Latest News and Top Stories

US Military and CIA Leaders May be Investigated for War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 17, 2017
USAID and Wall Street: Conflicts, Coups, and Conquest By Tony Cartalucci, November 17, 2017
Massive Overkill: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation By William D. Hartung, November 17, 2017
“Injecting Aluminum”: The Dangers of Aluminum as a Vaccine Adjuvant By Injecting Aluminum, November 17, 2017
Should Turkey Trust the US? By Anna Jaunger, November 17, 2017
Israel and Saudis: Best of Friends? By Stephen Lendman, November 17, 2017
Killing “Net Neutrality”. Make Your Voice Heard in Support of Internet Freedom of Expression By Free Press, November 17, 2017
Muslim-Sikh Relations in Medieval India: Deconstructing the Orientalist Myth of “Perpetual Communal Conflict” By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, November 17, 2017
Selected Articles: War Crimes as Policy and the Suppression of Dissent By Global Research News, November 17, 2017
UK Government, Shale Gas and Climate Change By Lesley Docksey, November 17, 2017
Crimes of Saudi Arabia and Its Allies in Yemen: Casualties and Damages By Legal Center for Rights and Development, November 17, 2017
UN Anti-Nazi Resolution 10 Year Anniversary: Syria, Israel and North Korea Support It, US Adamantly Opposes It By Carla Stea, November 17, 2017
Grand Renaissance Dam
The Impact of the Saudi Coup on the World Oil Market and China By Dr. Ali Kadri, November 17, 2017
War Crimes as Policy By Mark Taliano, November 17, 2017
Report Urges Congress Require Chinese State Media to Register as Foreign Agents By Stephen Lendman, November 17, 2017
US Sets Its Sights on China’s Xinhua News Agency for Restrictions, Registration as Foreign Agent? By Telesur, November 17, 2017
Another False Flag Terror Admission: Snipers in the 2014 Kiev Maidan “Protests” By Washington's Blog, November 17, 2017
Russia and China Build Up a New Economic Geography By F. William Engdahl, November 17, 2017
A Tale of Two Teams: Australia, Italy and the World Cup By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 17, 2017
Jordan Fears ‘Turmoil’ as Saudis Rush to Embrace Israel By David Hearst, November 17, 2017
Burundi Exits the ICC: An Interview with David Paul Jacobs By David Paul Jacobs and Ann Garrison, November 17, 2017
Russia-gate Spreads to Europe By Robert Parry, November 17, 2017
Uncontacted People Still Being Massacred in Amazonia By Lewis Evans, November 17, 2017
New York Times: Great Paper. Great Propaganda Organ By Edward S. Herman, November 16, 2017
Will Ukraine Cut Diplomatic Relations with Russia? Will Kiev Resume Military Operations against Donbass? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 16, 2017
How Pseudo-leftists Explain the Failure of the ‘Syrian Revolution’ By Prof. Tim Anderson, November 16, 2017
Remembering Edward Herman, Explains the Role of Media Propaganda in Justifying War By Stephen Lendman, November 16, 2017
Will Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chief Scott Pruitt Abandon Duty to Protect American Children from Dangerous Pesticides? By Sonya Lunder, November 16, 2017
The Catalonia Independence Movement By Josep Maria Antentas and Dan La Botz, November 16, 2017
Joint Statement by the President of the United States and the President of the Russian Federation By Pres. Donald Trump and Pres. Vladimir Putin, November 16, 2017
Nearly 4,000 US Communities Have High Rates of Child Lead Poisoning By Jerry White, November 16, 2017
US Received No Permission from the UN to Intervene in Syria Despite Their False Claim. Russian Foreign Ministry By Paul Antonopoulos, November 16, 2017
Libya’s Slave Auctions and African Genocide: What Hillary Knew By Zero Hedge, November 16, 2017
Rural Nepal Tackles Climate Change with Green Schemes By Robyn Wilson, November 16, 2017
The Internet Crackdown Begins: U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook and Twitter to Censor Political Speech By Michael Snyder, November 16, 2017
EU Anti-“Fake News” Authority Prepares Mass Censorship By Alex Lantier, November 16, 2017
Video: Al Qaeda Launched its Advance against Syrian SAA Forces. Fierce Fighting Erupts in Eastern Ghouta By South Front, November 16, 2017
‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ – Michael Fallon, Yemen, and the ‘Mainstream’ That Is Anything But By Media Lens, November 16, 2017
Mugabe and the Non-Coup Coup in Zimbabwe By Moon of Alabama, November 16, 2017
Empire of Cards By Philip A Farruggio, November 16, 2017
The US Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran. Why is Washington So Deeply Concerned about Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East? By Farhad Shahabi, November 16, 2017
Industrial America, Managerialism and the “Fordist Academic” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 16, 2017
Russian MPs Pass Foreign Agent Bill for Media in ‘Mirror Response’ to US By RT News, November 16, 2017
Revealed – Saudis Plan to Give Up Palestine – For War on Iran By Moon of Alabama, November 16, 2017
Special Counsel Investigation Into Clinton Foundation Fraudulent Operations? By Stephen Lendman, November 16, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Turns Al Qaeda Militants Back in Northern Hama By South Front, November 16, 2017
Saudi Arabia Regional and Global Linkages By Prof. James Petras, November 16, 2017
U.S. and African Union (AMISOM) Troops Targeted in Bomb Attacks in Somalia By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 16, 2017
Trump in Asia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 16, 2017
The Dark Side of the Empire By Philip A Farruggio, November 15, 2017
Syria’s Eastern Ghouta: Catastrophic Situation or Heinous Disinformation Campaign? By Sophie Mangal, November 15, 2017
“Unfriendly Relations” with Russia, American Imperialism and the Dangers of Nuclear War: Trump and the Wolfowitz Doctrine By Deena Stryker, November 15, 2017
Truth, Propaganda and Corruption: Donna Brazile and the Downfall of the Democratic Party By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 15, 2017
Video: Evolving Middle East Crisis, Israel, Saudi Arabia Setting Preconditions for War with Hezbollah By South Front, November 15, 2017
Thank You, Ed Herman, Tireless Champion of Peace By Diana Johnstone, November 15, 2017
Edward S. Herman: Master of Dissent (1925–2017) By Jeff Cohen, November 15, 2017
Hearts and Minds By Philip A Farruggio, November 15, 2017
The Economic Implications of Trump’s Trade and Tax Policies By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, November 15, 2017
How to Instantly Prove (Or Disprove) Russian Hacking of U.S. Election By Washington's Blog, November 15, 2017
Why Are Police in the USA So Terrified? National Crisis: The Routine Killing of Innocent Civilians by the Police By Robert J. Burrowes, November 15, 2017
America’s “Killing Fields” in Yemen: Children are Dying, Engineered Starvation, US Enforced Blockade on Food and Medicine By William Boardman, November 15, 2017
The Expensive Affirmation: Australia Says Yes to Same Sex Marriage By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 15, 2017
US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia, Phnom Penh Strengthens its Ties with Beijing By Tony Cartalucci, November 15, 2017
Selected Articles: US-ROK Military Threats Are Provocations for Nuclear War By Global Research News, November 15, 2017
Lebanon: The Next Battleground of Saudi Arabia? By Sami Karimi, November 15, 2017
Trump’s Asia Tour Leaves Region on Brink of Trade War and Military Conflict By James Cogan, November 15, 2017
U.K Prime Minister May Deploys Anti-Russian Propaganda to Distract from Brexit Crisis By Julie Hyland, November 15, 2017
America’s “Righteous” Russia-gate Censorship. “Russia Bashing All the Time” By Robert Parry, November 15, 2017
Reinventing the World Social Forum? The Corporate Funding of Social Activism By Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 15, 2017
Flu Shots, Fosamax and Pharmaceutical Fakery: The Common Use of Misleading and Deceptive Statistics By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 14, 2017
Syria: Media Disinformation Campaign, Blaming Assad for Alleged Famine in Terrorist-Held East Ghouta, Fake Accounts, Photos By Sophie Mangal, November 14, 2017
Anarchy in Eritrea’s Capital Asmara: Regime Change Riots or Fake News Fabrication? By Andrew Korybko, November 14, 2017
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity on Planet Earth’s Ecosystems: A Second Notice By William J. Ripple and Christopher Wolf, November 14, 2017
Saudi-Israeli Collusion? Is Israel Seeking Role as Leader of the Sunni Bloc? By Jonathan Cook, November 14, 2017
Syria War Report: ISIS Conducts Suicide Attempt to Seize Back Al-Bukamal By South Front, November 14, 2017
Trident Nuclear Safety Reports Suppressed by British Ministry of Defence By Rob Edwards, November 14, 2017
Will America Survive Washington? Is the US Preparing a Nuclear First Strike on Russia? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 14, 2017
Israel Lobby Is Slowly Being Dragged into the Light By Jonathan Cook, November 14, 2017
US Neglects the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants in Europe By Vladimir Odintsov, November 14, 2017
Yemen – Having Lost the War Saudis Try Genocide – Media Complicit By Moon of Alabama, November 14, 2017