Latest News and Top Stories

Syria – Erdogan Is Afraid of Entering Idleb By Moon of Alabama, October 08, 2017
President Zigzag By Robert Parry, October 08, 2017
US Warship Approaches Korean Peninsula for Drills with South Korea By RT News, October 08, 2017
Nuclear Weapons, ICAN and the Nobel Prize By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 08, 2017
Poverty in America: Growing Income Inequality, Shrinking Middle Class, Declining Manufacturing Pay By Kate Randall, October 08, 2017
The Future of the EU at Stake in Catalonia By Pepe Escobar, October 08, 2017
Trump Expels 60% of Cuban Diplomats By Stephen Lendman, October 08, 2017
OAS to Swear in “Parallel” Venezuelan Supreme Court in Washington By Lucas Koerner, October 08, 2017
Challenging the Dollar: China and Russia’s Plan from Petroyuan to Gold By Federico Pieraccini, October 08, 2017
Britain to Criminalize Reading Online Extremist Content By Stephen Lendman, October 07, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Repels Large ISIS Attack on Sukhna By South Front, October 07, 2017
The Three Conservative MPs Who Will Never be Prime Minister By Anthony Bellchambers, October 07, 2017
Nobel’s Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) By Jan Oberg, October 07, 2017
Huge ‘People Over Pipeline’ Victory as TransCanada Forced to Kill Energy East By Jake Johnson, October 07, 2017
The Six ‘Secret’ Tactics of Empire By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, October 07, 2017
Catalan President and Parliament Obliged to Declare Independence By Stephen Lendman, October 07, 2017
Exposing a Shoddy Sarin Attack Narrative and Responding to NATO-Backed Critics By Gareth Porter, October 07, 2017
Surrounded by Generals, Trump Remarks on “The Calm Before the Storm” By Peter Symonds, October 07, 2017
Britain’s Tories On the Run: Boris Johnson at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 07, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Strikes ISIS Near Mayadin City. Russia Accuses US of Supporting ISIS Terrorists By South Front, October 07, 2017
The Face of Australia’s Surveillance: Malcolm Turnbull’s Facial Recognition Database By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 07, 2017
The Las Vegas Massacre: The Media Narrative is Deceptive By Edward Curtin, October 07, 2017
Has the Israel Lobby Destroyed Americans’ First Amendment Rights? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 06, 2017
Trump Expected to Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, October 06, 2017
ISIS Mobile Groups Use US At-tanf Base for Raids Against Syrian Army – Russian Ministry of Defense By South Front, October 06, 2017
Cuba Has Never Perpetrated, Nor Will It Ever Perpetrate Attacks of Any Sort Against Diplomatic Officials or Their Relatives, Without Any Exception By Cubaminrex, October 06, 2017
Trump and ‘His Generals’ on Collision Course over Iran By Daniel McAdams, October 06, 2017
Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Wins Nobel Peace Prize By Stephen Lendman, October 06, 2017
The Rising of Britain’s ‘New Politics’ By John Pilger, October 06, 2017
“Lone Sniper” in White House “Wounds” Secretary of State Tillerson By William Boardman, October 06, 2017
Tel Aviv Is Only Interested in Weakening Iraq: The Kurdish Referendum By Edu Montesanti, October 06, 2017
There Is No ‘Cult of Corbyn’ – This Is a Movement Preparing for Power By Hilary Wainwright, October 05, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooting. Official Explanations and Unanswered Questions By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 05, 2017
Video: Israel Complains Assad Is Winning in Syria By South Front, October 05, 2017
Las Vegas Massacre Proves 2nd Amendment Must be Abolished By Eric Zuesse, October 05, 2017
Confirmed: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs – Just Like Many Previous Mass Shooters By Adam Garrie, October 05, 2017
Drugs and Guns Don’t Mix: Medication Madness, Military Madness and the Las Vegas Mass Shooting By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 05, 2017
The Official Las Vegas Shooting Story Lacks Credibility By Stephen Lendman, October 05, 2017
Political Suicide: Masoud Barzani’s Miscalculation Will Push Kurdistan into the Abyss By Martin Jay, October 05, 2017
Senate Intelligence Committee Finds No Evidence of Russian US Election Interference By Stephen Lendman, October 05, 2017
Selected Articles: Geopolitical Crisis in Asia By Global Research News, October 05, 2017
US Proxies in Southeast Asia Include Fake Communists By Joseph Thomas, October 05, 2017
From Myanmar, to Whitehall, to Washington – Politics Festering Nadir By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 05, 2017
US-North Korea Relations: Experts Weigh in on Future Course By Edu Montesanti, October 05, 2017
The Big ISIS and SDF Lies of the US: ‘Kurdistan’ and New Gas Wars By F. William Engdahl, October 05, 2017
The Catalan Chain Reaction By Andrew Korybko, October 05, 2017
German Federal Elections: Chauvinistic Identity Policies Outperform Left Economic Alternatives By Ingo Schmidt, October 05, 2017
Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Bedouin Village for 119th Time By Ma’an news, October 04, 2017
Mass Shootings: The Military-Entertainment Complex’s Culture of Violence Turns Deadly By John W. Whitehead, October 04, 2017
Cambodia Is Trying to Snip a Color Revolution Attempt in the Bud By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2017
Selected Articles: The Las Vegas Shooting By Global Research News, October 04, 2017
Syria: Kurdish SDF and ISIS-Daesh, An Unholy Alliance Consecrated by the U.S. By Sarah Abed, October 04, 2017
Rereading “Grapes of Wrath”. The History of Capitalism in America, “Disaster Capitalism” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 04, 2017
United States Imperialism Continues War in Afghanistan and the Destabilization of Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 04, 2017
Bangladeshi Regional Migration Could Plunge South Asia into War By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2017
Video: US Air Strikes in Support of ISIS-Daesh? Syria Forces Counter-attack against Terrorists By South Front, October 04, 2017
How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation By Ellen Brown, October 04, 2017
Climate Disruption Could Pose “Existential Threat” by 2050 By Dahr Jamail, October 04, 2017
Vote by Iraqi Kurds Adds to Tensions By Joe Lauria, October 04, 2017
Greece: Impacts of Neoliberal Economic Medicine on Life Expectancy. Germany-EU-IMF Help Greeks Shorten Their Miserable Lives By Philip Chrysopoulos, October 04, 2017
The Social Pathology of the Las Vegas Massacre By Patrick Martin, October 04, 2017
Another Day, Another U.S. Mass Shooting By Moon of Alabama, October 04, 2017
The NRA Lobby, Big Pharma, Big Oil, AIPAC and Wall Street By Anthony Bellchambers, October 04, 2017
Biofuels and Biofools By Molly Scott Cato MEP, October 03, 2017
Australia’s Final Report on MH370 Calls Missing Flight’s Location an ‘Almost Inconceivable’ Mystery By IANS, October 03, 2017
The End of Empire By Chris Hedges, October 03, 2017
Puerto Rico: A Public Health Catastrophe By Stephen Lendman, October 03, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Repels Major ISIS Advance, Launches Counter-attack By South Front, October 03, 2017
Palestinians React to Opening of First US Military Base in Israel By Mohammed Othman, October 03, 2017
Another Mass Shooting, Another Grab for Guns: 6 Gun Facts By Tony Cartalucci, October 03, 2017
Texas Galveston’s BioLab Amid Climate Instability By Joe Lauria, October 03, 2017
What’s in a Word? Terrorism in Las Vegas By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 03, 2017
When Did Congress Vote to Aid the Saudi’s Yemen War? By Gareth Porter, October 03, 2017
Cataluña Libre? By Peter Koenig, October 03, 2017
Slaughter in Las Vegas By Stephen Lendman, October 03, 2017
Survey Shows Crisis-ridden Greek Households Cut Even on Milk and Bread By Keep Talking Greece, October 03, 2017
Here’s Why Allowing Saudi Women to Drive Is Very Dangerous By Andrew Korybko, October 03, 2017
The Trump-Goldman Sachs Tax Cut for the Rich By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 03, 2017
CIA Backed Color Revolutions By F. William Engdahl, October 03, 2017
The Puerto Rico Humanitarian Crisis: Media Disinformation, Crimes and Cover-ups By Massoud Nayeri, October 03, 2017