return to Vietnam By Desiree Hellegers, May 10, 2015
Ukraine Commemorates V-Day by Waging War and Honoring Nazi Criminals By Stephen Lendman, May 10, 2015
U.S. and Europe Boycott Russia’s V-Day Celebration of Its 9 May 1945 Victory Over Hitler By Eric Zuesse, May 09, 2015
Omar Khadr: The Canadian Campaign to Raise Awareness By Global Research News, May 09, 2015
Israeli Crimes in Gaza, 2014: Amnesty Whitewashes Another Massacre By Paul de Rooij, May 09, 2015
Economic Disinformation Keeps Financial Markets Up By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 09, 2015
Omar Khadr Arrested and Detained in Guantanamo. Timeline By Professor Audrey Makin, May 09, 2015
So Britain’s ‘Dream Team’ was not Elected – Now, More of the Same By Global Research News, May 09, 2015
Le rôle de l’URSS dans la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) By Annie Lacroix-Riz, May 09, 2015
Time Bomb in Cameron Government. A Future “Little Britain”, separated from Scotland, subservient to America, outside the EU? By Anthony Bellchambers, May 09, 2015
World’s Richest Eighty People Own the same Amount as World’s Bottom Fifty Percent By Eric Zuesse, May 09, 2015
Kidnapping and Deporting Civilians to Guantanamo, Providing a Safe-haven to Al Qaeda Fighters By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 09, 2015
Netanyahu’s Fringe Coalition Regime, Palestinian Authority Hypocrisy By Stephen Lendman, May 09, 2015
The Normalization of U.S.-Cuba Relations: the Best Accomplishment of President Barack Obama By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 09, 2015
Splitting Up Iraq By Mike Whitney, May 09, 2015
VIDEO: Who Won World War II? The Eastern Front and the Great Patriotic War By South Front, May 09, 2015
The Anatomy of Fear and Ignorance By Tomasz Pierscionek, May 09, 2015
Suburbia and “The American Dream”: Designed by War Planners? By John Stanton, May 09, 2015
Britain’s Elections: The Real Lessons of the Tory Victory By Jonathan Cook, May 09, 2015
Canada, State Sponsor of Terrorism? Role of Canadian Embassy in Jordan in ISIS Recruitment? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 09, 2015
Britain – No longer “Great” but Doomed to Another Five Years of Pain and “Austerity” By Lesley Docksey, May 08, 2015
Guantanamo and the Case of Omar Khadr. Conversation with his Lawyer Dennis Edney By Michael Welch, May 08, 2015
US-Canada “Terror Justice”: I Will Never Forget Omar Khadr By Global Research News, May 08, 2015
Free Expression Group “PEN America” Sponsored by Apartheid Israel By Sarah Irving, May 08, 2015
Netanyahu Appoints Ayelet Shaked—Who Called For Genocide of Palestinians—as Justice Minister in New Government By Ben Norton, May 08, 2015
UK Elections: ​”Scottish Lion Roars”: Scottish National Party (SNP) Wins 56 Out of 59 Scottish Seats, Humiliating Labour By RT, May 08, 2015
US Appeals Court Strikes Down Bulk NSA Phone Spying on Americans By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2015
Counting the Dead in the Age of Drone Terrorism By Tom Engelhardt, May 08, 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal Tragedy Dispatch; Days 7-12 By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 08, 2015
Unanimous Support for Ukraine War by Parties in Canadian Parliament By Global Research News, May 08, 2015
The Rich Get Richer: Titanic Stock Bubble Fueled by Buyback Blitz By Mike Whitney, May 08, 2015
In Surprise Lurch to the Right, David Cameron Takes UK Election By Common Dreams, May 08, 2015
Bond Market Sell-off Signals Mounting Financial Crisis By Nick Beams, May 08, 2015
The New York Times Presents 2016 Race as GOP Candidates vs. Hillary Clinton By Jim Naureckas, May 08, 2015
Kerry in Riyadh: A Meeting of War Criminals By Bill Van Auken, May 08, 2015
Police State USA: Counterterrorism Unit Eyed “Vegan Potlucks,” Documents Reveal By Mikael Thalen, May 08, 2015
Science for Sale: Corporations Pay American Council on Science and Health Big Money to Push Toxic Products By Jonathan Benson, May 08, 2015
The Leningrad Siege During World War II. The Diary of Tanya Savicheva By Maria Zakharova, May 08, 2015
Pentagon Begins Training of “Moderate” Syrian Rebels By Sputnik, May 08, 2015
UN Battle to ‘Shame’ Israel over Abuse of Children By Jonathan Cook, May 08, 2015
Drone Warfare in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Surge in CIA Strikes By Jack Serle, May 08, 2015
War in Ukraine. Kiev Economic Blockade Directed against Donbass, Humanitarian Crisis By South Front, May 08, 2015
Towards a Regional War in Central Africa: Rwandan and Ugandan Troops Enter The Congo (DRC) By Ann Garrison and Prof Peter Erlinder, May 08, 2015
“It Doesn’t Quite Feel Right”: The British Election Result By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 08, 2015
Podemos and the ‘Democratic Revolution’ in Spain By Raul Zelik, May 07, 2015
Yemen: The Shadow of Invasion. The Deployment of Saudi Ground Forces? By South Front, May 07, 2015
Greece Debt Default: How Long Will it Take? By Bill Holter, May 07, 2015
Israeli Defense Minister Promises to Kill More Palestinian Civilians and Threatens to Nuke Iran By Asa Winstanley, May 07, 2015
Netanyahu Forms New Racist, Fascist Government By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2015
War Crimes in Iraq: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Et Al and the Long Quest for Justice By Steven Jones, May 07, 2015
The Power and Symbolism of Voting By William John Cox, May 07, 2015
It Is Time to Call Radio “Liberty” What It Is: Radio Gestapo Amerika By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 07, 2015
Gifting Russia ‘Free-Market’ Extremism: Official Washington’s Putin-bashing Knows No Bounds By Robert Parry, May 07, 2015
Record Number of Internally Displaced People on a Global Scale in 2014 By Niles Williamson, May 07, 2015
French National Assembly Passes Draconian Electronic Surveillance Law By Anthony Torres, May 07, 2015
Monsanto Operatives Bully Academics Who Discuss Cancer Links to GMOs and Glyphosate (Roundup) By J. D. Heyes, May 07, 2015
NATO Attempt At ‘Interim’ Government in Syria Echoes Libya Model By Brandon Turbeville, May 07, 2015
“TPP Will Be Great,” Say People Who Crashed Global Economy in 2008 By Jon Queally, May 07, 2015
Israeli-Trained Police Invade Baltimore in Crackdown on Black Lives Matter By Rania Khalek, May 07, 2015
Operation Condor Trial: US-Backed Conspiracy to “Kidnap, Disappear, Torture and Kill” Latin American Opponents of Dictatorships By Carlos Osorio, May 07, 2015
Secret Record Revealed In Austrian Court: Yanukovich Pressured by Nuland Into Ukraine Association With EU? By John Helmer, May 07, 2015
New Zealand and the Production of White Phosphorous Bombs Used against Children in Gaza By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, May 07, 2015
New Zealand and the Production of White Phosphorous Bombs Used against Children in Gaza By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, May 07, 2015
America’s Main Problem: Corruption By Washington's Blog, May 07, 2015
TPP, TTIP and TISA: How the Media Misrepresent Obama’s “Fast Track” “Secret” International Trade Deals By Eric Zuesse, May 07, 2015
Should Greece Pay Back Its Debt? By CADTM, May 07, 2015
America’s “Populist Spoiler”: Bernie Sanders as Contender, When the Ordinary Looks Extreme By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 07, 2015
Haiti Reconstruction: World’s Largest Aid Contractor Chemonics’ Misleading Response to Report “The Haitian Money Pit” By Jake Johnston, May 07, 2015
Haiti: Hooligans Tied to President Martelly Attack Opposition Militants Demanding Higher Wages By Isabelle Papillon, May 06, 2015
US Military Personnel Caught “Stealing, Rigging Contracts and Taking Bribes” in Iraq and Afghanistan By Julie Lévesque, May 06, 2015
Militarization of The Baltic Sea: Phantom Russian Sub Hunts Gave Birth to NATO’s Viking Bloc By Andrew Korybko, May 06, 2015
Senator Elizabeth Warren Steps Into the F.I.R.E. of Wall Street Corruption By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, May 06, 2015
Britain’s Election Fit for a Lunatic Asylum: The Complicated Mess that is the UK By Lesley Docksey, May 06, 2015
Quand les lois privent les paysans de leurs terres : la réforme agraire à rebours de l’Asie By Grain, May 06, 2015
Massive Payout for US Hedge Fund Chiefs in 2014 By Andre Damon, May 06, 2015
The Timing of Britain’s Elections and the “Royal Baby Bounce” By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 06, 2015
US-Jordan War Games Prepare Wider Mideast Conflict By Patrick Martin, May 06, 2015
The War over the Vietnam War By Don North, May 06, 2015