Latest News and Top Stories

Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe? Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors in Medical School Taught Us By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 04, 2016
Senator Promoting Dakota Access Pipeline Invests In Bakken Oil Wells Named After Indian Tribe By Steve Horn, September 04, 2016
Prescription Drugs: Doctors and Drug Companies Create an Unhealthy Dynamic By Dr. Joseph Ting, September 04, 2016
The Next Escalation: Turkey’s Invasion of Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 04, 2016
Ignoring the Pentagon’s Multi-Trillion-Dollar “Accounting Error” By Dave Lindorff, September 04, 2016
Latin American Scientists Reject Nobel Laureates’ Letter Supporting Genetically Modified Crops By GMWatch, September 04, 2016
In China, Fraudsters Prepare Fake Defectors from North Korea By Oleg Kiryanov, September 04, 2016
The Presidential Election Has Been Hacked. “Money Talks”. The Outcome is a Foregone Conclusion By John W. Whitehead, September 04, 2016
“War against the Panthers”: The Life and Works of Huey P. Newton, Founder of the Black Panther Party By Hugo Turner, September 04, 2016
The Case for the Breakup of the Ukraine By The Saker, September 04, 2016
Vatican Fully Recognizes Palestine State. Pope Francis: Israel Will Disappear from The “Landscape of Geography”, Landmark Treaty Enters into Force By Whatsupic, September 04, 2016
The Political Fracturing of The Congo (DRC)? Kagame’s Intensive Anti-Hutu Campaign in DRC By Ambrose Nzeyimana, September 04, 2016
Leaked Catalogue: Vast Array of British Military Spy Gear Offered to U.S. Police By Sam Biddle, September 04, 2016
Smoking Gun? FBI Reveals Hillary Could Not Recall Briefings Due To Concussion, Clot By Zero Hedge, September 04, 2016
Spurning Washington’s Appeals, Turkey Vows to Expand Assault on US-Backed Kurdish Forces in Syria By Barry Grey, September 03, 2016
What the Climate Movement Can Learn from the “Neoliberal Coup” By Chloe Maxmin, September 03, 2016
© Lucy Nicholson / Reuters
Obama Administration Moves Onshore Oil and Gas Lease Auctions Online To Stymie ‘Keep It In The Ground’ Protests By Steve Horn, September 03, 2016
CIA Abuses “Journalist” Cover to Spy on Al-Qaeda in Syria – Media Acquiesce – Endanger Real Journos By Moon of Alabama, September 03, 2016
America’s Wars: Can We Please Get Rid of the “Pledge of Allegiance”? By Mike Whitney, September 03, 2016
Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Northern Hama. Islamist Rebels Counterattack, Targeting Russia Missile Battalion. Report By South Front, September 03, 2016
Turkey’s New Role: From NATO Lapdog to Emerging Empire? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, September 03, 2016
Ghassan’s Prediction and the Emerging New Palestinian Reality By James J. Zogby, September 02, 2016
The Empire Wants Ms. Clinton, The Conqueror! By Andre Vltchek, September 02, 2016
TISA: New Trade Deal Could Be Even Greater Threat to Public Services Than TTIP By Global Justice Now, September 02, 2016
Clinton’s “American Exceptionalism” Speech: A Bipartisan Policy of Militarism and War By Patrick Martin, September 02, 2016
Ireland and the Apple Tax Scandal: The Entire Political Establishment Colluded with Apple in an Act of “Economic Treason” By Richard Boyd Barrett, September 02, 2016
Trump Outlines Ten-Point Plan for Mass Deportations and Martial Law By Eric London, September 02, 2016
Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff: Brazil’s Parliamentary Coup and the “Progressive Media” By Peter Koenig, September 02, 2016
Arrogance, Impunity and Attica: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy By J. B. Gerald, September 02, 2016
Terrorist Retreat? Syrian Army Overruns Militant Defenses in Aleppo By South Front, September 02, 2016
“War is Good for Business”: US Arms Makers Invest in a New Cold War By Jonathan Marshall, September 02, 2016
Australia Targets Daesh-ISIS “With Lethal Force” at Home and Abroad By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02, 2016
Declaration of Cuban Government on Brazil’s Coup d’état, Perpetrated against President Dilma Rousseff By Cuba Debate, September 01, 2016
US Striking Islamic State “Leaders” is Sheer Propaganda, Sustains the “Global War on Terrorism” By The New Atlas, September 01, 2016
Margaret Thatcher’s Role in Controversial £42 Billion Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia. Declassified Files By Lara Rebello, September 01, 2016
Mumia Abu Jamal’s Health is Precarious: His Motion for Immediate Care: DENIED By Noelle Hanrahan, September 01, 2016
The Brazilian Economic Collapse Reaches Unprecedented Proportions By Zero Hedge, September 01, 2016
Death in Yemen: British Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia, and the “Proper Use” of Illegal Arms By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 01, 2016
Brazil’s Impeachment and the Fall of the Workers Party By Bill Van Auken, September 01, 2016
In the Wake of Dilma’s Impeachment: President Temer Gets Furious Welcome from Brazilians Across the Country By Telesur, September 01, 2016
Fabricated Evidence, Russia Blocks UN Move to Sanction Syria for Chemical Attacks By Middle East Eye, September 01, 2016
Kremlin-Trump Connections? Democrats Call on FBI to Investigate Their Political Adversaries’ Kremlin Ties By Glenn Greenwald, September 01, 2016
“Terrorist Made in America”: US State Department Offers $3Mln Reward For Daesh-ISIS Leader Trained in US By Sputnik, September 01, 2016
The History of Australia’s Mining Charter Towns in Northern Queensland By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 01, 2016
Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, a Woman of Honor, Confronts Senate of Scoundrels By Pepe Escobar, September 01, 2016
Wall Street Behind Brazil Coup d’Etat. The Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 01, 2016
Counter-Revolution in Brazil and United States Imperialism. The Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 01, 2016
Dakota Access Pipeline Tribal Liaison Formerly Worked For Agency Issuing Permit To Cross Tribal Land By Steve Horn, September 01, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Destroy Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 01, 2016
Washington’s “Regime Change” in Brazil: Dilma Rousseff Impeached, Temer Installed as Brazil’s President By Telesur, September 01, 2016
Selected Articles: Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? By Global Research News, August 31, 2016
Syria’s ISIS-Daesh Leader Al Adnani Reported Dead, Kurdish YPG Launch Attack on Strategic ISIS-controlled City of Al-Bab By South Front, August 31, 2016
The Conspiracy Theory Narrative: Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 31, 2016
Historic Decision: First Australian State to Ban Fracking for Onshore Gas By Jax Jacobsen, August 31, 2016
Libya’s Tobruk Parliament Refuses to Recognize Western-Backed Government By Marianne Arens, August 31, 2016
Crimes against Humanity: Seventy-two Daesh-ISIS Mass Graves Containing Up to 15,000 Discovered in Iraq and Syria. Who are the State Sponsors of ISIS? Who is Training, Who is Financing Them? By RT News, August 31, 2016
Big Energy Pays US State Governments to Ban the Protest Movement From Banning Fracking By Susanne Posel, August 31, 2016
Secretive Tax Rulings and the Apple Tax Repayment: The EU Commission’s Apple Decision. The Beginning of the End of Tax Wars? By Tax Justice Network, August 31, 2016
“Carrot and Stick” Carve-Up of the Occupied West Bank Will Not Work for Israel By Jonathan Cook, August 31, 2016
Turkey’s Move into Syria: Massacre of the Kurds, Overthrowing Rojava By Phil Hearse, August 31, 2016
US Pressures Turkey to Curb Attacks on Syrian Kurds By Patrick Martin, August 31, 2016
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against Dakota Access Pipeline. National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Statement of Solidarity By National Lawyers Guild International, August 30, 2016
Indigenous Property Rights and the Dakota Access Pipeline By Logan Glitterbomb, August 30, 2016
“Electroshock” Psychiatry: ECT Therapy Damages the Human Brain By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 30, 2016
US “Cultural Colonisation” in Asia Pacific By Joseph Thomas, August 30, 2016
Selected Articles: US-NATO War Crimes in Syria and Yemen By Global Research News, August 30, 2016
Erdogan Calls Putin as Russia Seethes at Turkey’s Syrian Incursion By Alexander Mercouris, August 30, 2016
Nine Latin American Countries Slam US for Creating Migrant Crisis By Telesur, August 30, 2016
‘Vaccines Cause Autism’: District Attorney Nico LaHood By David Ibanez, August 30, 2016
Elections 2016: Trump, Clinton and Racism in American Politics By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2016
Erdogan, You are A War Criminal Under International Law. Turkey Invades Syria, Kills Civilians. The “International Community” Applauds By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30, 2016
Climate Science is NOT Settled By Viv Forbes, August 30, 2016
International Law, Human Rights, The Fight against Terrorism: Which Country Holds the Legal and Moral High Ground, Canada or Syria? By Mark Taliano, August 30, 2016
Video: Al Qaeda Militant Strongholds Fall Near Damascus By South Front, August 30, 2016
Class Action Law Suit against Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Charges of Fraud… By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, August 30, 2016
Science, War and Humanity By Dr. Vandana Shiva, August 30, 2016
US-Saudi War Crimes, Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis: Civilian Killings, Famine, Refugees. The Western Media’s Remorseless Silence By Eresh Omar Jamal, August 30, 2016
Crazed Hillary Clinton and the Prospects of World WAR III. Can Americans Overthrow “The Evil” That Rules Them? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 30, 2016
Five Reasons U.S. Aid to Israel is a “Bad Investment” By Grant F. Smith, August 30, 2016
Pan-Africanism, Women’s Rights and Socialist Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2016