Latest News and Top Stories

The Tyrannical Mandate: Ministerial Discretion and Stripping Citizenship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 19, 2015
The Tyrannical Mandate: Ministerial Discretion and Stripping Citizenship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 19, 2015
Ten Ways Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Are Basically the Same Presidential Candidate By Jake Anderson, June 19, 2015
NATO General Ben Hodges Lies to National Public Radio (NPR) By Eric Zuesse, June 19, 2015
Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field: New Study By Nicholas West, June 19, 2015
Israel’s “Right to Defend”: By Definition, An Aggressor Cannot Act in Defense By Robert Barsocchini, June 19, 2015
The Human Aversion to “Doing the Right Thing” By John Kozy, June 19, 2015
European Union Extends Economic Sanctions against Russia By Alex Lantier, June 19, 2015
The Polio Vaccine: A Global Scourge Still Threatening Humanity By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 19, 2015
After Three Years, the Injustice Handed Out to Julian Assange Must End By John Pilger, June 19, 2015
Amnesty International: US Police Laws Violate Human Rights Standards By Andre Damon, June 19, 2015
Oxitec’s GM Moths Released in New York – Citizens, Organic Farmers and Environmentalists Are Outraged By Christina Sarich, June 19, 2015
As UN Scandals Uncovered, Independent Media Banned from Open Meeting on Peacekeeping By Inner City Press, June 19, 2015
Government Emails Reveal Fukushima Radiation Could Cause Thyroid Cancer to Skyrocket in Americans By J. D. Heyes, June 19, 2015
Government Emails Reveal Fukushima Radiation Could Cause Thyroid Cancer to Skyrocket in Americans By J. D. Heyes, June 19, 2015
In Historic Ruling, Bush Officials Can Be Sued for Post-9/11 Roundups By Sarah Lazare, June 19, 2015
Demystifying Fascism: The Nightmare Years By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, June 19, 2015
Israeli Extremists Burn the Church Where Jesus Multiplied Loaves and Fishes By IMEMC, June 19, 2015
Tony Blair: “True Friend” of Ukraine: Tapped by Poroshenko to Join Kiev Advisory Council By RT, June 19, 2015
Christian Evangelist: Bibles for Starving, Homeless Iraqi Refugees By Hemant Mehta, June 19, 2015
Mass Shooting, Mass Hysteria, Mass Propaganda By Tony Cartalucci, June 19, 2015
John Kerry Accuses Syria of Using Chlorine against its Own People, Liar! By Global Research News, June 19, 2015
Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement By Aaron Couch and Emmet McDermott, June 19, 2015
How the Pentagon Plans to Defeat Eurasia and Roll out “Robotic Warfare” By Andrew Korybko, June 18, 2015
Towards A Global Military Fighting Machine: One World Government Protected by a One World Military By Joachim Hagopian, June 18, 2015
Kiev Forces Shelling of Donesk, ISIS Extends its Presence in Afghanistan By South Front, June 18, 2015
Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark Joins Lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Et Al for Illegal War in Iraq By Claire Bernish, June 18, 2015
Hellenic Parliament’s Debt Truth Committee Report By Global Research News, June 18, 2015
Kurds Retake Town of Tal Abyad, US Warplanes Strike Iraqi Army and Popular Forces, Deliver Weapons to ISIS By South Front, June 18, 2015
A Decision by the EU Parliament Would Contribute to Lifting the Sanctions Regime against Iran By Kourosh Ziabari, June 18, 2015
Yemen: Israeli Mossad and Saudi Military Killed, Taken Captive By Fars News Agency, June 18, 2015
Who’s Behind Asia-Pacific’s Growing Tensions? Curbing China’s Rising Power By Tony Cartalucci, June 18, 2015
Who’s Behind Asia-Pacific’s Growing Tensions? Curbing China’s Rising Power By Tony Cartalucci, June 18, 2015
Attacking State Run Medical Schemes: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Spells Privatization? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 18, 2015
What Greece’s Creditors Should Know By Vassilis K. Fouskas, June 18, 2015
Rejection of Israeli Atrocities: Germany Prints Stamps of Palestinian Iconic Cartoon By Press TV, June 18, 2015
Former Elected President Morsi: Sentencing Justice to Death in Egypt By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 18, 2015
Kiev: Chestnuts Blossom Again By Israel Shamir, June 18, 2015
U.S. House Debates and Votes Down Withdrawal from Iraq and Syria By David Swanson, June 18, 2015
Obama in the Middle East: From Bad to Worse By Jack A. Smith, June 18, 2015
Greek Debt Committee: All Debt to the Troika is “Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious” By Zero Hedge, June 18, 2015
100,000 German Beekeepers Call for GMO Cultivation Ban By GMWatch, June 18, 2015
Grape Seed Extract More Effective than Chemotherapy in Advanced Cancer Stages By Jonathan Landsman, June 18, 2015
You’ve Been Warned – Calls For Mandatory “National Service” For Americans Aged 18-28 Has Begun By Michael Krieger, June 18, 2015
Israel Exonerates its Armed Forces of War Crimes By Jean Shaoul, June 18, 2015
Greek Central Bank Warns of “Uncontrollable Crisis” By Robert Stevens, June 18, 2015
French Minister Asks Stores to Stop Selling Monstanto Roundup By Christina Sarich, June 18, 2015
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP): Scapegoating Labor for Fast Track’s Defeat By Jim Naureckas, June 18, 2015
Exposed: How Walmart Spun an ‘Extensive and Secretive Web’ of Overseas Tax Havens By Deirdre Fulton, June 18, 2015
More US-NATO Wars on the Horizon? NATO Launches “Trident Juncture 2015”, Largest Military Exercise since the End of the Cold War By Manlio Dinucci, June 18, 2015
European Union (EU): After Greece Exit, Israel Entry? By Anthony Bellchambers, June 18, 2015
Treasury Reveals What JPMorgan Was Really Doing With London Whale Trades By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 18, 2015
‘We Just Publish The Position Of The British Government’ – Edward Snowden, The Sunday Times And The Death Of Journalism By Media Lens, June 18, 2015
Mainstream Journalists: Immune from Accountability if they Run with the Pack – Even if a Catastrophic War is the Result By Robert Parry, June 17, 2015
Seven Days in May? US Global Hegemony, “Asymmetric Warfare” Directed against China By Mike Whitney, June 17, 2015
Seven Days in May? US Global Hegemony, “Asymmetric Warfare” Directed against China By Mike Whitney, June 17, 2015
Putin Responds to US-NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep By Stephen Lendman, June 17, 2015
Oppression of African Americans is Not a “Liberal Invention” By Matt Peppe, June 17, 2015
The Islamic State (ISIS) was “Instigated or Created by a Certain Intelligence Agency”: Vice-President of Iran By Kurt Nimmo, June 17, 2015
“Conspiracy Theories”: The Public Trust Skepticism Factor By Dr. Katherine Smith, June 17, 2015
The Pro-GMO Lobby’s Latest Scapegoat: “Organic Farming is Starving The Poor”. Monsanto Can Save the World from Hunger By Colin Todhunter, June 17, 2015
US Human Experimentation on Poor Guatemalans in Post-War Period By Robert Barsocchini, June 17, 2015
Netanyahu Likens Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) to Nazi Germany By Annie Robbins, June 17, 2015
Obama, Republicans Join Forces to Salvage Trade Bill By Patrick Martin, June 17, 2015
Why Has Israel Embraced Al-Qaida’s Branch in Syria? By Rania Khalek, June 17, 2015
Russia Threatens Response to US Military Buildup in Eastern Europe By Niles Williamson, June 17, 2015
Endgame for Glyphosate? The Global Fallout of WHO’s ‘Probable Carcinogen’ Classification By Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji, June 17, 2015
Canadian Government Lambasted for Stifling Science and Dissent By Deirdre Fulton, June 17, 2015
US Veterans Urge Drone Operators to Refuse Orders to Fly Surveillance and Attack Missions By David Swanson, June 17, 2015
The Plight and Persecution of the Rohingyas in Myanmar By Asif Haroon Raja, June 17, 2015
What’s Really Going on at Fukushima? By Robert Hunziker, June 17, 2015
Here’s What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About UK Immigration By Michaela Whitton, June 17, 2015
White Supremacy Continues to Provide Protection for Imperialism By Danny Haiphong, June 17, 2015
U.S. May Position for a War Against Russia? By Eric Zuesse, June 17, 2015
Digital Data and the Loss of Privacy By Global Research News, June 17, 2015
HPV Vaccines: Updates from Central and South America – First Reported Fatality after Gardasil in Colombia By Norma Erickson, June 17, 2015
Eight Hundred Years of Forgetting: The Magna Carta By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 17, 2015
Russians and Chinese “cracked” the Encrypted Files? Sunday Times Reporter Pleads Ignorance By Global Research News, June 17, 2015
The Scandal of the Disappearing Chilcot Report into the Disastrous and Illegal Iraq War By Matt Carr, June 17, 2015
The European Union (EU): The New Byzantium or Declining Rome By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarević, June 17, 2015