Latest News and Top Stories

Israel Responds to Defeat of Islamist Rebels in Syria with Threat of Wider Regional War By Jean Shaoul, November 26, 2017
Terror Attack on Egyptian Mosque Kills at Least 235 Worshippers By Niles Niemuth, November 26, 2017
Foreign Policy Blues: The Australian Foreign Policy White Paper By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 26, 2017
Syria War, Sochi Peace By Pepe Escobar, November 26, 2017
PLO Office in Washington to Remain Open if Palestinians Engage in ‘Meaningful Negotiations with Israel,’ US Sources By Ahram Online, November 26, 2017
Egypt Has Enemies. Massacre at Bir al-Abed Mosque By Steven Sahiounie, November 26, 2017
Russia Responds: Putin Signs ‘Foreign Agents’ Media Bill into Law By Zero Hedge, November 26, 2017
Pentagon to Admit to 2,000 Troops in Syria, Number Likely Far Higher By Jason Ditz, November 26, 2017
CNN Breaks Story on Slave Trade in Libya; French Government Voices Concern for African Migrants By Gerald A. Perreira, November 26, 2017
Libya: A New False Dawn By Richard Galustian, November 26, 2017
Twenty-two Reasons Why UK Prime Minister Theresa May Should Not be a Lobbyist for a State [ Israel ] Which Rejects UNSC Resolutions By Hans Stehling, November 26, 2017
The Duty to Disobey a Nuclear Launch Order By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 26, 2017
Russia’s Foreign Agent Media Law By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2017
Trump and Erdogan Spoke by Phone: US to Stop Arming Syria YPG Kurds? By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2017
Global Politics, Global Security and the History of International Relations (IR). The Role of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia (1648) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, November 25, 2017
US-DPRK: How the US “Observed” the 1994 “Agreed Framework” By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, November 25, 2017
One Year Later, Fidel’s Thinking on Cuba-U.S. Relations Still Principal Guide By Arnold August, November 25, 2017
Survival? Symptoms of Breakdown By Media Lens, November 25, 2017
Remembering Fidel a Year after His Passing By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2017
Balkanization. The Nation-State: Post-Mortem By Andrew Korybko, November 25, 2017
Video: ISIS Defeated? US Forces Remain “Illegally” in Syria to Oppose Iran By South Front, November 25, 2017
White House Support for Aggression and Blockade of Yemen. Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis. The International Community Remains Silent By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2017
US and South Korea Announce Plans for Massive Air Force Exercise Aimed at North Korea By Common Dreams, November 25, 2017
Wall Street’s Border Wall. How Five Firms Stand to Benefit Financially from Anti-Immigrant Policy By, November 25, 2017
The Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV): Another Case for Adopting the Precautionary Principle By Chemical Concern, November 25, 2017
The “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine By Oriental Review, November 25, 2017
The FCC’s Order Is Out: It Will End Net Neutrality and Break the Internet. We’ve Read It, and Here’s What You Need to Know By Matt Wood and Gaurav Laroia, November 25, 2017
Violence against Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Manus Island and the Clearing of Lombrom Naval Base By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25, 2017
Sudan Is Indispensable to China’s Silk Road Vision for Africa By Andrew Korybko, November 25, 2017
“Colonial Reparations” to the Caribbean. Plunder, Slavery and Genocide of the Native People By Colonialism Reparation, November 25, 2017
Video. 9/11 Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out, 9/11 Evidence and NIST By AE911Truth, November 25, 2017
Who Rigs Elections? Russia or the USA? By John W. Warnock, November 25, 2017
Quebec Independence: National Struggle and Class Struggle, Complementary or Contradictory? By André Frappier and Richard Fidler, November 24, 2017
Winning the Peace in Syria: The Nation’s Greatest Challenge By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2017
Devastation of Ancestral Lands in Peru’s Amazon. 6000 Hectares of Forests Destroyed, Converted to Palm Oil Plantations By Forest Peoples Programme, November 24, 2017
Kremlin Instructs Russian Industry to Prepare for War Mobilization By Alex Lantier, November 24, 2017
Is Trump Rehearsing for War on North Korea? Given His “Rage for War”, Even the Unthinkable is Possible By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2017
US Expands Military Offensive in Somalia By Eddie Haywood, November 24, 2017
Translated Doc Debunks Narrative of Al Qaeda-Iran ‘Alliance’ By Gareth Porter, November 24, 2017
Will the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Be Kept Beyond Its 30th Anniversary? By Vladimir Kozin, November 24, 2017
The Hidden Truth About Ukraine, Kiev Euromaidan Snipers Kill Demonstrators. Italian Documentary Bombshell Evidence By Oriental Review, November 24, 2017
Selected Articles: Unrelenting Propagation of “Fake News” By Global Research News, November 24, 2017
A “Peace Train” is Rolling Through Syria… By Mark Taliano, November 24, 2017
Revolutionary Activist Shakti Yogmaya in Nepal’s Grade Ten Schoolbooks! By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 24, 2017
Misleading Map of Israel Raises Questions About BBC Impartiality, Erases Palestine Completely By Amena Saleem, November 24, 2017
Fidel Castro: The Eternal Flame, the Most Extraordinary of Revolutionaries By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 24, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Liberates Dozen Villages in Euphrates Valley By South Front, November 24, 2017
Unorthodoxy in Russia. The Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church By Marcus Papadopoulos, November 24, 2017
‘It Is NATO Court!’ Former Bosnian Serb Commander Mladic Slams UN Court that Gave Him Life Sentence By RT News, November 24, 2017
Venice and Lombardy: Why Is the Request for Independence Growing? By Giulietto Chiesa, November 24, 2017
The Extent of Foreign Interference in the Affairs of the U.K. Government by Lobbyists is not “Democratic Governance” By Hans Stehling, November 24, 2017
The Objective of the US Is to Weaken and Destroy Syria: Prof. Tim Anderson By Prof. Tim Anderson and Sputnik, November 24, 2017
American Mercenaries Torturing Saudi Elites Rounded Up by Crown Prince, Blackwater Is Allegedly involved? By Daily Mail, November 23, 2017
BBC Backs Report that Omitted Killings of Palestinians During Gaza Truce By Amena Saleem, November 23, 2017
Israel’s Military Detention of Palestinian Children. Motion against Israel in Britain’s Parliament By Middle East Monitor, November 23, 2017
Srebrenica: Ratko Mladic’s Sham Trial and Conviction By Stephen Lendman, November 23, 2017
No Thanks for Thanksgiving Under Trump By Stephen Lendman, November 23, 2017
Britain: Industrial Diversification and the Civilian Economy instead of Trident and Arms Exports By, November 23, 2017
US Bombing of Afghanistan Up by 300 Percent By Bill Van Auken, November 23, 2017
The History of Yugoslavia: Srebrenica and the Ratko Mladić Verdict By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 23, 2017
Translated Doc Debunks Narrative of Al Qaeda-Iran ‘Alliance’ By Gareth Porter, November 23, 2017
From an Open Internet, Back to the Dark Ages By Jonathan Cook, November 23, 2017
US Sanctions Against North Korea Target China By Peter Symonds, November 23, 2017
How Good Are Competing Palm Oil Certification Systems at Respecting Human Rights and Social Values? By Forest Peoples Programme, November 23, 2017
Pakistan in An Emerging Multipolar World: ASGA Strategy for the Afro-Pacific By Andrew Korybko, November 23, 2017
Petroyuan and Saudi Arabia: From the Temptation of US “Military QE” to the Creation of a Middle East 3.0 By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), November 23, 2017
The US-led Coalition’s Air War in Iraq: Undercounting the Civilian Dead By Paul R. Pillar, November 22, 2017
Does Hydraulic Fracking Trigger Earthquakes? Officials Caught Forcing Scientist to Alter Findings to Cover Up Earthquake Fracking Link By John Vibes, November 22, 2017
Crimes against Humanity: US-backed Saudi Blockade Deprives 2.5 Million Yemenis of Clean Water By Bill Van Auken, November 22, 2017
“Artworks for Peace”: Support Global Research By Global Research and Global Research, November 22, 2017
Trump’s FCC Chairman to End “Net Neutrality”. The Plan to “Kill Digital Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, November 22, 2017
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Only in America… The Media’s Coverage of “Sexual Harassment of Women by Powerful Men” By Deena Stryker, November 22, 2017
Doomsday Scenarios: The UK’s Hair-Raising Admissions About the Prospect of Nuclear War and Accident By T.J. Coles, November 22, 2017
Peace in Syria? When and Under What Circumstances. Will Washington Admit Defeat? By Stephen Lendman, November 22, 2017
Huge Implications of Russia’s Northern Sea Route. An Alternative to the Suez Canal? By F. William Engdahl, November 22, 2017
Angela Merkel’s Disastrous Failed Policies for Germany By Hans Stehling, November 22, 2017
Russia in Syria – Military ‘Failure’ Sets Off Intense Diplomacy By Moon of Alabama, November 22, 2017
Boy, Is This Stupid or What? Shambles of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East By Philip Giraldi, November 22, 2017
Robert Mugabe Resigns as President of Zimbabwe By Chris Marsden, November 22, 2017
Selected Articles: The Complicity of Warmongers By Global Research News, November 22, 2017