Latest News and Top Stories

They Are Openly Admitting that We Are on the Brink of “The Final War” By Michael Snyder, September 21, 2023
“Heading for a Crash”: Corporate Defaults Soar, Mainly in U.S. By Eric Zuesse, September 21, 2023
NATO Fractures: In U-Turn, Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine By Zero Hedge, September 21, 2023
NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine By Jeffrey D. Sachs, September 21, 2023
Harvard’s Jacinda Ardern Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War By Jonathan Turley, September 21, 2023
Video: Sea Breeze Black Sea Naval Exercise Could be Ground Zero for a False Flag Event to Ignite World War III. Mike Adams By Mike Adams and Health Ranger Report, September 21, 2023
BRICS – Cumbres borrascosas By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, September 20, 2023
“The Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists.” Edward Said By Edward W. Said and Nashwa Bawab, September 20, 2023
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Destroying Young People’s Immune Systems and Each Dose Makes It Worse By Dr. William Makis, September 20, 2023
Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso Sign Military Pact at Liptako-Gourma Borders Area By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 20, 2023
The War in Ukraine Can’t End Until Washington Stops Interfering in Talks By Ted Snider, September 20, 2023
Warring Against the Diaspora: India’s Campaign Against Khalistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20, 2023
Fallujah: My Lost Hometown By Feurat Alani, September 20, 2023
Prof. Hillary C: Columbia University Appoints as New Professor a War Lover with No Academic Credentials that Gloated When Libya’s Leader Was Lynched By Jeremy Kuzmarov, September 20, 2023
US Mass Media UN General Assembly Coverage: Yugoslavia 1999-Ukraine 2022 By Michael Averko, September 20, 2023
Is War with China Inevitable? By Mike Whitney, September 20, 2023
Zelensky Fires Top Ranking Defense Officials Ahead of His Trip to Washington By Kyle Anzalone, September 20, 2023
U.S. Helped Pakistan Get IMF Bailout with Secret Arms Deal for Ukraine, Leaked Documents Reveal By Ryan Grim and Murtaza Hussain, September 20, 2023
Warriors and Domestics: Plotting a New Course in Cinema By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, September 20, 2023
Huelgas históricas contra los tres grandes fabricantes de automóviles By Jake Johnson, September 20, 2023
Understanding Russia’s Multipolar World with Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 20, 2023
Alopecia Areata (Spot Baldness) After Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines By Dr. William Makis, September 19, 2023
Washington Is the Matchmaker for the Russia-North Korea Romance By Ted Galen Carpenter, September 19, 2023
G77 Rejects “Digital Monopolies” and Calls for “Reform” of the Financial System By Gabriel Vera Lopes and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 19, 2023
NATO Chief Says the West Should Prepare for “A Long War” By Mac Slavo, September 19, 2023
Environmentalists Are Destroying My Kitchen By Liz Wolfe, September 19, 2023
Hold On to Your Wallets! Zelensky’s Back in Town! By Daniel McAdams, September 19, 2023
Americans Are Being Led By a Lying Media and Corrupt Political Class By Philip Giraldi, September 19, 2023
A Nation of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, September 19, 2023
‘Biden’s Phase’ of Ukraine War Is Beginning By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 19, 2023
Ukrainian Draft-dodging Scandal Continues with New Arrests as Citizens Attempt to Flee Service By, September 19, 2023
Florida Surgeon General: Most People Should Not Take the New Coronavirus Shot By Adam Dick, September 19, 2023
Arms Dealers Toast ‘Very Buoyant’ Profits in London By Matt Kennard and Phil Miller, September 19, 2023
Over Assange, Britain’s Press Prefers to Serve Power Not Media Freedom By Peter Oborne, September 19, 2023
‘War Is Good for Business,’ Declares Executive at London’s Global Arms Fair By Brett Wilkins, September 19, 2023
Turbo Cancers and Excess Death. Interview with Dr. William Makis By Dr. William Makis and Mark Bishofsky, September 19, 2023
Flight Attendants Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Sudden Deaths By Dr. William Makis, September 18, 2023
Canadian School Purges Books Published Before 2008 in Bid for ‘Inclusivity’ By Zero Hedge, September 18, 2023
Finland Builds First Section of Border Fence with Russia By, September 18, 2023
Macron Is Not Wrong About China, the U.S. Should Worry By Juan P. Villasmil, September 18, 2023
“Stop US Nukes From Coming to Britain” By Kate Hudson, September 18, 2023
Big Tech, el dominio de la economía del siglo XXI By Alejandro Marcó del Pont, September 18, 2023
Florida: First State to Officially Recommend Against COVID-19 Boosters By Steve Wilson, September 18, 2023
Brief for Murder: Pinochet’s Apologists Five Decades On. Chile’s September 1973 Coup d’état By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 18, 2023
You’re Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until the Nuclear Blast Hits Your Face By Prof. Max Abrahms, September 18, 2023
The Bombs of August: Remembering Neak Luong, 1973 By Prof. Carolyn Eisenberg, September 18, 2023
Biometrics Replacing IDs in Airports By Chris Burt, September 18, 2023
History: Britain’s Colonial Policies in Africa By Shane Quinn, September 18, 2023
Poverty in India: Providing Schools for the Most Marginalized Children in Remote Villages in Uttar Pradesh By Bharat Dogra, September 18, 2023
“Defying Science”… “The Public has the Right to Know”: The Real Data Behind the New COVID Vaccines the White House Is Pushing By Dr. Marty Makary and Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg, September 18, 2023
The Role of Russia in Contemporary Global Politics and International Relations By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 18, 2023
CDC Study Confirms COVID-19 Vaccination Increases Risk of Suffering Autoimmune Heart Disease Affecting the Heart by Over 13,200% By The Expose, September 18, 2023
Cuidado con los experimentos de las Fuerzas Armadas de EE.UU. con la guerra climática By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2023
Uranium Prices Hit a 12-Year High By Charles Kennedy, September 18, 2023
“Side Effects” of Covid-19 Vaccine”, “Tell the American Public the Truth”: Former Director of CDC Dr. Robert Redfield Comes Clean on Government Censorship By Lloyd Billingsley, September 18, 2023
Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food and the Eco-Modern Nightmare: Together, ‘Just You and Me’ By Colin Todhunter, September 18, 2023
Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Is Contaminated with Plasmid DNA. 200 Billion Pieces of DNA in Each Vax Dose By Dr. William Makis, September 18, 2023
Video: Democracy According to Justin Trudeau: “Police to Remove You”. Excluding Those Who Contradict Him By Global Research News, September 18, 2023
G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide By Bryan S. Jung, September 18, 2023
The US Has Blood on Its Hands in the Libyan Flood By Steven Sahiounie, September 18, 2023
A Hurricane of Fear… And a New Corona Rising! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, September 17, 2023
Why Has “The Rocket Attack against Konstantinovka” Suddenly Vanished from the Radar Screen? Was it a Failed False Flag? By Stephen Karganovic, September 17, 2023
Ukrainian Conflict: “A Testing Ground for Electronic Warfare”? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 17, 2023
A Daft Policy: The US Economic Strangulation of China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 17, 2023
“US has committed crimes against humanity and genocide in Syria.” Interview with Scott Bennett By Scott Bennett and Steven Sahiounie, September 17, 2023
New York Pushing Vaccine Boosters and Fighting for Concentration Camps By Dr. Joseph Sansone, September 17, 2023
“The Chips War”: The West versus China By Peter Koenig, September 17, 2023
Russian-North Korea Cooperation and the Talks Outcome By Uriel Araujo, September 17, 2023
Is This the Reason Why Blue Cars, Blue Umbrellas and Other Blue Things Didn’t Burn in the Maui Fires? By Ethan Huff, September 17, 2023
Policing and Policy: Prisons, Prices, the Fiction of “Free Markets” and the “Era of Global Nihilism” By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, September 16, 2023
Crimes against Humanity: Serbia’s Law Suit against NATO. More than 15 Tons of Uranium Bombs Dropped on Yugoslavia in 1999 By Natali Milenkovic, September 16, 2023
The JFK Assassination: Why CIA’s Richard Helms Lied About Oswald By Prof Peter Dale Scott, September 16, 2023
Record Growth in Russia-China Trade, Joint Russia-PRC Military Exercise in International Waters: Washington Has “Concerns” By Ahmed Adel, September 16, 2023
The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Medical and Technological Mind Control. Can We Defeat It? By Robert J. Burrowes, September 16, 2023
Future of Australia Hangs on a Yes or No Vote for a New Voice in Its Parliament By Jerome Irwin, September 16, 2023
Russia’s Far East. European and Asian Business Interests Participate in The Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 16, 2023
Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate. Stupidity of the CO2 Transition By Igor Chudov, September 16, 2023
Multi-Billion Dollar “Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)” Market, For Military and “Civilian Use” (?). Were DEWs Used in Hawaii? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 16, 2023
Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Is This An Act of Terror? By Peter Koenig, September 16, 2023
U.S. Tactical Nuclear Weapons’ Attacks against Non-Nuclear States? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 16, 2023