Latest News and Top Stories

Syrians Burn American Flag, Protest against Illegal Presence of US Soldiers By AhlulBayt News Agency, May 09, 2016
Camouflage of British War Crimes in Iraq: Chilcot Inquiry Publication Delayed: “ to Avoid Embarrassing Tony Blair.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 09, 2016
The Australian Election Campaign Begins By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 09, 2016
Criminal Wrongdoing of a Presidential Candidate? Hillary Clinton “Doubles Down” As FBI Probe Enters Final Stages By Zero Hedge, May 09, 2016
The ‘Aleppo Hospital’ Smokescreen: Covering up Al Qaeda Massacres in Syria, Once Again By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 09, 2016
Syria, ISIS, and the US-UK Propaganda War By Eric Draitser, May 09, 2016
Is This the 4th Recent Nuclear Disaster to Strike the U.S.? By Brandon Turbeville, May 09, 2016
The New Normal: Cold War 2.0 By Pepe Escobar, May 09, 2016
The Leicester City Football Club Miracle: Playing against the Statistics By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 09, 2016
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and CIA-Cuban “Deep Politics” By Larry Chin, May 09, 2016
Israeli Rape of Golan Heights Is Also Netanyahu’s Settlement Plan for the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza By Anthony Bellchambers, May 09, 2016
Baghdad on Military Lockdown over Fear of Protests By Bill Van Auken, May 09, 2016
US-NATO “Humanitarian Interventions” have Resulted in “Crimes against Humanity”… By Mark Taliano, May 09, 2016
Legacy of NATO Humanitarian Warfare: 1.9 Million People in Libya Have No Proper Medical Services, Says WHO By Middle East Monitor, May 09, 2016
Israel: A De Facto Member of NATO By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 08, 2016
Battle for Aleppo: Washington Openly Supports Al Qaeda By Yalla La Barra, May 08, 2016
The Escalation of Violence in Afghanistan: The Taliban Spring Offensive By South Front, May 08, 2016
When They Killed JFK They Killed America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 08, 2016
The Golan Heights and the “Greater Israel” Project By Ruben Rosenberg Colorni, May 08, 2016
Obama Adviser Admits Manipulating the Public with “Misleading or False” Information Regarding Nuclear Deal with Iran. By Lea Speyer, May 08, 2016
The Role of the Israel Lobby in Fomenting Islamophobia in the European Union. Report By David Cronin, Sarah Marusek, and Prof. David Miller, May 08, 2016
Flag of Hungary
Overthrow Assad, Let in Refugees, and Fight Russia…or Else! By Daniel McAdams, May 08, 2016
Obama: TTIP Necessary So As to Protect Megabanks From Prosecution By Eric Zuesse, May 08, 2016
A Dire Future By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 08, 2016
Is Trump At War with the Republican Party? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 08, 2016
Civilization Returns to Palmyra — While the West Scoffs By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, May 08, 2016
Silencing Libya: NATO Returns to the Scene of the Crime By Corey Schink, May 08, 2016
Fiasco in Lebanon: Biased Journalism, “Chasing a Story” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 08, 2016
Netanyahu Government: Reviving the “Greater Israel” Scheme By Hani Al-Masri, May 08, 2016
US Working to Block Syrian Liberation of Aleppo by Supporting Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front By Sputnik, May 07, 2016
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
Israel Bombards Gaza in Third Day of Violence By The New Arab, May 07, 2016
America’s Outrageous Ultimatum: Washington Demands Syria’s Surrender to Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, May 07, 2016
If Russia Had ‘Freed’ Canada By Joe Lauria, May 07, 2016
Why Obama Prioritizes Ousting Assad over Defeating Syria’s Jihadists By Eric Zuesse, May 07, 2016
Racism and the State of Israel By Justin Helm, May 07, 2016
The Renewed Detention of Palestinian Astro-Physicist Prof. Imad Barghouthi by Israeli Occupation Forces By AURDIP, May 07, 2016
American Academic Freedom in Jeopardy By Vivian Lee, May 07, 2016
The Battle for Aleppo, US-NATO Supported Islamist Militants Breach the Ceasefire By South Front, May 07, 2016
Chernobyl, Genetic Damage, and the UK Nuclear Bomb Tests – Justice at Last? By Chris Busby, May 07, 2016
Russia Accuses Obama of Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria By Eric Zuesse, May 07, 2016
Britain’s Labour Party in an “All-out McCarthyism against Outspoken Critics of Israel in its Ranks” By Jonathan Cook, May 07, 2016
Hybrid Wars: Breaking the Balkans By Andrew Korybko, May 07, 2016
Aleppo Ceasefire: ‘US Ploy to Buy Time for Terrorist Reinforcements’ By Patrick Henningsen, May 06, 2016
Saudi Arabia Supported Al Qaeda Before and After but Not on 9/11? By Ulson Gunnar, May 06, 2016
The TTIP Leaks. The 248 Pages Reveal a Hidden Economic, Social and Environmental Agenda By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 06, 2016
The Plight of Indian Farmers: From Militarism and Monsanto’s GMO to Gandhi and “Bhaskar Save” By Colin Todhunter, May 06, 2016
Turkey and the Destabilization of the Middle East: Is NATO’s Anchor Recep Tayyip Erdogan Headed for a Coup? By WhoWhatWhy, May 06, 2016
Bailout Has Saved Banks, Not Greece. Report By Ekathimerini, May 06, 2016
America’s Legacy Will Be Its Downfall: Empire Always Comes Home By Brandon Turbeville, May 06, 2016
Brazilian Senators about to Vote on Impeaching President Dilma Rousseff Face Corruption Charges By Telesur, May 06, 2016
Obama’s Last Gasp Imperialism By Margaret Kimberley, May 06, 2016
Selected Articles: The Untold History of US War Crimes By Global Research News, May 06, 2016
Russia Accuses Obama of Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria By Eric Zuesse, May 06, 2016
US Intelligence Agencies Expand Electronic Surveillance Worldwide By Thomas Gaist, May 06, 2016
Obama in Flint: Let Them Drink Lead By Andre Damon, May 06, 2016
War in Yemen: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Protected by Saudi-led Coalition? By South Front, May 06, 2016
American Boots on the Ground in Yemen By Vanessa Beeley, May 06, 2016
9/11 Kangaroo Court Trials: What We Really Know About the Alleged 9/11 “Masterminds” By Washington's Blog, May 06, 2016
Doctors without Borders (MSF) to Pull out of World Humanitarian Summit By Medecins Sans Frontieres, May 06, 2016
Donbass: Further Escalation of Violence By South Front, May 06, 2016
Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China: Accept US Hegemony or Go to War? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 06, 2016
Media Censorship: The News That Didn’t Make the News By Peter Phillips, May 06, 2016
America’s Biggest of All Big Lies. We’re Not Threatening Russia… By Eric Zuesse, May 05, 2016
Putin Plays “Energy Chess” with Netanyahu By F. William Engdahl, May 05, 2016
A Tale Of Two Hospitals: Fabricated Bombing Incident vs. Open Terrorist Targeting Of Facilities In Aleppo? By Brandon Turbeville, May 05, 2016
Israel to Open Permanent Mission at NATO Headquarters By RT News, May 05, 2016
The pro-Israeli Lobby’s War on Jeremy Corbyn By Nureddin Sabir, May 05, 2016
As Climate Disruption Advances, UN Warns: “The Future Is Happening Now” By Dahr Jamail, May 05, 2016
US Change of Command in Europe Signals Escalation of Anti-Russia Threats By Bill Van Auken, May 05, 2016
US Election Campaign: The Trump Train Chugs into Indiana By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 05, 2016
Video: Terrorism and the Battle for Aleppo By South Front, May 05, 2016
US Electoral Politics and the Illusion of Control By William Hawes, May 05, 2016
Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda By Vanessa Beeley, May 05, 2016
US War Crimes: Can Obama Burnish His Legacy by Meeting With Agent Orange Victims in Vietnam? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 05, 2016
Is India Now a US Ally? Aligned against Russia and China? By Andrew Korybko, May 05, 2016
The Case Against Hillary Clinton By Eric Zuesse, May 05, 2016
Open Letter to Doctors without Borders (MSF) about Bias and Propaganda on Syria By Rick Sterling, May 05, 2016
Supported by US-NATO: Thousands of Al Qaeda Terrorists Arrive in Syria By Fars News Agency, May 04, 2016
Brussels Bomb Attacks: Links between Terrorists and Police-Intelligence Services By Anthony Torres, May 04, 2016
SYRIA: #AleppoIsBurning Campaign. US-NATO Sponsored NGOs and Social Media in Support of “Moderate Terrorists” By Vanessa Beeley, May 04, 2016