Latest News and Top Stories

Slain US Special Forces Troops on Apparent Assassination Mission in Niger By Bill Van Auken, October 25, 2017
Xi Jinping’s Road Map to “The Chinese Dream” By Pepe Escobar, October 25, 2017
Phoenix 2.0 – CIA’s Vietnam Terror Unleashed Upon Afghanistan By Moon of Alabama, October 25, 2017
South Korean Progressive Parties Merge to Complete Candlelight Revolution By Zoom in Korea, October 25, 2017
The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal History By James Bovard, October 25, 2017
They Profit, We Die: Toxic Agriculture and the Poisoning of Soils, Human Health and the Environment By Colin Todhunter, October 25, 2017
US-UK Dirty War: ‘Latin American-style’ Death Squads in Iraq Revealed Through Chilcot By Patrick Henningsen, October 25, 2017
Setting the Stage to Commit a Massacre in Gaza By Ilan Pappe, October 24, 2017
Winning in Africa. US Military-Industrial Complex Supplants State Department Diplomacy By Brian Cloughley, October 24, 2017
A Multipolar World?: “Full Spectrum Superiority”, The Deep State and Global Financial Control By Richard C. Cook, October 24, 2017
Help Wanted – State Department Seeks Self-Consistent Secretary … To Replace Tillerson? By Moon of Alabama, October 24, 2017
The Obamacare Fraud and the Case for Socialized Medicine By Kate Randall, October 24, 2017
Remembering Muammar Qaddafi and the Great Libyan Jamahiriya By Gerald A. Perreira, October 24, 2017
On Returning from Syria: More Convinced than Ever Western Media Narrative Is Bulls**t By Brandon Turbeville, October 24, 2017
Turkey to Establish Eight Military Bases in Syria’s Idlib Province By South Front, October 24, 2017
George W. Bush Receives a Character Award at West Point: Duty, Honor, Atrocity By Erik Edstrom, October 24, 2017
What’s Going on in Niger? America’s Unspoken War against sub-Saharan Africa By Stephen Lendman, October 24, 2017
Angels, Dolphins and the World Festival of Youth and Students: Condemning Lies that Violate By Prof Susan Babbitt, October 24, 2017
China’s Belt and Road: Geopolitical Analysis of Regional Impediments. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh By Sami Karimi, October 24, 2017
Cuban Workers Condemn US Blockade By ACN, October 24, 2017
China Faces Growing Debt Problems, Says Central Bank Governor By Nick Beams, October 24, 2017
In a Dramatic Pivot, Shia Militia Leader Tells US: “Get Ready to Leave Iraq” By Zero Hedge, October 24, 2017
‘Blatant Censorship’: Trump EPA Abruptly Muzzles Its Own Climate Scientists By Jake Johnson, October 24, 2017
Meet the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the CIA’s Big Brother: The Multibillion Dollar US Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard Of By AnonWatcher, October 24, 2017
US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? By South Front, October 24, 2017
Netanyahu Very Upset with Iraqi Forces Capturing Kirkuk, Takes Action to Reclaim Oil By Andrew Illingworth, October 24, 2017
Food, Agriculture and the Global Ecology: Rolling Back the Tide of Pesticide Poison, Corruption and Looming Mass Extinction By Colin Todhunter, October 24, 2017
History: How Britain Assisted the Soviet Union’s Fight Against Hitler By Nikolay Starikov, October 24, 2017
Environmental Protest in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2017
Selected Articles: The Threat of Military Dictatorship in America By Global Research News, October 24, 2017
Video: ISIS May Surrender Eastern Bank of Euphrates to US-backed Forces By South Front, October 24, 2017
The American Left: RIP By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 24, 2017
The Harmful Effects of Antifa. Crisis of America’s Left By Diana Johnstone, October 24, 2017
US Soldiers in Niger: A Hidden Global Mission By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2017
93-Year-Old President Carter: Russians Didn’t Alter Election, Obama Didn’t Deliver, We Didn’t Vote for Hillary By Zero Hedge, October 24, 2017
US Coalition Bombing of Raqqa Comparable to the World War II Destruction of Dresden: Russian Defense Ministry By TASS, October 24, 2017
Catalan Regional Government Coup? Images of Police Violence Fake? By Stephen Lendman, October 24, 2017
Hassan Diab Still in Legal Limbo as He Approaches His Fourth Year in a French Prison By Hassan Diab Support Committee, October 24, 2017
China-Ruble Settlement and the Dollar System By F. William Engdahl, October 24, 2017
The Ben Stimson Case: Prosecuted for Fighting Fascism in Ukraine By Christopher Black, October 24, 2017
Right-Wing EU Think Tank Bashes Russia Today: Kremlin’s Platform for ‘Useful Idiots’ By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2017
United Nations: Ignore Trump on Climate By Paul Brown, October 23, 2017
General Kelly’s Tirade and the Threat of Military Dictatorship in America By Bill Van Auken, October 23, 2017
“Imaginary Syria”: Black Is White, White Is Black, in the Washington Post By Eric Zuesse, October 23, 2017
US Mercenaries, Iraqi Highways and the Mystery of the Never-Ending ISIS Hordes By Ulson Gunnar, October 23, 2017
When Conspiracies Meet: Donald Trump and the JFK Files By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 23, 2017
“Above All” – America’s Military Junta Expands Its Claim to Power By Moon of Alabama, October 23, 2017
Raqqa Destroyed to “Liberate It”. “ISIS was a Bogeyman Encouraged by Western Powers” By Eric Margolis, October 23, 2017
Desecration of Church Property to Silence Syrian Voices By Vanessa Beeley, October 23, 2017
Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Middle East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 23, 2017
Washington Forbids Serbia from De-Mining Syria By Daniel McAdams, October 23, 2017
Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS): Russia Blasts US Rape of Raqqa By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2017
Trump to Release Classified JFK Files By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2017
Medicaid Is a Scam By Richard Hugus, October 23, 2017
Breaking: France’s Minister of Defense: French Citizens Who Joined Jihad Should Die on the Battlefield – “We Don’t Want Them Back” By Peter Koenig, October 23, 2017
How Propaganda Feeds War on Syria By Rick Sterling, October 23, 2017
World Food Prize: Feeding the World a Slick Campaign of Lies By Katherine Paul, October 23, 2017
What We Still Haven’t Learned from the Vietnam War By Jimmy Falls, October 23, 2017
Video: Korean War: 600,000 Tons of American Bombs on the North. Every City was Destroyed By mlovmo, October 22, 2017
Selected Articles: Weather Modification as US Military Strategy? By Global Research News, October 22, 2017
Washington’s Design is to Fracture Syria: US-backed Militia Says Raqqa to be Part of ‘Federal Syria’ By RT News, October 22, 2017
Madrid Imposes Direct Rule Over Catalonia By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2017
Great Powers and Global Politics By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 22, 2017
Strengthening the Russia-Israeli “Strategic Partnership”, Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu Visits Israel By Andrew Korybko, October 22, 2017
Dickenson, Texas Residents Told No Hurricane Harvey Relief Funds If You’re Against Israel By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2017
NGO Publishes Names of 2,300+ RT Guests, Labels Them ‘Useful Idiots Who Undermine Western Democracy’ By RT News, October 22, 2017
Poland’s “Pivot Towards Turkey” Is All About the “Intermarium” By Andrew Korybko, October 22, 2017
Draft GOP Bill in US Senate Breaches Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, October 22, 2017
Capturing the Wisdom and Beauty of Donald J. Trump. “The American Military has Never been Stronger” By William Blum, October 22, 2017
EU Summit Endorses Spain’s Threat of Police-Military Occupation of Catalonia By Alex Lantier, October 22, 2017
60 Parliamentarians Urge UK Government Action on Gaza Emergency By Medical Aid for Palestinians and Richard Burden, October 22, 2017
The Balfour Declaration at 100, Palestine’s Forcible Incorporation into the British Empire, A Legacy of Racism and Propaganda By Dan Freeman-Maloy, October 22, 2017
The History of the CIA By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 21, 2017
US Military Cargo, Explosives, Depleted Uranium Weaponry Transit through Ireland’s Shannon Airport By Shannonwatch, October 21, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooting: Cracks in the Official Narrative By Michael Welch, Debbie Lusignan, and Shawn Helton, October 21, 2017
Video: Regime Change in Latin America By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 21, 2017
Documentary: The Korean War: US Atrocities, Napalm and Carpet Bombing, Killing Innocent Civilians By mlovmo, October 21, 2017
Shattered Glass Houses of Zionist Pawns. Belgium and Norway Turn a Blind Eye to Israeli Atrocities By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, October 21, 2017
ISIS and Al-Qaeda Planning a 9/11-Type Attack? By Stephen Lendman, October 21, 2017
Is Weather Warfare a Conspiracy Theory? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 21, 2017