Latest News and Top Stories

THAAD’s Enough — Analysing the Pentagon’s Korean Missile Deployment By Haneul Na avi, August 19, 2016
Peace and Reunification of North and South Korea. Opposition to THAAD Missile System By Zoom in Korea, August 19, 2016
Botswana’s War on Its Indigenous People: Shooting Kalahari Bushmen from Helicopters… By Lewis Evans, August 19, 2016
Milwaukee (1967), Half-century of African American Struggle: Urban Rebellion and the Political Imperatives of Social Transformation By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 18, 2016
Slobodan Milosevic: The Killing of an Innocent Man By Alexander Artamonov, August 18, 2016
US Media Smears Russia as Part of Hillary’s Presidential Campaign By Eric Zuesse, August 18, 2016
From The Destruction of Animal Life to Nuclear Warfare: Will “Human Evil” Destroy Life On Earth? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 18, 2016
Selected Articles: One World Governance and the Council on Foreign Relations By Global Research News, August 18, 2016
Russian Military Options in Syria and the Ukraine By The Saker, August 18, 2016
Proof: US and NATO-backed ‘Rebels’ Are NOT Fighting ISIS By 21st Century Wire, August 18, 2016
Failed Coup in Turkey, Escalating War in Ukraine, The Battle For Aleppo, Freedom for Saif al-Gaddafi in Libya By Hugo Turner, August 18, 2016
Australia and the Vietnam War, The Hypocrisies of Commemoration: Dispute at Long Tan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 18, 2016
The Associated Press Smears Trump By Eric Zuesse, August 18, 2016
Sanctions on Russia Erode Away By Alexander Mercouris, August 18, 2016
We Need to Distance Ourselves from NATO if We Want to Avoid War By Leif Elinder, Martin Gelin, and Anders Romelsjö, August 18, 2016
Clinton Transition Team Headed by Anti-Climate ‘Powerbroker’ By Nadia Prupis, August 18, 2016
US Transfers Nukes From Turkey to Romania. Washington Losing Control of some 50 US Tactical Nuclear Weapons at Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base By Sputnik, August 18, 2016
Concealing US Lethal Aid to ISIS-Daesh-Al Qaeda Terrorists. West’s Media-Driven Deception in Syria Falling Apart By 21st Century Wire, August 18, 2016
Obama Pushing for TPP: Misinformation and Big Lies His Strategy By Stephen Lendman, August 18, 2016
Selected Articles: The “Hatred of Life”: The World System which is Threatening All of Us By Global Research News, August 17, 2016
US “Colour Revolution” Haunts Cambodia By Joseph Thomas, August 17, 2016
US Targeted Killing Rules Conflate Legality and Politics By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 17, 2016
Video: Russian Military Build up in and around Syria By South Front, August 17, 2016
The Birth of Agro-Resistance in Palestine By Jonathan Cook, August 17, 2016
Milwaukee Explodes During Summer of Demonstrations Targeting Police Brutality By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 17, 2016
The Prospects of US Imperialism: Will it be Petras’ Apocalypse or Hammond’s Hopeful Enlightenment? By Eric Walberg, August 17, 2016
Israelis Scheming to Replace Aqsa Mosque with ‘Third Temple’: Report By Press TV, August 17, 2016
Video: Russian Air Force Operating against ISIS Operating Out of an Iranian Base By RT, August 17, 2016
SEC and Wall Street Stock Frauds: Can This Dog Hunt? By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, August 17, 2016
The Humanitarian Crisis in Puerto Rico. The Voice of Playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda By Matt Peppe, August 16, 2016
The “Hatred of Life”: The World System which is Threatening All of Us By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, August 16, 2016
Drones in the Sky: Operating the Mechanized Kill Machine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 16, 2016
Selected Articles: Donald vs. Hillary: A Still Uncertain Election By Global Research News, August 16, 2016
Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars By Jay Syrmopoulos, August 16, 2016
Police State Fascism in America By Margaret Kimberley, August 16, 2016
Speaking of the Olympics… Syrian Athletes are Categorized as “Refugees” By Sarah Alard, August 16, 2016
Religion of Terror? Leaked ISIS Documents Reveal that 70% of Recruits Don’t Even Know What Islam Is By Claire Bernish, August 16, 2016
Chinese-South Korean Tensions Rise over THAAD Anti-missile Deployment By Ben McGrath, August 16, 2016
Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia…: What Happened to the “Pink Tide” of “Left Leaning” Governments in Latin America? By Kyla Sankey, August 16, 2016
Trump’s Aggressive Foreign Policy By Stephen Lendman, August 16, 2016
Russia’s “Permanent Military Base” in Syria: Moscow just tipped the Balance of Power in the Mediterranean By Alexander Mercouris, August 16, 2016
Documents Confirm CIA Censorship of Guantánamo Trials By Mattathias Schwartz, August 16, 2016
Escalation, Naval Deployments and Geopolitical Conflict in the South China Sea By Brian Kalman, August 16, 2016
Roots of “Black Lives Matter” in Bwa Kay Iman, Haiti (14-15 August 1791) By Jean Saint-Vil, August 16, 2016
Cell-Jamming Technology Is Being Turned against Journalists By Kit O'Connell, August 16, 2016
Donald vs. Hillary: A Still Uncertain Election. Both Candidates Remain Unpopular with the Majority of Americans By Jack A. Smith, August 16, 2016
Syrian War Report: ISIS Rebels Attack on US Outpost, Russian Airforce Bombs ISIS Positions… By South Front, August 16, 2016
America’s Illegal Wars of Conquest. Terrorist Embedded Propagandists, Demonizing the Target Countries By Mark Taliano, August 16, 2016
After 638 Assassination Attempts: Fidel Castro Celebrates 90th Birthday By RT, August 16, 2016
Election Reflections 2016 – Trump and Clinton Visit Detroit By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Leaked Medical Records, Fact or Fiction? Alleged “Statement of Health issued in July 2015” By Charisse Van Horn, August 15, 2016
Greece – Sexual Assaults on Children at Refugee Camps By Peter Koenig and Sputnik, August 15, 2016
China Hosts G20 Summit: Innovation, Structural Reform, “Towards an Inclusive World Economy” By Carla Stea, August 15, 2016
Selected Articles: America’s “Humanitarian War” against the World By Global Research News, August 15, 2016
Top Ten “Acceptable” Western Establishment Conspiracy Theories By Neil Clark, August 15, 2016
Bayer AG Makes “Bee Contraceptives”. It’s the German Chemical Company Which Absorbed Monsanto By F. William Engdahl, August 15, 2016
Professor Noam Chomsky Lectures Leftists on Why They Should Vote for Neo-Liberal, Imperial War Hawk Hillary Clinton By Edward Curtin, August 15, 2016
U.S. Backed Opposition In Venezuela Attempts To Usher In Monsanto By Brandon Turbeville, August 15, 2016
The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine By Jim Miles, August 15, 2016
Smart Phones Will Not Make Banking Safer By Big Brother Watch, August 15, 2016
The Impact of Financial Parasitism. Record US Share Prices amid Economic Slump and Social Decay By Barry Grey, August 15, 2016
Thousands of Saudi-Backed Terrorists Ready to Enter Syria via Border with Jordan By Fars News Agency, August 14, 2016
Lawsuit Filed against U.S. Government for Illegal Aid to Nuclear Israel. IRMEP By Sott, August 14, 2016
Western Corporate Media ‘Disappears’ over 1.5 Million Syrians and 4,000 Doctors By Eva Bartlett, August 14, 2016
Washington Task Force Confirms US Intelligence Produced Fake Reports on ISIS to Manipulate Public Opinion By Matt Agorist, August 14, 2016
Hillary Clinton Medical Records Leaked! “Dementia, Seizures, Black-outs” By Hal Turner Show, August 14, 2016
Fidel Castro Is a True Internationalist By Telesur, August 14, 2016
Thailand Gets the Libya-Syria Treatment By Tony Cartalucci, August 14, 2016
An Independent Scotland Should be Free from the EU and NATO By Steven MacMillan, August 14, 2016
Summer Shows: Best of the Global Research News Hour By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, William Blum, Dmitry Orlov, Boris Kagarlitsky, and Andrew Korybko, August 14, 2016
Japan’s Descent into Authoritarianism By Saul Takahashi, August 14, 2016
“Killing Russians”: Russian Media Asks Moscow to Initiate Criminal Proceedings against Former CIA Michael Morell By Serge Duhanov, August 14, 2016
“The Presidential Dementia Meme” Is Out There: Who Best Fits? Hillary or Trump. Reliable Medical Records from Presidential Candidates By William Boardman, August 14, 2016
Feliz Cumpleaños Fidel Castro: A Very Happy 90th Birthday. He has Survived Hundreds of US Attempts to Kill Him By Stephen Lendman, August 14, 2016
Political Assassinations – The “New Normal” Trend Weapon of the Global Elites? By Peter Koenig, August 14, 2016
Ex-CIA Mike Morell’s “Kill-Russians” Advice By Ray McGovern, August 14, 2016
Throwing Thailand Into A Hybrid War Tumult By Andrew Korybko, August 13, 2016
Diplomatic Fence-mending with Russia? Is Ankara Ready to Close Its Border with Syria, Blocking Supply Routes to US-NATO “Moderate Terrorists” By Al Manar, August 13, 2016
Many Happy Returns Fidel. Long Live Fidel Castro By Steven Walker, August 13, 2016
Syria: Six “‘Killed Pediatricians” Sign “Fake” Letter To Obama By Moon of Alabama, August 13, 2016