Latest News and Top Stories

The FBI James Comey Saga: Hillary Bribed the FBI Official in Charge of the Email Investigation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 03, 2017
“Voices from Syria”: Important E-book by Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano, May 03, 2017
How to Reverse the Tide of War. A Global People’s Movement. Say No to Nuclear War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 03, 2017
Israel’s Outrage Du Jour: Denying Palestinian Boy Terror Victim’s Rights After He Survived Incineration of His Family By Richard Silverstein, May 03, 2017
Vladimir Putin Meets Angela Merkel. An Opportunity to Ease Tensions? By Stephen Lendman, May 03, 2017
Breaking. Russia Setting Up Military Installations in Northeastern Syria, in YPG-Held Area By South Front, May 03, 2017
U.S. to Launch Another Provocative Minuteman III ICBM Test, Amidst Accusations Directed against North Korea By Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, May 03, 2017
Pentagon Once Again Hides the Real Number of Civilian Casualties in Syria and Iraq By Anna Jaunger, May 03, 2017
The US Supplies Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, via Bulgaria? By Sophie Mangal, May 03, 2017
The General Strike in Brazil. History and Analysis By Luísa Monteiro, May 03, 2017
May Day 2017 in Detroit Focuses on the Economic Crises and Racial Oppression By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 03, 2017
The US Created Al Qaeda: The Illusion of America “Cooperating” with Russia in “Combating Terrorism” By Stephen Lendman, May 03, 2017
Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Illegitimate Private Debt in the Global South By Eric Toussaint, May 03, 2017
Myanmar Dodges Human Rights Abuses against the Rohingya Minority, with US-EU Help By Joseph Thomas, May 03, 2017
Empty Values: The Australian Concept of Citizenship By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 03, 2017
‘Sociopath’: Trump Cabinet Secretary Calls US Bombing of Syria ‘After-Dinner Entertainment’ By Jon Queally, May 03, 2017
Yemen: War Crimes, Mass Starvation and Genocide. What You Aren’t Being Told About US Involvement in Yemen By Darius Shahtahmasebi, May 03, 2017
Britain Must Break Free from the Agrochemical Cartel By Colin Todhunter, May 03, 2017
Breaking: Mumia Abu-Jamal Back in Court, Criminal Conviction Could Crumble! By Noelle Hanrahan, May 03, 2017
American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 03, 2017
Bigoted Americans, Far More Supportive of War Against Syria By Eric Zuesse, May 03, 2017
The Economics of the Future By Prof Michael Hudson, May 03, 2017
NATO Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, May 02, 2017
May Day in France: Trade Union Calls to Support Macron Fall Flat By Francis Dubois, May 02, 2017
Selected Articles: US-NATO Attacks against Syria Geared Towards “Regime Change” By Global Research News, May 02, 2017
Freedom and Form: French Impressionist Painter Frédéric Bazille at the National Gallery By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, May 02, 2017
America’s Rapacious Aristocracy and World War III By Eric Zuesse, May 02, 2017
Escalation of Tensions in Syria: One Month after the Chemical Attack in Khan Sheikhoun By Michael Welch, Ray McGovern, Patrick Henningsen, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 02, 2017
Japan Seeks to Restore Its National Sovereignty. Japan-Russia Relations By Oriental Review, May 02, 2017
Abbas Fears the Prisoners’ Hunger Strike; 6500 Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails By Jonathan Cook, May 02, 2017
America’s Financial War Strategy By Alasdair Macleod, May 02, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Troops Launch New Offensive against ISIS Terrorists in Eastern Homs By South Front, May 02, 2017
Trump Beat Hillary Because of Obama Voters in 2012 Who Voted for Trump in 2016 By Eric Zuesse, May 02, 2017
Killing Your Own People By John Kozy, May 02, 2017
Flawed Chemical Analysis in the French Intelligence Report Alleging a Syrian Government Sarin Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Sheikhoun By Dr. Theodore Postol, May 01, 2017
Who Is Behind Washington’s Coup Plot in Venezuela? By Misión Verdad, May 01, 2017
Days of Illusion: Donald Trump’s First 100 Days. US Political System in Crisis By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 01, 2017
Responsible Actions Needed to Ensure Peace on the Korean Peninsula By Zhong Sheng, May 01, 2017
How Pollution in Europe is Creating Ghost Towns in India By Great Game India, May 01, 2017
US Nuclear Breakthrough Endangers the World: America’s “Surprise First Strike Attack” By Conn Hallinan, May 01, 2017
How Obama and Erdogan Moved ISIS from Iraq to Syria, to Weaken Assad By Eric Zuesse, May 01, 2017
Selected Articles: What Trump Has Accomplished in 100 Days By Global Research News, May 01, 2017
Do Americans Have No Shame? The Violation of Sovereign Rights of Much of the Planet By Margaret Kimberley, May 01, 2017
Korea: Leading to War? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 01, 2017
US Support for Saudi Aggression on Yemen Reinforced under Trump By Prof. Richard Falk and Tasnim News Agency, May 01, 2017
Bayer-Monsanto: A Match Made in Hell. Six Reasons why Bayer-Monsanto Merger Threatens People and Planet By Corporate Europe Observatory, May 01, 2017
The Numbers are Staggering: U.S. is ‘World Leader’ in Child Poverty By Paul Buchheit, May 01, 2017
Who’s Arming Radical Militants in Syria and Iraq? By Martin Berger, May 01, 2017
The Future of Our Children: Jeremy Corbyn’s Speech on Education Policy By Jeremy Corbyn, May 01, 2017
Conventional vs. Nuclear Deterrence: Who is Interested in Conflict with North Korea? By Federico Pieraccini, May 01, 2017
America Mingles with Al Qaeda in Syria: Washington Wants Russia Not to Target al-Qaeda “Terror Groups” By Daniel McAdams, May 01, 2017
No, the NSA Has NOT Stopped Spying On Americans’ Emails By Washington's Blog, May 01, 2017
More Media ‘Spin’ on the Syria-Sarin Case By Robert Parry, May 01, 2017
The Trump Tax Plan: More Money for the Oligarchs By Barry Grey, May 01, 2017
Military Industrial
US Deploys Troops and Armored Vehicles “Inside Syria”, Close to Turkish Border By Press TV, May 01, 2017
Video: US Armored Vehicles Arrive in Northern Syria. Is It An Invasion? By Press TV, May 01, 2017
All 100 Senators Sign Letter Against U.N. Actions to Bring Israel to Account By If Americans Knew, May 01, 2017
What The Corporate Media Never Tells You About North Korea By Joe Clifford, May 01, 2017
Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat From the East. Payments in Gold Across Asia By Andrew Brennan, May 01, 2017
Cold War 2.0: There will be No Russophobia Reset By Pepe Escobar, May 01, 2017
The Unspoken Failures of “Save the Earth Science”: World Destruction with Nuclear Weapons, The Poisoning of the Earth’s Ecology By Edward Curtin, May 01, 2017
Yemen: The New Graveyard Where Empires Come to Die By Catherine Shakdam, April 30, 2017
The First 100 Days of Donald Trump’s Presidency in Military Terms By Vladimir Kozin, April 30, 2017
Russia to Establish A Naval Base in Yemen? Implications for US Military Involvement in Syria? By Moon of Alabama, April 30, 2017
From Syria to Korea: The Rush to Crush Multipolarism By Ulson Gunnar, April 30, 2017
Trump v. FDR’s First Hundred Days. “Sold out to Wall Street, War-profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Breaking every Positive Promise Made” By Stephen Lendman, April 30, 2017
Video: President Al-Assad Interview: The West and Israel are Supporting the Terrorists By Bashar al Assad and Telesur, April 30, 2017
Tillerson Threatens North Korea By Stephen Lendman, April 30, 2017
The North Korea Military Gambit. Dangerous Crossroads, “All Options on the Table”, The Era of “Strategic Patience” Is Over … By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30, 2017
Brazil’s National Strike Against Temer’s Neoliberal Reforms: Photo Gallery By The Dawn News, April 30, 2017
35 Million-Strong Strike Against Temer’s Neoliberal Reforms Brings Brazil to a Halt By Telesur, April 30, 2017
What Are They Hiding About the USA Attack on Syria? The Break Up of Syria? By Dimitris Kazakis, April 30, 2017
Washington’s Long War on Syria: Stephen Gowans, Montreal, May 2, 2017 By Global Research News, April 30, 2017
Claims of Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks are Total B.S. By Washington's Blog, April 29, 2017
The West is Responsible for Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, April 29, 2017
The Nuclearization of Space. The Crash of Cassini By Prof. Karl Grossman, April 29, 2017
Mass Movement in South Korea against THAAD Missile Deployment By Zoom in Korea, April 29, 2017
Trump’s Foreign Policy After 100 Days: Tweeting with Bombs? By Nile Bowie, April 29, 2017
Debunking the French Report on Syria’s Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, April 29, 2017
Trump’s Deadly Legacy. One Hundred Days and Counting. And There’s More to Come… By Michael T. Bucci, April 29, 2017