Latest News and Top Stories

Spanish Options to Thaw a Frozen Conflict in Catalonia By Adam Garrie, December 23, 2017
Treason: Presidential Candidates Successfully Conspired with Foreign Leaders to Thwart Official U.S. Policy and Drag Out War By Washington's Blog, December 23, 2017
Video: OVERCAST: An Investigation into Climate Engineering, Chemtrails and Weather Warfare By Matthias Hancke, December 23, 2017
Drug Deaths Drive Down US Life Expectancy for Second Year By Eric London, December 23, 2017
Dickens’ Christmas Carol: Where Is Marley’s Ghost… This Christmas, When We Really Need Him? By Philip A Farruggio, December 23, 2017
Understanding North Korea By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, December 23, 2017
Normalising Uber, Misleading Practice. Ruling of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23, 2017
Saudi-US Aggression Targets and Destroys Yemen’s Cultural Heritage By Yemenpress, December 23, 2017
US Suspends Support for Free Syrian Army, Shuts Down Operation Rooms in Turkey and Jordan: Report By South Front, December 23, 2017
Release Political Prisoners in South Korea By The Korean Committee to Save the Victims of ‘Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki Insurrection Conspiracy Case', December 23, 2017
US Intimidating UN Member States, “Al Capone Style” By Vladimir Odintsov, December 23, 2017
Selected Articles: The Future of Palestine in the Aftermath of the UN Resolution? By Global Research News, December 22, 2017
Pro-Independence Parties Keep Majority Control over Catalan Parliament By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2017
Nations of the World at UN Humiliate Trump with Massive Vote for Palestinians By Prof. Juan Cole, December 22, 2017
U.S. Lifts the Ban on Funding “The Creation of Lethal Viruses” By Elisabeth Eaves, December 22, 2017
US Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map By South Front, December 22, 2017
Pakistan Plans Replacing U.S. Dollar with Yuan in Trade with China By Zero Hedge, December 22, 2017
A History of UN General Assembly Resolutions on Israel-Palestine By Alex McDonald, December 22, 2017
Iran and Turkey: Not an Alliance but an Incredibly Meaningful Partnership By Adam Garrie, December 22, 2017
How the US Swindled Russia in the Early 1990s By Eric Zuesse, December 22, 2017
Canada’s UN General Assembly Vote on Jerusalem. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 22, 2017
UN Jerusalem Vote Postmortems. US Bullying and Threats By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2017
Draining Ottawa’s Foreign Policy Swamp By Yves Engler, December 22, 2017
The Trump National Security Doctrine in a Regional Context By Andrew Korybko, December 22, 2017
North Korea Is Not a Threat to Humanity. The US and Its Allies Are Infinitely More Dangerous. By Mark Taliano, December 22, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Forces Besiege Key Al Qaeda Strongpoint in Southern Idlib By South Front, December 22, 2017
The ABCs of Trump’s Political Demise By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, December 22, 2017
The Pentagon Black Budget: $21 Trillion Dollars Gone Missing By Catherine Austin Fitts, December 22, 2017
When Police Kill White People By Margaret Kimberley, December 22, 2017
The Witch Hunt against “Russia Collaborators” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 22, 2017
Mattis: North Korean Missiles Not a ‘Capable Threat’ Against US By Jason Ditz, December 22, 2017
UN General Assembly Rejects Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2017
The Death of Academic Freedom: Prof James Tracy Denied First Amendment Rights by Federal Court By Vivian Lee, December 21, 2017
“Russiagate” Is Actually “Israelgate”: Trump as “Agent of Israel”, Not of Russia? By Eric Zuesse, December 21, 2017
US and Israel versus the World on Jerusalem By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2017
EU “Restoring” Ties with Thailand Symbolic, Foreign Interference Will Continue By Joseph Thomas, December 21, 2017
Pyongyang Rejects Biological Weapons Rumors, Accuses US of Fabricating Pretext for Attack By RT News, December 21, 2017
Netanyahu’s Failed Project to Build “A Greater Israel” By Hans Stehling, December 21, 2017
US Congress Passes Tax Windfall for Corporations and the Rich By Barry Grey, December 21, 2017
Will Washington Attack North Korea? By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2017
Bitcoin Speculation Continues to Surge. Chicago CME Exchange Trading in “Bitcoin Futures” By Nick Beams, December 21, 2017
Brexit Lobby Meetings Dominated by Big Business, Civil Society Marginalised By True Publica, December 21, 2017
“Build a New Social and Economic System with Human Rights and Justice at its Core”. Jeremy Corbyn By Jeremy Corbyn, December 21, 2017
Military Investors Await Profits – Canada Pushing Ukraine Toward War By Rusvesna, December 21, 2017
Journeying to Korea’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 21, 2017
Russia and China Challenge US Dollar Domination By F. William Engdahl, December 21, 2017
Whose and What Agenda does the Russia-gate Yarn Serve? By Phil Rockstroh, December 21, 2017
House Democrats Vote to Block Consideration of Trump Impeachment By William Boardman, December 21, 2017
It’s Time for Pakistan to Join the Eurasian Development Bank By Andrew Korybko, December 21, 2017
What Is The Guardian Afraid of When Attacking Honest Syria Reporters? By Adam Garrie, December 21, 2017
Who to Believe on Washington’s Korea Policy, Tillerson or Trump? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 21, 2017
Trump’s National Security Strategy: The Return of “Great Power” Military Conflict By Bill Van Auken, December 21, 2017
Full Disclosure: “US in Grave Danger.” Paul Hellyer By Hon. Paul Hellyer, December 21, 2017
Cloaked in Conspiracy: Overview of JFK Files Reopens Door to Coup d’état Claims and Cold War Era False Flag Terror By Shawn Helton, December 20, 2017
Finance and Business: Enemies of Sustainable Development? By Prof. Jacques Prescott, December 20, 2017
Let’s Unite and Demonstrate the True Meaning of Christmas. Helping the Poor, Healing the Environment By Adam Parsons, December 20, 2017
Questioning the Russia-gate “Motive”. “McCarthyism and Anti-Russian Hysteria” By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, December 20, 2017
Selected Articles: Swing to the Right in Latin America and South Africa By Global Research News, December 20, 2017
Urgent: Hassan Diab Needs Your Help! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, December 20, 2017
South Africa’s ANC’s “Internal Presidential Elections”: Ramaphosa Rises as Lonmin Expires; Workers, Women and Communities Prepare to Fight, Not Mourn By Prof. Patrick Bond, December 20, 2017
US Congress Set for Wednesday Passage of Multi-trillion-dollar Tax Cut for the Rich By Barry Grey, December 20, 2017
Latin America: The Political Pendulum Swings to the Right By Prof. James Petras, December 20, 2017
On Hanukkah 2017, Light a Candle for Palestine! By Rima Najjar, December 20, 2017
The Bitcoin Bubble By Roy Morrison, December 20, 2017
Trump’s National Security Speech By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 20, 2017
UN General Assembly to Vote on Rescinding Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2017
Washington Threatens to Ignite the Korean Peninsula Tinderbox By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2017
What Did Washington Achieve in Its Six Year War on Syria? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 20, 2017
How Washington Found Itself in Bed with ISIS By Alexander Orlov, December 20, 2017
Flawed US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Analysis Rejects Finding that Glyphosate Is a Probable Carcinogen By Center For Biological Diversity, December 19, 2017
The War on Yugoslavia, Kosovo “Self-Determination” and EU-NATO Support of KLA Terrorists By Živadin Jovanović, December 19, 2017
Hungary-Ukraine Relations: Transcarpathia and the “Western Front” By Andrew Korybko, December 19, 2017
Michel Chossudovsky in Toronto, December 19: North Korea and the Danger of Nuclear War By Global Research News, December 19, 2017
Pesticide Suicide. “Toxic Planet” By Robert Hunziker, December 19, 2017
Communists Sweep the Nepali Elections, a Blow to the Establishment Parties By Prof. Vijay Prashad, December 19, 2017
Right-wing Extremists Enter Government in Austria By Markus Salzmann, December 19, 2017
Political Warfare Escalates over Mueller Investigation into Trump-Russia Claims By Patrick Martin, December 19, 2017
Team Trump Add Insult to Injury for the Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, December 19, 2017
Trump Unveils “America First” National Security Strategy By Bill Van Auken, December 19, 2017
Deaths in Raqqa as a Result of Mines Left Behind by ISIS By Al Shahid, December 19, 2017