Latest News and Top Stories

Sixty Thousand Fascists March in Warsaw By Clara Weiss, November 14, 2017
EU Member States Take Major Step Toward a European Army By Peter Schwarz, November 14, 2017
Donald Trump Marks America’s “Heavy Toll of War” – From Vietnam. By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 14, 2017
Prospects for a World Free from Nuclear Weapons and for Integral Disarmament By Mairead Maguire, November 14, 2017
Growing Number of German and International Fighters Join Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion – Report By RT News, November 14, 2017
Yemen: End Blockade, Avert Famine By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 14, 2017
Trump’s Asia Visit: Growing US Economic Isolation to Fuel Military Push By Nick Beams, November 14, 2017
Friends of the Earth Slams Developed Nations for Blocking Urgent Pre-2020 Climate Action By Friends of the Earth International, November 14, 2017
Pentagon Explanations for Niger Operations Cannot Conceal Strategic Interests By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 14, 2017
Trump Points to Falsehoods in “Russian Hacking” Claims – Media Ignore What He Says By Moon of Alabama, November 14, 2017
Into the Afghan Abyss Again By Prof Alfred McCoy, November 14, 2017
Warrior President Trump: “I Am a Very Good Mediator” By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2017
How Israel and Saudi Arabia Conspire to Seize Control of the Middle East? By Wayne Madsen, November 13, 2017
The U.N Climate Change Conferences and Action by Citizens. The Climate Crisis, A new Source of Corporate Profit? By Wayne Hall, November 13, 2017
NATO Tells Europe: “Prepare for a Russian invasion”. Who Are the Most Dangerous Russians in the World Today? By Marcus Godwyn, November 13, 2017
What Craziness Is Going on in Saudi Arabia? By Eric Margolis, November 13, 2017
Hollywood’s World War II Pro-Soviet Propaganda: The North Star (1943) By Lewis Milestone and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 13, 2017
People Act Where US Fails on Mitigating the Climate Crisis By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, November 13, 2017
Selected Articles: Crisis in the Middle East, “Prelude to Something Bigger” By Global Research News, November 13, 2017
Militarization of the Baltic Sea: Lithuania Anxious to Attract NATO to Use its Klaièpo Sea Port, to Threaten Russia By Adomas Abromaitis, November 13, 2017
Agents of British Influence: Chevening “Scholarships” and Modern Day Imperialism By Joseph Thomas, November 13, 2017
JFK Assassination Records – 2017 Additional Documents Release By National Archives, November 13, 2017
Art of the Deal: Behind Saudi-Lebanon Crisis Is Trump’s Middle East ‘Peace Project’ By Patrick Henningsen, November 13, 2017
A Desultory Election Day in America By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 13, 2017
Nuclear weapon
Trump Begging for Nuclear War on North Korea? The Ravings of a Madman Politician By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2017
Arab States Spent 130 Billion Dollars to Destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM By Press TV, November 13, 2017
The Arctic Silk Road: A Huge Leap Forward for China and Russia By Federico Pieraccini, November 13, 2017
Saudi Authorities Arrested Prince Bandar in Sultan, “The Engineer of the Syrian War” By South Front, November 13, 2017
Selected Articles: Mainstream Media “Fake News”, War Propaganda By Global Research News, November 12, 2017
Should British MPs Including the PM and Foreign Secretary be Lobbyists for Israel, An Undeclared Nuclear-armed State? By Hans Stehling, November 12, 2017
Manipulation: Washington’s New Program to Take on Hungarian Media. Regime Change in Budapest? By Daniel McAdams, November 12, 2017
US Brands RT a “Foreign Agent:” A Chilling Move Against Free Speech By Andre Damon, November 12, 2017
The ISIS-Daesh Killing Field: A Letter from Iraq – Grief, Forgiveness, and 20 Million Pilgrims By Pepe Escobar, November 12, 2017
Setting the Record Straight: The 1984 Beirut Barracks Bombing By Lawrence Korb, November 12, 2017
Trump’s CIA Is Laying the Groundwork for a Devastating War on Iran, with Help from Neocon Think Tank By Ben Norton, November 12, 2017
Retrospect on the Moon-Trump Summit, South Korean Anti-Trump Protests By Zoom in Korea, November 12, 2017
America’s Camp Humphreys Military Base in South Korea: Largest Overseas US Military Facility By Jon Letman, November 12, 2017
Germany Clumsily Admits to Supporting Regime Change in Poland By Andrew Korybko, November 12, 2017
Secret Document: Saudis, Israel Working Together to Provoke War in Lebanon By Joyce Chediac, November 12, 2017
Changing the “War No More” Sentiment of Armistice Day to the War-Glorifying Propaganda of Veterans Day By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 12, 2017
War “Commemorations” and Remembrance Day “Celebrations” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 12, 2017
Trump and Putin Meet at Vietnam APEC Summit: Putin Tells Trump “He Didn’t Meddle”, No Russian US Election Meddling Occurred By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2017
China and the US: Comparing Leadership Selection By Prof. James Petras, November 12, 2017
Veterans Day: Honor the Soldier … Scorn the Chickenhawk By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2017
Clear and Present Dangers: Climate Collapse, Geo-Engineering and the Ozone Hole By Michael Welch, Dane Wigington, and Dahr Jamail, November 12, 2017
US Meddling in 1996 Russian Elections in Support of Boris Yeltsin By Markar Melkonian, November 11, 2017
Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf” By Alfred Heinz, November 11, 2017
Independent Media, A Weapon of Peace and Social Justice By Global Research News, November 11, 2017
Don’t Let Misplaced Concerns over Missiles Jeopardize Iran Deal By Felicity Arbuthnot, Tytti Erästö, and Sina Azodi, November 11, 2017
“Never Again” or “Again and Again”? Syria has been Fighting, and Winning A Just War against Terrorism By Mark Taliano, November 11, 2017
Trump’s Pivot to Asia: An Arms Sales Bonanza, An Anti-Peace Trip By Peter Koenig, November 11, 2017
Robert Mueller Is Moving Toward Donald Trump By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 11, 2017
Mohammed Bin Salman Drains the Saudi Swamp By Andrew Korybko, November 11, 2017
Prohibit US Foreign Aid to Countries Which Oppose America’s Imperial Agenda: Hostile Congressional UN Voting Accountability Act of 2017 By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2017
Let’s Call Western Media Coverage of Syria by Its Real Name: Propaganda By Michael Howard, November 11, 2017
Who Killed President Kennedy and Why? By Oriental Review, November 11, 2017
Muhammd Bin-Salman’s Purge in Saudi Arabia Is the Prelude to Something Bigger By Abdel Bari Atwan, November 11, 2017
Fixations of Propriety: The Refugee Convention and the Manus Closure Scandal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 11, 2017
From Superpower to Incompetence By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11, 2017
The Korean People: We Are Desperately Afraid By Hye min Kim, November 11, 2017
New Mass Resistance as Spanish State Jails Catalan Ministers By Dick Nichols, November 11, 2017
The Israeli Lobby and the British Parliament By Hans Stehling, November 11, 2017
US War
Polluting Paris – How Big Polluters Are Undermining Global Climate Policy By Corporate Europe Observatory, November 11, 2017
FAKE NEWS: BBC criticised for using Iraq 2003 photo to illustrate Syrian massacre By Global Research, November 11, 2017
Fake News Used to Justify All Out War: The Bosnian Serb “Death Camp” Fabrication. Pretext for R2P “Humanitarian Intervention” (1992) in Yugoslavia By Global Research News, November 10, 2017
US Slow-Motion Shutdown of RT and Sputnik? Threat to Free Speech and Independent Media By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2017
Spread the Antiwar Message: Special Offers for Groups & Organizations By Global Research and Global Research, November 10, 2017
Selected Articles: GMO, Glyphosate Herbicide or Genocide? By Global Research News, November 10, 2017
US Justice Department Forces RT America to Register as “Foreign Agent” By Trévon Austin, November 10, 2017
Real Motive Behind Saudi Purge Emerges: $800 Billion in Confiscated Assets By Zero Hedge, November 10, 2017
India’s Demonetization, Modi’s “Economic Emergency” and “Black Money”: What Does that Mean for the Common People By Binu Mathew, November 10, 2017
Did Al Qaeda Dupe Trump on Syrian Attack? By Robert Parry, November 10, 2017
GM Food Crops Illegally Growing in India: The Criminal Plan to Change the Genetic Core of the Nation’s Food System By Colin Todhunter, November 10, 2017
South Korea’s Sunshine Policy: 80 Percent of South Koreans Support Peace and North-South Engagement By Tim Shorrock and Seth Ackerman, November 10, 2017
Councils in UK Invest £16.1 Billion in Fossil Fuels. By Brendan Montague, November 10, 2017
Is Hillary Just the “Fall Guy” for the Intel Agencies and Their Moneybag Bosses? By Mike Whitney, November 10, 2017
US, Sweden, Finland Launch New Format Talks: Dancing to Washington’s Tune By Peter Korzun, November 10, 2017
NATO Wants Europe’s Civilian Infrastructure Ready for War with Russia By RT News, November 10, 2017
Bombshell: Qatar’s Former Prime Minister Says US Funded ISIS By Free West Media, November 10, 2017
U.K. Secretary Priti Patel Resigns – Israel Lobby Mourns the Loss of a Valuable British Asset By Moon of Alabama, November 10, 2017