Latest News and Top Stories

Philippines-Malaysia Conflict: Drop the Sabah Claim; Focus on the Bangsamoro Agreement By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 30, 2016
Interview with Medical Doctor Tony Sayegh By Patrik Paulov, May 30, 2016
USAID Funds Honduran Company Implicated in Berta Caceres Murder By Telesur, May 30, 2016
Emailgate: The Clinton Spin Doctors In Action By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30, 2016
Just What Were Donald Trump’s Ties to the Mob? By David Cay Johnston, May 30, 2016
Brexit Referendum Fever in Britain: Tories Battle over the EU By Lesley Docksey, May 30, 2016
There Has Been A Coup In Brazil. Secret Plot Revealed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 30, 2016
President Macri Gives Go-Ahead to US Military Installations in Argentina By Telesur, May 30, 2016
The Criminalization of Politics: Hillary Accused of Racketeering by the FBI, Will She be Dumped from the Presidential Race? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 30, 2016
Rethinking Iran-Contra: A Much Darker Story? By Robert Parry, May 30, 2016
Drone for Obama – Anyone? Extrajudicial Killings “in the Name of Peace” By Peter Koenig, May 29, 2016
Close Calls, “What If”: We Were Close to Nuclear Destruction. “Mistakes” Could Trigger World War III By Gunnar Westberg, May 29, 2016
The Fiction of “Fighting the Islamic State”, An Entity Created and Financed by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia By Prof. Mohssen Massarrat, May 29, 2016
The Drone War against Iraq and Syria, 12,000 “Humanitarian” Air Strikes by US-led Coalition By Chris Cole, May 29, 2016
EgyptAir Flight MS804 – What The Media Won’t Tell You By Shawn Helton, May 29, 2016
How Russia Is Preparing for World War III By The Saker, May 29, 2016
Remembering All the Deaths From All of Our Wars By S. Brian Willson, May 29, 2016
Breaking Through the Media Fog on Ukraine, MH17 and Cold War 2.0 By Michael Welch, Robert Parry, and Roger Annis, May 29, 2016
Sweden Joins NATO’s Emerging War against Russia By Eric Zuesse, May 29, 2016
Information Warfare Is Not “Optional” By Ulson Gunnar, May 29, 2016
From Albrecht to Monsanto: A System Not Run for the Public Good Can Never Serve the Public Good By Colin Todhunter, May 29, 2016
“Advise & Assist”: US Special Forces Photographed on Front lines in Syria with Kurds By 21st Century Wire, May 29, 2016
White House U-turns on Pakistan Drone Deaths. “Deaths by CIA Strikes Not included in the Numbers” By Reprieve, May 29, 2016
“Death Came from the Sky”: The Speech Obama Should Have Given in Hiroshima By Matt Peppe, May 29, 2016
The Legacy of Hiroshima and the Pentagon’s Secret Weapons Agenda: “Privatizing Nuclear War” By Sherwood Ross, May 29, 2016
Our Prospects against the Russians and Chinese in World War III By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 29, 2016
UK Trains or Arms Half the Countries on Its List of Human Rights Abusers By Michaela Whitton, May 28, 2016
BREXIT Would Assist Designation of Israel Lobbyists as ‘Foreign Agents’ By Anthony Bellchambers, May 28, 2016
The Truth About Syria: A Manufactured War Against An Independent Country By Caleb T. Maupin, May 28, 2016
Turkish Refugee Camps Turned into Centers for Raping Children, Selling Refugees’ Body Organs By Fars News Agency, May 28, 2016
US Soldier in Syria – ‘Kill ’em All!’ By Daniel McAdams, May 28, 2016
Close Calls: We Were Closer to Nuclear Destruction than We Knew By Gunnar Westberg, May 28, 2016
Transition to Multipolar World: Only Barrier to Washington’s Domination By Federico Pieraccini, May 28, 2016
Who are “They”? By Anthony Freda, May 28, 2016
Hybrid Wars: Breaking the Balkans. NATO’s Southern Expansionism By Andrew Korybko, May 28, 2016
Sweden Dumps Neutrality, Signs Major Agreement with NATO By Stop NATO, May 28, 2016
Weapons and Jihadists For al-Nusra Flowing DAILY From Turkey Into Syria By Stuart Hooper, May 28, 2016
The Beginning of the End of Globalization? Faith in Big Trade Deals Keeps Crumbling By Murray Dobbin, May 28, 2016
Pro-EU Propaganda in Britain Goes into Overdrive By Steven MacMillan, May 28, 2016
Silencing the United States as It Prepares for War By John Pilger, May 28, 2016
First Deposition Released on Clinton Email Case By Eric Zuesse, May 28, 2016
Greek Debt Negotiations –Troika and IMF Outmaneuver Syriza Again By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 28, 2016
Venezuela: Institutional Stalemate, Deep Economic Crisis. Military Intervention? By Jorge Martin, May 27, 2016
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Attack: “A Hole in American History” By Greg Mitchell, May 27, 2016
Sweden’s Assange Problem: The District Court Ruling. “Probable Cause for Suspicion Against JA For Rape” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 27, 2016
Which Terrorists Bombed Jobleh, Tartus? ISIS or ‘Moderate’ Terrorists? By Brandon Turbeville, May 27, 2016
On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger By Prof. Richard Falk, May 27, 2016
“Syria Solidarity UK” Supporting Al Qaeda and Denying Free Speech By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 27, 2016
Deepening National Antagonisms Dominate G7 Summit By Nick Beams, May 27, 2016
9/11 Disinformation: Saudi Arabia Attacked America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 27, 2016
In Nine Democratic US Election Debates, Not a Single Question About Poverty By Adam Johnson, May 27, 2016
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Has Passed the Point of No Return By Dahr Jamail, May 27, 2016
Israeli Weapons Flow to Azerbaijan By Pinar Tremblay, May 27, 2016
Vaccine Thimerosal Preservative Causes Autism. CDC Forced to Release Proof They Knew… By Christina Sarich, May 27, 2016
“Beating the Drums of War”: How Obama and Clinton Are Endangering All of Us By Eric Zuesse, May 27, 2016
War on Syria: Major Military Operation against Islamic State (ISIS) in Raqqa By South Front, May 27, 2016
The Wars Come Home … to Detroit, Michigan. Flint, General Motors and the Water Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2016
West Could Sleepwalk into a “Doomsday War with Russia” – It’s Time to Wake Up By Richard Sakwa, May 27, 2016
The Feigned and Future Demise of Big-Oil By Tony Cartalucci, May 27, 2016
Leaked: Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) Documents. Wikileaks By Wikileaks, May 27, 2016
Selected Articles: US Wars of Aggression By Global Research News, May 27, 2016
There Are No Terrorists? Counterterrorism = Supporting Terrorism? Western Governments Are Supporting Terrorist Organizations Which They are Allegedly Combating By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 26, 2016
Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2016
The Eurogroup New Bailout Deal for Greece By Stavros Mavroudeas, May 26, 2016
Thousands of Civilians in Danger as US-backed Forces Mount Offensives in Iraq and Syria By Bill Van Auken, May 26, 2016
Geopolitics of the Balkans: China and Serbia Expanding Cooperation, Strategic and Economic Implications. By Živadin Jovanović, May 26, 2016
Obama and Hiroshima: “Ask Forgiveness for America’s Terrible Deed” By Jonathan Power, May 26, 2016
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the Opinion Polls By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 26, 2016
America’s Wars of Aggression against Africa under the Disguise of the “War on Terrorism” By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 26, 2016
“Color Revolution” in Macedonia? Towards a New Balkans War? By Andrew Korybko, May 26, 2016
Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic By Pepe Escobar, May 26, 2016
Fake Syria Solidarity NGO Supports “Moderate” Terrorists. Bans Prof. Tim Anderson from Conference By Global Research News, May 26, 2016
Syria War in Review: The Liberation of Northern Raqqa By South Front, May 26, 2016
Imperialism’s Junior Partners By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 26, 2016
Kosovo: Hillary Clinton’s Legacy of Terror By Justin Raimondo, May 26, 2016
Fifty Years Ago: University of Texas 1966 Campus Mass Shootings By Russ Baker, May 26, 2016
Oil and Gas Fracking “Toxic Mess”: Lawsuit against US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) By Steve Horn, May 26, 2016
Sri Lankan Flood And Landslide Deaths Continue To Climb By Pani Wijesiriwardena, May 26, 2016
We Have Entered the Looting Stage of Capitalism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2016
Backstabbing the Multipolar World: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi Treads the Path of Sultan Erdogan By GPolit, May 26, 2016