Latest News and Top Stories

Trump Preparing to Diplomatically Recognize Kurdish Control over Huge Swathe of Syria – Report By Paul Antonopoulos, January 08, 2018
How the Washington Post Became the US Military-Industrial Complex’s Chief Propagandist By Eric Zuesse, January 08, 2018
Afghan Refugees Feeling the Heat as US-Pakistan Geopolitical Tensions Rise By Ali Mohsin, January 08, 2018
Breitbart Billionaire Board Bashes Steve Bannon. The Traditional Elite vs. The Right Populist Challengers By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 08, 2018
The landmark handshake between Juan Manuel Santos and Timoshenko, with two helping hands from Cuban President Raul Castro. (Justice for Colombia).
170 Social Leaders Killed in Colombia in 2017: Report By Telesur, January 08, 2018
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America By Washington's Blog, January 08, 2018
Free Syrian Army Commanders Visit Washington – Reports By South Front, January 08, 2018
Week in Review: Marijuana Politics, Offshore Drilling, Regime Change in Iran By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 08, 2018
Will Trump Use “Human Rights” to Kill the Iran Nukes Deal? By Mike Whitney, January 08, 2018
Video: Al Qaeda Rebels Retreat from Syria’s Southern Idlib By South Front, January 08, 2018
Trump’s Failed Coup in Iran By Eric Margolis, January 08, 2018
North Korea and South Korea Are Threatening to Seek Peace By William Boardman, January 08, 2018
GMOs, Global Agribusiness and the Destruction of Choice By Colin Todhunter, January 08, 2018
America’s “Cell Phone War” against China: HuaWei CFO Meng Wanzhou Held Hostage by Canada By Christopher Black, January 07, 2018
Ukraine’s Future Nazi Leader? By Oriental Review, January 07, 2018
The UN Security Council’s Brutal Sanctions Regime against North Korea: Hands Off North Korea By Mobilization Against War & Occupation, January 07, 2018
Global Cooling is Here By Prof. Don J. Easterbrook, January 07, 2018
“Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House” By Seyed Hossein Mousavian, January 07, 2018
Democrats’ Russiagate Smear Campaign By Nellie Bailey and Glen Ford, January 07, 2018
Selected Articles: Unstable Geopolitics in Asia and the Middle East By Global Research News, January 07, 2018
Yes, Palestinians Teach Their Children to Hate the Jewish State By Rima Najjar, January 07, 2018
Iran and the Left: A Dissenting View By Reza Fiyouzat, January 07, 2018
China’s Tibet Health Success versus Passive Mass Murder of Afghan Women and Children by US Alliance By Gideon Polya, January 07, 2018
2017 Year in Review. The Most Censored International, Indigenous and Canadian Stories. By Michael Welch, Andy Lee Roth, and John Schertow, January 06, 2018
Unstable Geopolitics, Pakistan’s Alliance with China: Trump’s Backlash against Pakistan Reveals the Dawn of a Disputed 2018 Year By Sami Karimi, January 06, 2018
American Polynesia, Rising Seas and Relocation By Laray Polk, January 06, 2018
US Military
Birth of an Insurgency: The US-Israeli “Secret Deal” to Manipulate Protests in Iran By Whitney Webb, January 06, 2018
National Improved Medicare for All Making Progress. Medicare for Everone By Margaret Flowers, January 06, 2018
Student Debt Slavery II: Time to Level the Playing Field By Ellen Brown, January 06, 2018
‘Focus’ on the Neo Nazi Revival By Philip A Farruggio, January 06, 2018
Pakistan’s Asymmetrical Response to Trump Is a Clever Way to Flip the Tables on Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, January 06, 2018
How the Mainstream Media Whitewashed Al-Qaeda and the White Helmets in Syria By Eva Bartlett, January 06, 2018
Iran in 2018 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2018
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship By World Socialist Web Site, January 06, 2018
How Canada Can Lead North Korean Peace Talks at Vancouver Summit By Christopher Black and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, January 06, 2018
Don’t Get Too Excited About the Protests in Iran By Stephen Kinzer, January 06, 2018
US Suspending Aid to Pakistan Benefits China and Russia By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2018
Governments and Corporations Escalate Internet Censorship and Attacks on Free Speech By Andre Damon, January 06, 2018
Selected Articles: Nuclear Buttons versus Korean Diplomacy By Global Research News, January 06, 2018
Mapping a World from Hell: 76 Countries Are Now Involved in Washington’s War on Terror By Tom Engelhardt, January 05, 2018
Trapped in Zurich and Waiting for Belgrade. The Invisible JU 373 Air Serbia Flight By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05, 2018
Climate Change: Saving the Planet, Saving Ourselves By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, January 05, 2018
The Prospect of Nuclear War with North Korea. It’s Not Just Trump By Tim Shorrock and Daniel Denvir, January 05, 2018
Parallel Worlds: Trump, Nuclear Buttons and Korean Diplomacy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05, 2018
The People in Charge of the US Military By Adam Dick, January 05, 2018
North and South Korea to Hold Talks By Stephen Lendman, January 05, 2018
Social Media: Censored, Blocked, Suspended. Expect Even Less Freedom of the Internet in 2018 By Philip Giraldi, January 05, 2018
Why There Won’t be a Revolution in Iran By Pepe Escobar, January 05, 2018
Trump Administration Releases Plan to Recklessly Expand Drilling off America’s Coasts By Sierra Club, January 05, 2018
Analysis of Kim Jong-un’s New Year Address, Nuclear Doctrine, The Prospect for Peace in Korea? By Hyun Lee, January 05, 2018
Bannon Attack on Trump White House Fuels Washington Political Warfare By Patrick Martin, January 05, 2018
Iran at a Dangerous Crossroads By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2018
What Would Happen if Trump Were to Cut Funding to the U.N. Palestinian Refugee Programme? By Yara Hawari, January 05, 2018
Father Daniel in Syria: “There Never Was a Popular Uprising in Syria” By Fr Daniel Maes, January 05, 2018
Trump Threatens North Korea with Nuclear War. My Nuclear Button is Bigger and it Works By Peter Symonds, January 04, 2018
Giving War Too Many Chances By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 04, 2018
Yemen Is Today’s Guernica By Dr. Cesar Chelala, January 04, 2018
The Donald Trump – Steve Bannon Feud. “Fire and Fury Inside the Trump White House” By Stephen Lendman, January 04, 2018
To Honor Albert Camus on the Day He Died: January 4, 1960 By Edward Curtin, January 04, 2018
Trump Nuking North Korea Would “Make America Great Again”? Trump is a Modern-day Machiavelli Who doesn’t Care about Morals and Ethics By Andrew Korybko, January 04, 2018
Iranian Protests: U.S. Meddling and the Deep State’s Unfinished Business By Tony Cartalucci, January 04, 2018
Medical Evacuations in Syria, Deal between Syrian Government and the Terrorists By Steven Sahiounie, January 03, 2018
Grass Roots Democracy in Vermont: The Birth of Burlington’s Neighborhood Assemblies By Greg Guma, January 03, 2018
Jewish Identity Politics and the Struggle to Liberate Palestine By Rima Najjar, January 03, 2018
The Psyops Manual the CIA Gave to Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers By Jared Keller, January 03, 2018
Art and Culture: The Oppression of Bleakness. Ilya and Emilia Kababov at London’s Tate Modern By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2018
US-based Human Rights Foundation’s Ultimate Aim: To Use ‘Soft Power’ to Bring Down the North Korean Regime By Civilisation 3000, January 03, 2018
Syria Redux in Iran? By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2018
The Imperialist Logic of Trump’s Tax Bill. The Economic-Military Agenda By Raymond Lotta, January 03, 2018
North and South Korea Propose to Hold Talks. DPRK To Participate in Olympic Games? By Peter Symonds, January 03, 2018
Selected Articles: Iran War: “Color Revolution” as First Step? By Global Research News, January 03, 2018
Trumpeting Hostility Toward Pakistan By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2018
As North and South Korea Reciprocate Offers of Talks, Trump Responds: “I Too Have a Nuclear Button” By Telesur, January 03, 2018
Trump Threatens to Cut US Funding for Palestinian Refugees By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2018
Dispelling the Iranian Terrorism Myth By Dr. M. Reza Behnam, January 03, 2018
Trump to Move US Embassy in 2018 By IMEMC, January 03, 2018
Gangs, Race and Melbourne By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2018
Ana Belén Montes at Year’s End. 16 Years in a US Jail. Silenced for Saying the Truth about US Foreign Policy By Prof Susan Babbitt, January 03, 2018
Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017 By Days of Palestine, January 03, 2018
Israeli Raids and Violence: Crowded West Bank Refugee Camp Is the Most Tear-gassed Place in the World By Sheren Khalel, January 03, 2018